Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] 

o              081

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.              [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 81] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.           





















































































When [as a result of mighty sound blow in the Trumpet-80:33] the Sun would have been wrapped/wounded, layer by layer successively veiling; [81:01]

[Read with 77:08]

And when the stars would have become disintegrated losing their luster/light; [81:02]

[Read with 18:47;52:10;78:20]

And when the mountains would have been removed [converting them into sand leveling the Earth] [81:03]

and when the ten months pregnant she camels would have been left unattended as worthless; [81:04]

and when the wild animals would have been gathered; [81:05]

[Read with 82:03]

and when the Glaciers-water reservoirs would have been caused to flow wherever it found the slope. [81:06]

[Read with 39:42]

And [on second blow in the Trumpet] when the personal selves [that were alienated at death] would have been caused to affiliate [with its corporeal body and exited from graves]; [81:07]

and when the ignominiously condemned and discarded women would have been asked, [81:08]

as to what was the slander against which she was disgraced in society/murdered? [81:09]

And when the papers/written record of people would have been made public/laid open/unfolded; [81:10]

and when the Sky would have been made unveiled by removing covering layers [Seven Layers of Atmosphere-23:17;78:12] [81:11]

[Read with 55:35]

And when the Hell-Prison would have been caused to get heated/set ablaze [by igniting its fuel] [81:12]

[Same pronouncement in 26:90;50:31]

And when the Paradise is caused/brought relatively nearer [to people destined for it]. [81:13]

[Read with 17:13;82:05]

[seeing the record] Every person came to know what he found present/had brought. [81:14]

Nay, I swear by those [objects-active participles] which recede/retrograde and hide objects by pulling them back; the Ones which are the swiftly moving particular hiding places/abodes/caves; [Scientists may look into this swearing wherein the metaphors used are describing something/objects which have the nature/feature of receded, retrograded ones and for others are hiding places/caves. Aren't these two verses referring to the concept of singularities-presence of many black holes?] [81:15-16]

And swearing is by the Night when the layered darkness has departed, [81:17]

and by the true dawn when it/life has made-transformed itself breathe-energize-photosynthesized; [81:18]

[Replica/Mirror 69:40]

that undoubtedly that/Grand Qur'aan is certainly communicated through the Oral narration by the Exalted Messenger [Gib'raa'eil alai'his'slaam]; [81:19]

who is the holder of strength from the Sustainer Lord of the Firm Throne of Absolute Sovereignty; [81:20]

he has made himself acceptor of every word with reverence and wholeheartedness; he is the one everywhere trusted. [81:21]

[Same pronouncement in 7:184;34:46]

And these [magnificent and metaphorically resembling] swearing are to reiterate and confirm that the Guiding Lord of you people [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is never afflicted from any delusions and hallucination. [81:22]

And it is a certain fact that he had seen him [Gib'raa'eil alai'his'slaam] at the Demarcating Horizon [when he was at the Upper most horizon during his journey beyond limits of Universe-53:07]. [81:23]

[Read with 93:10]

And he [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is never withholder/miser in making public the unseen which he has been made to see. [81:24]

And that/Grand Qur'aan can not be uttered by the condemned and cursed Shai'taan [since he and his likes cannot even listen it; therefore cannot narrate]. [81:25]

Therefore where you people are going away [avoiding Grand Qur'aan], [81:26]

since it is but universal Admonition/Revivalist for the Worlds, [81:27]

so that anyone from amongst you who desired he may consciously and rationally incline himself to take the path leading to destination. [81:28]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 76:30]

And you people can not desire [to adopt the Path mentioned in Qur'aan] except that Allah so desires/wills, [A simple fact is mentioned, Allah saves the data and retrieves the data to/from its storage place-memory]

the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds/all that exists and is known. [81:29]


  82:01-19                      Index/Main Page
