Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              013

   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           

Lightening is a ray of hope of profitability.


How often does lightning occur on our planet in a year?
There are probably 1500 to 2000 thunderstorms active around the world at any one time. It has been estimated from satellite observations that lightning flashes approximately 50 -100 times per second on a global basis. Lightning therefore flashes as often as three billion times each year across the whole planet.





























































































































































He is the One Who keeps visually showing to you people the lightening, causing a state of  fear and generating hope of profitability. [release of atmospheric nitrogen brought down by rain-sustenance 45:05]. And He gradually and successively raises the middle drifting/trailing heavy laden clouds. [13:12]

And the thunder remains active in executing work with His glorifying praise and the Angels do so for fear of Him.

And He sends the thunderclap, then for reason [sound travels much slower than light] He strikes/makes it reach only to whom He wills. [Thunderclap can seldom be heard 24 kilometer away]

And [look at them yet] they dispute/enter into controversy about [Aa'ya'at of] Allah,

[Read with 11:102;85:12]o

and He is the Mighty in grapple. [13:13]

 The supplication for the proven truth/reality is the address exclusively for Him.

[Read with 7:194;35:14]

Be mindful that those who call upon others instead of calling upon Him/Allah, they do not self-assign the responsibility to respond for them any sort of a thing.

Their calling is nothing except like a stretcher who stretches his two hand towards the water so that water may reach to his mouth while that water will not approach reaching to him.

[Same pronouncement in 40:50]o

Note that the calls/supplications of those who have refused to accept are nowhere except in abandonment. [13:14]

  • Be aware that, whoever is living/exists in the Skies and the Earth makes his self acknowledge and submit humbly in surrender, and will make himself acknowledge and submit humbly in surrender for Allah the Exalted, in the state arising on willful acceptance-acknowledgement with  reverence, and in the state under compulsion of coercive circumstances.

  • However, their shadows make themselves in prostrate posture for Allah the Exalted, at occasion of the mornings and the evenings. [13:15]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Who is the Sustainer Lord of the Skies and the Earth". You say, "Allah is the Sustainer Lord".

[Similar information in 25:03]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Is it for the reason that you people have adopted such as companions/guardians/protectors/patrons other than Him who do not possess for themselves any power/capacity/authority/control for material gain nor for averting adversity/harm 

[Same question in same words in 6:50; they are not 35:19;40:58]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] confront them, "Are The Blind and the Man of Vision identical/alike?

[They are not 35:20]

Or are the layers of darkness and the visible light identical/alike?"

Or have they declared associates for Allah who have created like His creation for which reason that creation has created confusion for them? [it is sensitive for them, will keep mum therefore]

[Similar information in  6:102;39:62;40:62]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Allah is the Creator/Primal Originator of each and every thing".


 And He is the only One, the Absolutely Dominant over all. [13:16]

He sent water from the Sky.

In consequence the water pathways/valleys inundated according to their capacity/measure.

Resultantly the inundation lifted the scum over the surface,

And from whatever [metal] they ignite/combustion upon it in the fire in order/desiring to make ornaments or utensils, there is scum/dross like that surfaced on water.

Like it/in this manner Allah makes evident/strikes/contrasts the fact/reality, profitable and substance of permanence and the بَاطِل scum/conjecture [filmy layer of extraneous matter or impurities that rises up on the surface of a liquid; dross or refuse from molten metal which becomes visible on surface].

Then/for reason as for scum is concerned it vanishes away/goes away as froth.

And as for that which benefits people it then/for reason/resultantly settles in wait on the earth bed.


Like it/In this manner Allah quotes/strikes/narrates the examples/similitude. [13:17]

[People are asked to respond 8:24;42:47]

For those who made themselves consciously respond for their Sustainer Lord is the befittingly equated reward/response.

And those who consciously and persistently did not let themselves respond for Him,

[Similar pronouncement 5:36;6:70;39:47;57:15;70:11]

 had it been for them to have whatever wealth is in the Earth collectively and like of it in addition  they would have certainly offered it as compensation/fine/recompense for remission of punishment on the Day of Judgment [it would not have been accepted from them].

They are the people, for them is the terrible reckoning.

[Same information in 3:197;4:97,121;9:73,95;13:18;17:97;66:09]

And [afterwards] their abode is in the Hell-Prison,

[Same information in same words in 3:12;197; same in 2:206;38:56]o

And indeed that is a worst place for staying. [13:18]

Is then the one, who intelligently knows/recognizes that what has since been sent/communicated  from your Sustainer Lord to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is the Fact, resembles like the one who is blind [by heart]?

[Exactly same information in same words in 39:09]o

 Indeed only those who look into matters objectively without overlapping it with emotions/prejudices/ biases/whims/caprices they make themselves remember/cautioned. [13:19]

They are the ones those who fulfill their promise with Allah and they do not break/distort/disown the Covenant [i.e. "We have heard and we have wholeheartedly accepted"];  [13:20]

And those are they who approach/join/maintain what Allah has commanded that it should be adhered and they fear their Sustainer Lord and they feel afraid of terrible reckoning/accountability. [13:21]

And those who exercised patience/remained coolly perseverant seeking the approval/appreciation of their Sustainer Lord;

[Same information in same words in 35:29]

and they remained steadfast in performing Ass-sa'laat and they spent out of the sustenance We have provided them, secretively and publicly;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 28:54; advice in 23:96;41:34]

and they repel/avert evil/misconduct with good and mannered conduct [turn down conjectural myths with fact mentioned in the Book/Grand Qur'aan].


The are the people, for them is the best end place. [13:22]

The Gardens of pleasant abode, they will enter therein and anyone who perfected conduct from their fathers, and their wives and their progeny.


And the Angels will enter upon them from each and every entrance point, [13:23]

[to felicitate] "Peace and tranquility is upon you people for you coolly perseveringly endured remaining firm in your resolve,


therefore/resultantly the best is the end achieved abode" [13:24]

[Except same in 2:27]

And those who break/distort/disown Allah's covenant after it had become binding;

[Same in 2:27]

and they cut/distance away what Allah has commanded to be approached/joined/maintained [Allah's Book]; and/i.e. this is how they create disturbance/disquiet/confusion in the society.

They are the people for whom is curse and condemnation

[Same pronouncement in same words in 40:52]o

 and for them is a terrible abode/home. [13:25]

[Same pronouncement in 13:26;17:30;28:82;29:62;30:37;34:36,39;39:52;42:12]

Allah alone expands the sustenance for whom He wills and restricts to measure [for whom He wills].

And they rejoice/feel elated in the worldly life;


 And the worldly life is/will seem nothing but a little transitory sustenance in the Hereafter. [13:26]

[Same information in same words 13:07]

And those who have refused to accept say to people, "Why is it so that no unprecedented demonstrative sign has been sent to him from his Sustainer Lord".

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Indeed Allah lets/exposes/proves  neglectful/straying the one [willfully indifferent to the sent Book-Guidance] whom He wills 

[Similar pronouncement in 42:13]o

and He guides towards Himself the one who turned, [13:27]

those who accepted/believed and their hearts remain satisfactorily tranquil with the remembrance of Allah".


No doubt, with the remembrance/mention of Allah the hearts of those feel tranquil satisfaction [13:28]

[Read detailed account about them]

 who accepted/believed and performed deeds/acts righteously/moderately [according to Book].


Blessedness is for them and the most appropriate place of return. [13:29]

