Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              040

      Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           
























































































Verb: Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine; active; [Form III] Root: ج د ل








































































[Replica/Mirror 11:96]

And indeed We had sent Musa [alai'his'slaam] with Our unprecedented demonstrative signs and evidently distinct authority/argument/logic, [40:23]

towards Fir'aoun/Pharaoh and Haa'maan and Qa'roon;

[Read with 10:76]o

whereupon [on presentation of unprecedented signs] they said, "He is an illusionist hoaxer liar". [40:24]

[Same pronouncement in 10:76]

For reason/in consequence [of their arrogant pride] when he brought to them the eminent reality [demonstrative unprecedented visible signs] from Us

they/the inner confidants said, "You people kill the sons of those who have believed along with him and let remain their daughters live";


but the deceptive plans of the deliberate non believers are nowhere except in abandonment/lurch. [40:25]

And Fir'aoun/Pharaoh said to his chiefs, "You people give me the leave so that I should kill Musa and let him call his Sustainer Lord


since I am certainly afraid that he may cause change/replacement of system/procedure of life of you people or he may cause disturbance/in equilibrium/disrupt status quo in the country". [40:26]

And Musa [alai'his'slaam] said, "I take refuge with my Sustainer Lord and Sustainer Lord of you people from each and every arrogant who has made himself obsessed with feel of grandeur


that who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning/Accountability". [40:27]

And a believing man belonging to the Family of Fir'aoun/Pharaoh who was hitherto keeping undisclosed the fact of his belief said,

"Would you people murder a man because he says, "My Sustainer Lord is Allah",

and indeed he has already brought to you people the unprecedented demonstrative evident signs from the Sustainer Lord of you people,

and if [Allah forbids] he is telling lie then upon him is his lie

and if he is the truthful then some of that will come to you which he has promised to you people.


It is however certain that Allah does not guide the one who is a deceptively lying committer of  excesses/extremities. [40:28]

O my people, today the country is for you people as apparently dominants in the land,

but thereat who will help us against the infliction of Allah if it came to us"


Fir'aoun/Pharaoh said [trying to explain his position and to diffuse the effect on others], "I do not point out to you people except that what I have seen/considered the best and nor I guide you people but the path of propriety and success". [40:29]

[Same information in same words in 40:38]

And the man who had believed said,


O my people, truly I am apprehensive for you people like of something of the Day of Confederates, [40:30]

like the prototype end of nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], and civilization Aad and Samued and those nations who had emerged after them,

[Read with 3:108]o

and Allah does not intend any injustice and inequity for the people. [40:31]


And O my people, truly I am apprehensive for you people the Day of mutual seeking/crying for help, [40:32]

that is the Day when you people will turn away unresponsive to calls of help on your backs, there will be none from Allah from amongst the helpers for you people.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 13:33;39:23,36]o

And Whomever Allah causes to be exposed/lets him remain in neglectfully straying/wandering/ indifferent, then for this reason for him there is none from guiding one. [40:33]

And it is a certain fact that in the past Yusuf [alai'his'slaam] had come to you people with evident signs/Aa'ya'at

whereupon you people ceased not to remain in skepticism about that which he had come with

until when he died his natural death you people had said, "Allah will never send after him any more as Messenger"


This is how Allah exposes/lets remain in neglectfulness/straying the one who keeps himself suffering disquiet of double mindedness and is committer of excesses/extremities to others, [40:34]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 40:56]

those who have made themselves active to wrangle in the Aa'ya'at of Allah without any concrete authoritative argument having been given to them,

this wrangling [with conjectures and unsubstantiated statements] is the most inappropriate conduct in the Judgment of Allah

and is so in the judgment of those who have believed.

[Read with 7:101;30:59]o

This is how eventually Allah lets the veil persist upon the heart of each and every one who makes himself obsessed with pride of grandeur tyrannically forcing others to accept it" [40:35]

[Read with 28:38]

And Fir'aoun/Pharaoh said, "O you Haa'maan, build for me a lofty tower so that I have the means;  [40:36]

the means to go into Skies whereupon I may make myself informed about the iela'aha of Musa;

[Same assertion in 28:38]

though, of course, I certainly consider him to be a liar"

And this is how the bad deed of him made it alluring for Fir'aoun/Pharaoh and made him averted from the Path.


And the deceptive tactic of Fir'aoun/Pharaoh was nothing but in vacuum. [40:37]

[Same information in same words in 40:30]

And the man who had believed said,


"O my people, you follow me I will guide you to the Path of Propriety and Success. [40:38]

O my people, the life of this world is only a temporary sojourn of enjoyment


and indeed the Hereafter is the one which is the place of permanent abode, [40:39]

[Similar pronouncement in 6:160;40:40;42:40]

whoever conducted bad/sinful act then/for reason [of dispensation of justice] his requital is nothing except similar one/equivalent to the bad done;

[Similar pronouncement 4:124;16:97]

and the one who acted/performed acts/conducted righteously/moderately [as directed in the Book] from amongst the male or female, provided he or she is a true believer,

[Same pronouncement in same words 4:124;19:60]

then for this reason, being believer and doer of good deeds, they are the people who will enter the Paradise.


They will be provided therein provisions without measure. [40:40]


And O my people, what is for me that I invite you people to salvation while you people call me towards Fire/Hell-Prison. [40:41]

You people call me that I may refuse the Oneness of Allah and that I may associate with Him that for which with me there is nothing of knowledge.


And I invite you people towards the All Pervasive Dominant, the Oft-Forgiving. [40:42]

There is absolutely no doubt in it that the one towards whom you people call me there is no worth  for him to be called neither in this worldly life and nor in the Hereafter;

and that we have to return towards Allah,


and that the transgressors are the ones who are the companions of  Fir/Hell-Prison. [40:43]

For reason/thereat soon you people will recall that which I am saying for you people,

and I entrust my affair to Allah

[similar information in 3:15,3:20]o

 indeed Allah  is ever watches/focuses attention to His servants/people".  [40:44]

40:45-59                   Main Page/Index
