Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
[Exactly same query in same words in
10:38;11:13;32:03;46:08] Do they say that he [the sincere servant upon whom the Book has been sent] has drafted/compiled him [it] from his own perception/knowledge/understanding? [Read with
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "If I have compiled/drafted the Qur'aan [attributing it to Allah] at my own initiative then on me is my crime and I am absolved of what crimes you people commit" [11:35] And it was communicated to Noah [alai'his'slaam] that "none else in your nation will believe except the one who has already accepted/believed, o therefore, let not that distress you which they people keep innovatively doing. [11:36] [Same command in
23:27] And you skillfully make the ship before Our eyes and as per Our communication/instruction. [Same command in same words in
23:27] And you should not address Me about those who have committed wrong [Same pronouncement in same words in
23:27]o Indeed they are the ones who are to be drowned" [11:37] And while he was constructing the ship some of the chieftains of his nation, each and every time they passed by him, they mocked and ridiculed. o He said, "If you people intend to ridicule us then we are indifferent/distanced from you like what you mock and ridicule. [11:38] [Same pronouncement in same words
6:135;7:123;16:55;30:34;39:39]o Resultantly/for reason soon will you know [This is complete verse
39:40]o who is the one upon whom comes the infliction which will humiliate him; and the perpetuating/enduring infliction will become permissible/obligatory/due upon him". [11:39] [Similar information in
23:27] [they kept mocking] Till the time when Our Command reached, and the particular "Geyser" of area abruptly gushed forth, [Similar information in
23:27] We said, "You upload in the ship from all pairing plants/mammals [that you have] [Similar information in
23:27] and your family members, except the one male [his non believing son] for whom the word has preceded/decreed, and whoever has accepted/believed. However, except a small number of people others did not accept/believe along with him. [11:40]
And he said, "You people embark in it, with the name of Allah is its course and anchorage; o indeed my Sustainer Lord is certainly oft-Forgiving and Merciful. [11:41] And the ship started smoothly sailing with them in the waves like long mountains; and Noah [alai'his'slaam] called his son who was away at different point, o "O my dear son, embark with us and do not be with the non believers"[11:42] He replied, "I will betake myself up a mountain, that will save me from the water". Noah [alai'his'slaam] called telling him, "Today there is no protector from the commanded matter of Allah except the one upon whom He showered mercy". o And a wave became barrier/separation in between both two of them, resultantly he was amongst the drowned ones. [11:43] And it was commanded, "O you the Earth! swallow back your water, and O you the Sky, withhold". And the water receded/subsided and the command/matter got accomplished and the ship rested on the Judi o and it was announced, "Distancing away is for the nation of evil doers/distorters/unjust" [11:44]
And Noah [alai'his'slaam] groaned to his Sustainer Lord, for reason [passion for progeny] he said, "My Sustainer Lord! indeed my son was from my family and certainly Your promise/word is the absolute fact [he has drowned as You said earlier], and You are the Supreme and the Absolute Just of all the rulers and decision makers. [11:45] Allah correcting him said, "O Noah [alai'his'slaam] [why you groan] he was indeed never from your household since his conduct was indeed the opposite of a righteous/perfectionist. Therefore you should not ask me about anything about which you do not have the complete knowledge/information. o I am affectionately and politely advising you only for the purpose that you might not become from amongst the passionate. [11:46] He replied, "O my Sustainer Lord! I beg Your pardon/seek refuge with You that I may ask You about a thing about which I do not have complete knowledge/information. o and except that You excused/overlooked for me and You showered mercy upon me I would be among the losers" [11:47] It was pronounced, "O Noah [alai'his'slaam] Disembark down with peace and tranquility from Us and blessings are upon you and upon the "nations" from those who are with you, o and the "nations" [emerging from those with you] We will soon give them worldly wherewithal; afterwards lapse of time [on becoming unjust/distorters] severe punishment will inflict them from Us. [11:48] O, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], this information is partly from the news of the past/facts which We are communicating to you. You hitherto did not know these facts/news, and nor your nation knew it before this Qur'aan. [Same advice in
20:130;30:60;40:55,77;46:35;50:39;68:48;70:05;74:07;76:24] Therefore you remain coolly perseverant [on negative and irrational response]. [Same pronouncement in
28:83]o Indeed the ultimate accomplishment is for those who endeavor remaining cautious, heedful, and mindful and conduct restraining. [11:49]