Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Is Allah not suffices absolutely for His sincere allegiant [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam],
and they threaten you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] by those other than Him. [Same pronouncement in same words in
13:33;39:23,;40:33]o And Whomever Allah causes to be exposed/lets him remain in neglectfully straying/ wandering/ indifferent, then for this reason for him there is none from guiding one. [39:36]
And whom Allah guides thereat there is none for him from amongst the divagating ones.
[similar pronouncement in
3:04;5:95;14:47]o Is Allah with the Dominance/sovereignty not the Authority to award due punishment to criminals. [39:37]
[Same information in same words in
29:61;31:25;43:09] And if you ask them as to who created the Skies and the Earth
[Same information in same words in
29:61,63;31:25] they will certainly answer "Allah did it". You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Have you then seen/given it a thought that, those which you people call upon other than Allah,
[Read with
if Allah decided for inflicting upon me distress/adversity
[Read with
35:02] or if He intended Mercy for me, would those feminine named [associates of you people] be capable to cause for holding back His Mercy?"
[Twice he was told
8:62,64; twice he said it
9:129] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Allah suffices for me,
[Similar pronouncement in
12:67;14:12]o upon Him the ones who entrust to others should place reliance and dependence" [39:38]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
6:135] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "O my nation! you perform deliberate acts at your places/of your choice/wish, I will keep performing my work, [read with 11:93,121]
[Same pronouncement in same words
7:123;11:39;16:55;30:34;39:39]o then/for reason soon you people will know. [39:39]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
11:39] who is the one upon whom comes the infliction which will humiliate him; and the perpetuating/ enduring infliction will become permissible/obligatory upon him". [Similar pronouncement in 3:03;4:105,170;5:48;6:05;16:102;23:70;29:68;37:37;39:02,41;42:17;43:78;50:05] Indeed We have since gradually sent to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], The Book as/containing Statement of Fact for the living people, [Similar pronouncement in
27:92;17:15] Therefore/in response [the Qur'aan having reached to him] whoever is guided then undoubtedly he guides/leads on the way for his own self. [Same pronouncement in same words in
10:108;17:15] And the person who remained neglectful/indifferent [towards Grand Qur'aan] then indeed strays/ neglects upon own self;
[Same information in same words
6:107;39:41;42:06; similar
17:54]o And you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] are not for them/humanity responsible/advocate/disposer of affairs/caretaker. [He pronounced it 6:66;10:108] [39:41]
[Read with
81:07] Allah makes the persons [real entity that holds will and decision] to segregate/alienate their selves [from the corpses] at the time of their death; [Read with
6:60] and the person [real entity that holds will and decision in the body] who has not yet died Allah makes it to segregate/alienate itself [from the company/control/will and freedom of action of its own body, and other people] during its sleeps. For reason/thereat He causes to be held back that self of a person upon whom He has decreed the death [during sleep] [Read with
6:60] and He causes to be sent back the other one [after sleep revives the will and freedom of action] until the determined duration/time reaches the appointed moment.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
with singular noun in
16:11,69]]o Indeed in these are evident/visible/tangible/demonstrative signs/information for people to incline themselves to recognize/reflect/differentiate and analyze objectively without overlapping with emotions/conjectures/whims/preconceived notions to arrive at purpose of creation. [39:42] [Read with
19:87] Have they apart from Allah adopted/presumed at their own as possessor/holders of permission for intercession/pleading/recommendation? o You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "Even [would you presume this] though they were not holding/possessing any thing and nor they had intellect/faculty to differentiate" [39:43] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "It is solely and exclusively for Allah to grant permission for the intercession. [Same pronouncement in same words in
2:107;5:40;7:158;9:116;25:02;43:85;57:02,5;85:09] for Him is the Dominion and Sovereignty of the Skies and the Earth; [Same information in same words in
[Same advice in same words in 3:26] You say, "O Allah; [Same pronouncement in same words in
12:101; similar
6:14;14:10;35:01;39:46;42:11] You are the Primal Originator/Creator of the Skies and the Earth; [Same information in same words in 6:73;13:09;32:06;59:22;64:18; Similar 9:94,105;23:92;39:46;62:08] The Knower of what is invisible/non perceivable and visible/perceivable for the creatures; You will adjudge between Your created ones in that which they kept mutually differing/opposing". [39:46] [Similar information in 2:113;10:93;16:124;32:25;39:03;45:17] And had it been for those who did wrong to have whatever wealth is in the Earth collectively and like of it with them so that they could offer as compensation/fine/recompense for remission [Similar pronouncement in 5:36;6:70;13:18; 57:15;70:11-14] of punishment on the Day of Judgment [it would not have been accepted from them].
[Read with
6:28]o And from Allah it is made apparent/exposed for them [on perusing the written record book] about which they at their own used not to take account; [39:47] [Same information in
45:33] and it is made apparent/exposed for them [on perusing the written record book] the evil deeds which they earned/accomplished, [Same pronouncement in same words in
11:08;16:34;40:83;45:33;46:26]o and they will be hemmed with that about which they consciously adopted a non serious jesting attitude keeping themselves playful with. [39:48] [Same pronouncement in
30:33;39:08] For reason [knows who can help] when economic adversity has touched the man he called upon Us
[Same pronouncement in
33:33;39:08] Afterwards when We made him affluent with bounty from Us; [Same boasting in
28:78] he said, "I have been given all that only because of the knowledge I have". No, that is not true, the fact of the matter is that it is given for liquefying trial for exposure of his true self; [Same pronouncement in same words in
6:37;7:131;8:34;10:55;28:13,57;44:39;52:47]o but the fact is that most of them do not know/intend to understand. [39:49] Indeed the same boisterous statement was made by those who were before them
[Same pronouncement in same words in
26:207]o then/for reason that which they had attained could not avail to avert anything from them. [39:50]
[Same information in
16:34] Resultantly/for reason [every act has to bring a result/effect sooner or later] struck/became evident to them that which they had earned/the result of evil deeds.
And those from amongst these who did wrong soon shall strike/become evident to them that which they have earned/the result of evil deeds,
[Read with
16:46]o and they will certainly not be able to frustrate/avert that. [39:51] Have they not known that Allah expands the sustenance for the one He willed from His created ones and restricts to measure for one He willed, [Same pronouncement in 13:26;17:30;28:82; 29:62;30:37; 34:36,39;39:52;42:12]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
16:79;27:86;29:24;30:37;39:52]o Indeed in it are signs/information/knowledge for people to believe [in the magnanimity of Creator, their Sustainer Lord]. [39:52]