Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              039

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          
























Verb: Imperfect; Second person; plural; masculine; indicative; colored part subject pronoun.         Root: ش ع ر


























































Verb [Intransitive]: Perfect; Third person; Singular; masculine; Root: ع ل و





















































































[Same pronouncement in same words in 12:98;28:16]o

  • You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce universally and declaratively,

  • "O my those servants who have done excesses to their selves; you people should not loose hope for the Mercy of Allah the Exalted in consideration of your hitherto conduct.

  • It is a fact that Allah the Exalted forgives the slanders and sins [of the past subject to conditions hereafter mentioned], all collectively. [thus it includes statue worshipping in past]

  • Indeed He the Exalted is the One Who is repeatedly Forgiving-Overlooking, and is the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [39:53]

And you people return inclining towards your Sustainer Lord and you people become Muslims for Him before the point in time

that the infliction may come to you people;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:113]o

afterwards you people will not be helped. [39:54]

And you people incline yourself to physically follow, in letter and spirit there being none third party in between, the Best Course of Action of that/Grand Qur'aan which has since been sent upon/for you people from your Sustainer Lord

before the point in time that the infliction may come to you people all of a sudden

[Same information in same words in 49:02]o

while you people do not have its perception". [39:55]

At that time someone may say regrettably, "Alas, pity is upon that what I neglected/remained neglectful in what was from Allah and I was amongst those who kept ridiculing/mocking"; [39:56]

or lest that person say, "had Allah given me guidance [Book] indeed I would have been amongst the cautious and fearsome" [39:57]

or lest that person say when he saw the infliction, "had there been a possibility for me to return thereat I will be amongst the people of appropriate and balanced conduct" [39:58]

[He will be told] "No, there is no possibility, indeed My Aa'ya'at [of Grand Qur'aan] reached to you whereupon you publicly contradicted those and you demonstrated pride and you remained amongst the persistently rejecting ones". [39:59]

[Read with 3:106;10:27]

And on the Day of Judgment you will see those who conjectured false sayings attributing to Allah that their faces have dark/blackened look.


 Is it not that in Hell-Prison is the abode of the arrogant/suffering from misconception of greatness. [39:60]

And Allah will elevate/grant distinction because of their success to those who persistently remained cautious, heedful and avoided un-restrained conduct in reverence and fear.

[Read with 15:48;35:34-35]o

Physical weakness, pain or any troublesome thing will not touch them and nor will face any grieve. [39:61]

[Same information in same words in 6:102;13:16;40:62]

Allah is the Creator/Primal Originator of each and every thing.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:102;similar 11:12]o

And He is for each and every thing the Guardian/Protector/Disposer. [39:62]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 42:12; read with 63:07]

For Him are the keys of treasures of the Skies and the Earth;

and those who persistently and willfully denied the Aa'ya'at of Allah

[Same verdict in same words in 2:27:8:37;9:69;29:52]o

 they are the people who cause/earn loss to themselves. [39:63]

 You, the Messenger, [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "[despite knowing all this still] do you people then ask me that I be allegiant to someone other than Allah, O you the emotionalists/blind followers of traditional hearsay?" [39:64]

And indeed We have since communicated to you and to those who were in times before you

[Read in conjunction 6:88;13:36;72:20]

[for declaration] "that certainly if you had associated as partner indeed waste would have gone what acts you did and certainly you will be amongst losers". [39:65]  [This is the eternal principle for everyone in time and space]

Nay, [do not listen and accept their conjectural word] rather Allah, therefore, submit to subservience/allegiance and be amongst those who appreciate/acknowledge and express gratitude. [39:66]

[Same pronouncement in same words 6:91;22:74]

And they have not regarded Allah as is His right to be regarded.

[Read with 21:104]

And the Earth entirely will be in His Grip on the Day of Resurrection and the Skies will be folded/ pressed back by His Right Hand.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:18;16:01;30:40;39:67]o

Glory is for Him/His pleasure is the focus of all effort; He is Exalted above all what they at their own conjecturally associate with Him. [39:67]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 18:99;23:101;36:51;39:68;50:20;69:13]

And the sound is blown in the Trumpet,

[Read with 27:87;34:51]

thereupon whoever is in the Skies and whoever is in/on the Earth got terrified

[Same pronouncement in same words in 27:87]

except the one whom Allah willed [not to be effected by terrible happenings of the Day-21:103;27:89]


Afterwards the sound is blown in the Trumpet second time thereupon at that point in time they will be standing in waiting. [39:68]

And the Earth is caused to brighten with the Visible Light generated by her Sustainer Lord

and the Book is laid open [for everyone's reading]

And the Distinctly Chosen and Elevated Persons Who are the Witnesses are escorted [to the Court]

and the matter is decided and concluded amongst the resurrected people on the basis of the Statement of Fact-the Book/the proven and established fact and justice,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:281;3:25,3:161;6:160;10:47,54;16:111;23:62;45:22;46:19]o

  and they will not be subjected to any injustice [not even iota of it]. [39:69]

[Same pronouncement in 3:25, earns explained sum total of acts]

And each and every person shall be dealt with/adjudged/paid back what he had earned/done.


And He is fully aware of that which they people perform. [39:70]

And those who persistently refused to accept were driven/pushed towards Hell in groups

till when they arrived to her, thereat her [outer] gates were opened

and her Guards questioned them [in the entrance hall of Prison],

[Same question in same words in 6:130;similar 67:08]

"Did Messengers not come to you people from among yourselves

[Similar statement in 6:130]

who narrated/recited for you people the Aa'ya'at [of Book] of your Sustainer Lord word by word

[Same question in same words in 6:130]

and they warned/admonished you people about the meeting of this Day of yours?".

They replied, "No, the fact is that they did come to us and did both the things"


[of no benefit is the admission] Since the Word of Punishment had already been established against the Unbelievers. [39:71]

[Same pronouncement in 16:29;40:76; read with 38:50]

it was said, "you people enter the [respective] gates of Hell-Prison for permanent abode in her".

[Same pronouncement in same words in 40:76; same information 16:29]o

For reason woeful is the abode of arrogant/suffering from misconception of greatness. [39:72]

And those who remained mindful and heedful avoiding unrestrained conduct in fear and reverence for their Sustainer Lord were escorted [on their turn] in groups towards the Paradise

till when they arrived to her while its doors were already open

[Same information in 16:32]o

and its Guards said to them [in the reception Hall], "Welcome Peace and tranquility is upon you people; you have done well; therefore you people enter into the Paradise for ever". [39:73]

And they pronounced, "The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for Allah, the One Who has fulfilled for Us His promise

and He has made us the demesne of the Land that we may settle ourselves in the part of Paradise wherever we wish".

[Same pronouncement in 3:136;29:58]o

Thereby what a pleasant/exalted/aggrandized reward of performers is. [39:74]

And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] will see the Angels active in the surroundings of the atmosphere of The Exalted [Al-Arsh] repetitively mentioning the Glory with praises of their Sustainer Lord.

And the matter is decided and finally concluded amongst all the resurrected people on the basis of the Statement of Fact-the Book/the proven and established fact and justice,

And it was said [by all],

[Same pronouncement in same words in 01:02;6:45;10:10;37:182;39:75;40:65] o

"The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for Allah, the Sustainer Lord of the Known/Existing Worlds". [39:75]

40:01-12                   Main Page/Index
