Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة [Chapter 39] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator. |
Structure of Place of Human Creation: Three-Coats/Layered Darkness
The gradual revelation of the Book [Grand Qur'aan] is from Allah, All-Pervasive/Dominant and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/secreted/infolded. [39:01] [Same pronouncement in same words in
4:105] Indeed We have since sent to you, the Messenger, [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] The Book as/containing Statement of Fact; [Similar pronouncement in 2:176;3:03;4:105,170;5:48; 6:05;16:102;23:70; 29:68;37:37; 39:02,41; 42:17; 43:78;50:05] therefore [invite people that] you submit as subject/subservient/allegiant to Allah [Exactly same in 39:11]o remaining exclusively and sincerely subservient for Him in the Way of physical Conduct/Life.[39:02] The absolute sincere Code and Conduct of Life void of any admixture and impurity is exclusively and unquestionably for Allah; And as for those who at their own have adopted for themselves other than Him as their protectors even they say, "We do not worship/allegiant to them except for the purpose that they may cause us to be nearer in access to Allah".
[Similar information in 2:113;10:93;16:124;32:25;45:17] Allah will certainly adjudge between them [on the Day of Resurrection/ Revival] in what they keep differing therein; o since [in the world] Allah certainly does not guide the one who is persistently a liar and ungrateful rejecter; [39:03] [Read with19:92] [who argues in support of his act of adopting others] "if Allah had decided that He may adopt for Himself a son certainly He would also have at His own chosen from amongst that He creates whatever/whomever He willed". [Same response in
2:116;4:171;6:100;9:31;10:68;16:57;19:35;21:26;39:04] Infinite Glory is for Him/His pleasure is the focus of all effort; He is above such needs/support/ weakness. o He is Allah, The Only One Who is The Irresistible. [39:04] [Same information in same words in
16:03;64:03] He has originated/created the Skies and the Earth for a determined purpose/as an evident fact [and for appointed duration]. [Similar pronouncement 6:73;14:19;15:85;16:03;29:44;30:08;39:05;44:39;45:22;46:03;64:03] He makes the Night overlap/wind upon the Day and makes the Day overlap/wind upon the Night;
[Same pronouncement in same words in
13:02;29:61;31:29;35:13;39:05] And He has subjected [subjugated to a set discipline] the Sun and the Moon to submissiveness.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
similar 31:29] All keep moving/swimming for a term/duration of appointed/named/fixed date and time.
o Unquestionably He is Dominantly All-Pervasive and the Oft-forgiving. [39:05] He created you the living people from one singular person; afterwards from that person He developed/made the person's partner [wife-first relationship]. [Read with
6:143] And from amongst herbivore mammals He has sent for you people Eight families/species [on ground there are Nine families; 9th being Pig family-not for us] He keeps creating you, the living human beings. This creation takes place within the bellies of your mothers. The manner of creation is successive, creation after a creation. This multiple creative process happens inside/within the three-layered darkness. [Same pronouncement in same words in
35:13; Similar
in 6:95;
6:102;10:03;40:62,64;42:10] He is your Allah; Your Sustainer Lord. For Him is the dominion/Sovereignty. There is no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except Him alone.
[same pronouncement in same words in
10:32]o Therefore how/for what reason you people turn away [from Allah]. [39:06] [Read in conjunction
4:131;14:08;35:15] If you people refuse to accept, [it makes no difference] since/then remember Allah is indeed eternally the Absolutely Independent of you all. And He does not approve for His creations the act of rejection/refusal to accept. And if you people acknowledge with gratitude He will approve and acknowledge it for you people. [Same pronouncement in same words in
6:164;17:15;35:18;39:07;53:38] And none of the bearer of burden shall lift the burden of another one. [Same pronouncement in same words in
6:164] Afterwards/lapse of time [not now, on the Day of Judgment] you people will be turned towards your Sustainer Lord; [Same pronouncement in same words in
5:105;9:94,105;39:07;62:08] thereat He will tell you people what deliberate and willful acts you used to perform. [Same pronouncement in same words in
8:43;11:05;35:38;39:07;42:24;67:13]o Indeed He is absolutely aware of what is possessed inside the chests. [39:07] [Same pronouncement in
30:33;39:49] And when economic adversity touches the man he called upon his Sustainer Lord as returnee towards Him. Afterwards when He made him affluent with bounty from Him he forgot so intensively as if in earlier times he never used to call upon Him ; and he ascribed for Allah equals so that he may distract people from His Path. You, the Messenger, [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "You may enjoy with your persistent denial for a little while, o thereafter it is certain that you are amongst the companions of Hell-Prison" [39:08] [is the aforementioned person who is absorbed in worldly enjoyment and satisfied with it-also10:07] Is he like that one who devotes hours of the night for prostration and standing/remaining busy [in reading the Aay'aa't of Allah Grand Qur'aan-3:113] he being cautiously afraid of the Hereafter and seeking the Mercy of his Sustainer Lord. You, the Messenger, [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] question the people, "Are those who have the information/knowledge and those who do not have the information/knowledge alike?" [Same information in same words in
13:19]o Indeed only those who look into matters objectively without overlapping it with emotions/prejudices/ biases/whims/caprices they make themselves remember/cautioned. [39:09] You, the Messenger, [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "O my those allegiants who declare to have accepted! You people keep yourself mindful, cautious and fearsome of your Sustainer Lord. [Same information in same words in
also in
10:26] For those who conducted [and advised others also] moderately, gracefully and generously is the appropriate and proportioned reward in this world; [Same pronouncement in
29:56] and the Earth of Allah is vast and spacious; o it is certain that He will pay their remuneration/reward to those who are steadfast remaining coolly perseverant without any measure/account/cause and effect relationship". [39:10] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], pronounce, "I was advised [when Qur'aan was presented/revealed] that I may remain subject/subservient/allegiant to Allah [Exactly same in 39:02]o remaining exclusively and sincerely subservient for Him in the Way of physical Conduct/Life. [39:11] [Read with 6:163;27:91] and I was advised [when Qur'aan was presented/revealed] for that I may be the first of its acceptors/submitters". [39:12] [Mirror/Replica
also in 10:15] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them, "I am afraid of the punishment of Great Day if I refuse/had refused to accept the word of My Sustainer Lord"[revelation of Qur'aan] [39:13] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them, "Allah is the One for whom I remain exclusively and sincerely subservient in my Way of physical Conduct/Life. [39:14] For reason/therefore [as stated earlier that I am not like those who force things upon others against their will-38:86] you people worship/be allegiant to that which you people desired other than Him" You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Certainly the losers are those people who have made their selves and their household to suffer loss [for momentary worldly gains/pleasures] on the Day of Judgment" [Read with 7:09;23:103] o Undoubtedly that is which is truly the Manifest Loss. [39:15] For them at their above and at their below and side by atmosphere are veils of fire/scorching heat. This is how Allah causes fear with this advance information for His created ones/allegiants; o "O My allegiants, therefore/for that reason you keep yourselves cautiously afraid of Me" [39:16] And those people who refrain/avoid that they be obedient/subservient to the defiant/refractory/ wanderer and they return towards [the Aa'ya'at/Book of] Allah, for them is the good news; therefore you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] guarantee/give glad tidings to My Servants; [39:17] those who make themselves attentively listen the Word/Grand Qur'aan [from eardrum take it to memory for saving] thereby/resultantly they incline themselves to act/follow, in letter and spirit, the best course described in that/Grand Qur'aan [restraining/avoiding that which is declared wrong course] They are the people whom Allah has guided [with the Book/Qur'aan] and they are the people, they are the men of wisdom who look into matters objectively without overlapping it with emotions/prejudices/biases/whims/caprices and conjectural myths. [39:18]
Can, therefore/for reason [of criminal conduct] upon whom the word of punishment/chastisement has become proven/established then will you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] release/take out/deliver the one who is in the Hell? [39:19] [The number of Ayah is 19, and the number of warders appointed on Hell is also 19-See 74:30] [People keep talking conjectural myths of getting out of hell while news given by Allah is that punishment will even not be lightened and there shall not be a moment of reprieve-Read in conjunction-2:86;3:88;16:85;35:36;40:49 to get cautious] But those who remained mindful and heedful avoiding unrestrained conduct in fear and reverence for their Sustainer Lord for them are lofty mansions of multiple stories; [Same pronouncement in same words in
13:35;16:31] beneath/side by which streams flow.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
30:06] This is the promise of Allah. [Similar pronouncement in
3:09;13:31]o Allah never betrays His promise. [39:20]