Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              009

   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           [Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this  سُورة  [Chapter 9] like others and hence it is never numbered.  Traditionally it is not even printed on Chapter 9.

Nounمَصْدَر : Indefinite; feminine; nominative.    Root: ب رأ

































































































































































































































































[Read with 8:58]

It is a public proclamation, from Allah and His Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] for communication to those from Worshipers of hand sculpted statues [polytheists] with whom you people, the believers had made mutual pact, to denounce the pact [for violation/betrayal by them]. [9:01]

[after denouncing tell them] In consequence of denouncement of the pact, "you people move freely in the land for four months [for making all preparations you want to make] but you people know and understand that certainly you cannot frustrate/thwart Allah [in what is He going to do with you]


i.e./and indeed Allah is the One Who disgraces the disbelievers" [9:02]

And an open loud announcement, for general information from Allah and His Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, should also be made], to the gathering of people on the Day of the Great Hajj [in these words]

that "Allah the Exalted is indeed absolved of all obligations and is disassociated with regard to Pact with the Worshippers of hand sculpted statues; and so is absolved/disassociated His Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]. 

Therefore, in response to this denouncement if you people revert to the original state, thereby, that will be far better for you people. However, if you people turn away from this open denouncement/warning then you people know/note it that you are certainly unable to frustrate/thwart Allah [in what is He going to do with you]"


And you, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce "glad tidings" for all those who have refused to accept that severe punishment is [in wait] for them. [9:03]

This public proclamation of denouncement is excepting those people/groups amongst Worshippers of hand sculpted statues with whom you have a pact [mutual agreement], who afterwards the pact have not disappointed you in anything nor they have supported a single one against you.

Therefore in respect of these polytheists you fulfill their pact towards its duration.

[Exactly same pronouncement in same words in 9:07, with "fa" in 3:76]o

Indeed Allah approves for nearness those people who endeavor remaining cautious, heedful, and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct. [9:04]

After the proclamation of denouncement when the sacred months have passed;

then for reason of termination of the pact you people fight the polytheists in whatever direction/wherever you confront them [except in the precincts of Sacred mosque subject to their restraint-2:191] and seize them and restrain them in jail/siege them and sit for them at each and every point of waiting/routes [to contain their movement/corner them]

Subsequently if they returned from belief of polytheism and they maintain/ manage/organize/perform the demonstrative congregational Ass-sa'laat, and pay the Az-zakat [raiser/up lifter of personality] then [they are brethren in your System of Life-9:11] leave their way

[Same information in same words in 2:173,2:182,199;5:03;8:69;9:99,102;24:62;49:14;60:12,73:20]o

  Allah is indeed Oft-forgiving/overlooking past faults, the Merciful. [9:05]

And if any one from the polytheists seeks protection from you then you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] grant him till he may listen the Words [Book] of Allah;

afterwards he has listened then you make him reach his place of safety.


This is because they, the polytheists [of those days Mecca] are a people who do not know [the Book of Allah since they were not given a book earlier] [9:06]

How can there persist a pact with Allah and with His Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] for the [persistently betraying] polytheists except those with whom you people made a pact near Sacred Mosque;

then they remained upright for you people, therefore, you remain upright for them

[Exactly same pronouncement in same words in 9:04, with "fa" in 3:76]o

then for that reason indeed Allah approves for nearness those people who endeavor remaining cautious, heedful, and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct. [9:07]

[Same info in 9:10]

How could the pact persist? And/since if they gain prominence/visible power over you-balance of power is in their favour they will not regard the kinship in you nor the pact of protection.

They satisfy/please/cool you by lip service and their hearts avert.


And most of them are "fasiqoona"/the promise breakers and transgressors/who go out of the prescribed bounds. [9:08]

They barter trifling price/gain against Aa'ya'at of Allah for which reason they hinder people from His Path .

[Same verdict in same words at end 58:15;63:02;similar 5:66]o

 Indeed evil/extremely harmful  is for them what they have been doing [because earned disgraceful torment-58:16]. [9:09]

they will not regard the kinship in the believer nor the pact of protection.


and they are the ones who are transgressors. [9:10]

[Read with 9:05]

Then/for reason [as a result of aforesaid measures] if they repent [and announce acceptance of belief] and they maintained/managed/organized/performed the congregational Ass-sa'laat, and paid the Az-zakat [raiser/up lifter of personality] then they are your brethren in the System of Life-Islam

[Same pronouncement in 7:32]o

And We make the Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge about things/concepts] vividly distinct/demarcated/isolated/alienated/crystal clear so that the people may have knowledge/know [how to conduct in varying situations]. [9:11]

And if they violate/tear apart their commitments/undertaking after their treaty and they gibe in your Prescribed method/Code of Conduct-Islam; then/for reason of annulling the pact you people confront war with the leaders of disbelievers;


indeed they have certainly no regard for oaths, for them is no commitment; so that after war they might cease gibing. [9:12]

Will you not confront war with a nation who have torn apart their oaths?

And they had in the past determined for the exodus of the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, from Mecca]

And they were the first to transgress/declare war against you for the first time.

Do you people feel afraid of them?

Then/for reason [for He being the Mightiest] Allah has more right and exceedingly deserves that you people feel afraid of Him,

[Same words at end of  2:91,93,248,278;3:49,139,175;5:23,57,112;7:85;8:01;9:13;24:17;57:08]o

    if you are the true believers [Believe in Allah recognizing all His Traits]. [9:13]

You people confront war with them [Mecca's Idol Worshipers], Allah will inflict punishment upon them through your hands and He will disgracefully crumble them;

and He will help you people over them and soothe the hearts of believing nation [with victory of Mecca] [9:14]

and thus He will remove the anger/disturbance of their hearts.

And Allah pays affectionate attention upon whomever He wills.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:26; 8:71;9:15,60,97,106,110;22:52;24:18,58,59;49:08;60:10]o

And Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of invisible/hidden realities/considerations. [9:15]

[Also read 29:02]

Have you people adjudged/made up your mind that you people will be left [without test]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:142]

while Allah has not yet made evident/known from amongst you who endeavored for the cause of Allah [with personal selves and wealth],

and that they should not adopt intimates other than Allah nor other than His Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and nor other than believers.

[Same information in same words in 3:153;58:13;63:11]o

And Allah is always aware of what you people do/are doing. [9:16]

[Read with 2:114]

It is not desirable for the Idol Worshippers that they should visit and manage the Mosques/places for prostrating in congregation before Allah, being aware/witness upon their selves of disbelief.

[Similar information in 2:217;3:22;7:147;9:17,69;18:105]

They are the people whose acts went fruitless/yielded nothing/of no value and weight.


and in the scorching heat shall they be permanently residing. [9:17]

Indeed he will populate and maintain the Mosques of Allah who believed in Allah and the Last Day

and he maintained/managed/organized/stood for the performance of  Ass-sa'laat, and he paid  the Az-zakat [raiser/up lifter of personality] and should never be afraid of anyone except Allah.

In consequence then perhaps such are the people that may hopefully become the guided ones [who spend every moment of their life in accordance with the Book of Allah]. [9:18]


Do you people equate the providing of water to pilgrims and the maintenance/running of Sacred Mosque [around Ka'aba] by someone

like the one who believed in Allah and the Last Day and exerted utmost [with his wealth and bodily/physically fighting war] in the cause/path of Allah,

Before Allah they are not equal and identical.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:258; 3:86;9:109;61:07;62:05] o

  And Allah does not guide [against their own will/considered decision] those who are mischievous/distorters/substitute facts with conjectures/myths/concocted stories;  [9:19]

[Similar information in 2:218;4:100;8:72,74,75;16:41,110;22:58]

 Those people who accepted/believed and they left their homes/migrated and they exerted utmost  with their wealth and bodily/physically in the cause/path of Allah

 [Same pronouncement for such people of Mecca in 57:10]

they are greater in rank/elevation/nearness with Allah [as compared to other believers in time and space who are not equal to them];

[Same information in 23:111;24:52;59:20]o

and they are the people who have achieved success [in the trial/Exam]. [9:20]

Their Sustainer Lord congratulates/gives them pleasing news of His Mercy and consenting Approval;

and Gardens for them, therein Bliss enduring. [9:21]

wherein they shall reside permanently and perpetually,

[Same pronouncement in 8:28;64:15]o

Indeed from Allah is the reward great and splendid. [9:22]

O you who declare to have accepted!

[See 3:28,118;4:144;5:51,57;60:01]

you people should not adopt your fathers and brothers as your guardians/protectors/patrons if they love disbelieving over believing;

And whoever from amongst you would adopt them as patron/allies,

[Same verdict in same words in 2:229;3:94;5:45;9:23;49:11;60:09]o

then for this reason they will be the people who are evil-doers/distorters/creators of imbalances/disorders/over stepping. [9:23]

[Read with 58:22]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "If your fathers, and your sons, and your brothers, and your spouses and your clans;

and the wealth that you have acquired, and the business you people fear recession in it and the residences you are delighted with

are more attractive and dearer to you people than Allah and His Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and endeavoring/exerting utmost with wealth and bodily/physically for His cause/path 

then wait [remain absorbed] until such time Allah proclaims His decision/command.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 5:108;9:80;61:05;; similar 63:06]o

And Allah does not guide those people [against their desire and will] who are aberrant/the promise breakers and transgressors who go out of the prescribed bounds. [9:24]

Indeed Allah has helped you people in many battle fields and [recall] on the Day of Hunain when multitude of you people had pleasingly relaxed you;


then/for reason of reliance on multitude could not avail averting anything from you and the Earth seemed straitened upon you despite its vastness and afterwards you retreated. [9:25]

[Similar info in 48:04,26]

Afterwards Allah bestowed His tranquility upon the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and upon the Believers,

and He sent "forces" which you people did not see observably and He punished those who deliberately and persistently disbelieved.


And this is the recompense for those who deliberately and persistently refuse to accept. [9:26]

Afterwards Allah pays affectionate attention, after this, upon whomever He wills.

[same info in 2:218;3:31,129;4:25;5:74;8:70;9:27,91;24:22;49:05;57:28;60:07;66:01]o

 And Allah is The Forgiving/Overlooking, The Merciful. [9:27]

O you who declare to have accepted!

Indeed the Mushrikuen, those who worship hand sculpted statues calling them iela'aha after assigning various names, are draggled unclean, therefore, let them not come near the Sacred Mosque after this year. 

And if you people apprehend economic loss, then/for reason of imposition of said ban Allah will  soon make you people self sufficient from His bounty if He so willed.


Indeed Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of invisible/hidden realities/considerations. [9:28]

You people confront war, with those who do not believe in Allah, and nor believe in the Last Day;

and nor they make that unlawful what Allah and His Messenger has declared unlawful

[Read with 28:48]

and nor they acknowledge the Prescribed Truthful Code from those who were given the Book,


until they pay the protection charges/tax compliantly while they are subdued/defeated. [9:29]

