Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              045

      Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.          

















































































































Verb: imperfect; third person; plural; masculine. [Form X] + Subject pronoun. Root: ھ  ز ء


























[Read with 29:04]

Or have those people adjudged/made it their understanding, who consciously and willfully kept summing evil deeds [of skin piercing import], that We may declare and treat them

like those who accepted/believed and performed righteous deeds

[Difference is of once and twice 37:59;40:11]

equal and identical in the matter of the life of them and the death of them?

[Same pronouncement in 6:136;16:59;29:04;45:21]

Evil is that which they presumably understand and adjudge. [45:21]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 29:44]

And Allah has originated/created the Skies and the Earth for a determined purpose/as an evident fact [for appointed duration];

[Similar verdict in 2:281;3:161;16:111;46:19]

and for the purpose that every person is rewarded/paid back/dealt with/adjudged according to what that person had earned/acts done [in worldly life];

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:281;3:25,3:161;6:160;10:47,54;16:111;23:62;39:69;46:19]

  and they will not be subjected to any injustice [not even iota of it]. [45:22]

[Same information in 25:43]

Have you considered/given it a thought/seen that one who has deliberately and consciously adopted as the iela'aha/lord of worship for him his own desire/vested interest/lusts/hypothetical conjectures

and Allah has let him remain neglectfully absorbed, on the basis of knowledge

and He has let [because of his deliberate/conscious denial to accept the truth/fact] the cover keep veiling upon his audition [passage of entry closed since he has veiled his intellect and perception with other things/preconceived conjectural notions/vested interests]; and upon his heart and He let his faculty of vision remained blurred/veiled/obscured.

Resultantly who/none is there who could lead him after Allah has left him straying [in furtive worshipping of self interests-person]

[Same query in same words in 10:03;11:24,30;16:17;23:85;37:155]

[why you deviate] Is it for reason that you people consciously decide not to reflect? [45:23]

[Similar assertion in 6:29;23:37]

And they said,  "Indeed there is no life except our life of this world, we die and we live [only once here] and nothing annihilates us except the process of time/era/circumvolution".

And for them for this assumption there is nothing from knowledge,

[Same information in same words in 2:78]

  that they do nothing except conjecturing/supposing/assuming. [45:24]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:15;19:73;22:72;34:43;46:07]

And when Our evident/distinct/Manifest Aaya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts,  knowledge and injunctions in the Book] were narrated to them, word by word,

[Same information in 44:36]

their concluding wrangle used to be nothing except that they said, "you people come to us with our foregone forefathers

if you people are truthful in what you say about resurrection" [45:25]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce,"Allah creates you people, afterwards the lapse of time [of your period of life] He makes you die.

[Same information in same words in 4:87; 6:12]

Afterwards/blowing of second trumpet indeed He will gather you people on the Day of Resurrection. There is absolutely   no confusion/uncertainty/duplicity of thought within it.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:187;12:21,40,68;16:38;30:06,30;34:28,36;40:57]

However, the fact remains that most of the people do not accept it/know this fact. [45:26]

[Same pronouncement in same words in beginning of 3:189;24:42;48:14]

The dominion of the Skies and the Earth is eternally and exclusively for Allah, the Exalted.

[Read with 30:12]

And the Day the Appointed Moment is manifested that is the Day when the conjecture and scum mongers will be at loss. [45:27]

And you will see each and every generation as a community;

each and every generation will be called towards the Book of her with the pronouncement

[Read with 10:52;27:90;36:54;37:39;45:28;52:16;66:07]

"today you people will be recompensed that which you deliberately and willfully kept doing. [45:28]

[Same information in 23:62]

This is the Book of Us, it speaks/narrates to you people only the established fact,

indeed We used to transcribe those acts which you people used to perform" [45:29]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 30:15]

Thereupon/at that Moment as for those who accepted/believed and performed moderate righteous deeds,

for reason/in keeping with the promise the Sustainer Lord of them shall enter them in the Umbrella of His Mercy.

[Similar pronouncement in 6:16]

This [approval and appreciation of Allah] is the evident/manifest achievement/success. [45:30]

[Same information in same words in 30:16]

And as for those are concerned who deliberately and persistently refused to accept/believe

[Read with 23:105]

they will be confronted with the fact, "Were not My Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts,  knowledge and injunctions in the Book] used to be recited/communicated to you people, word by word, whereupon in response you people reflexively puffed up with arrogance and pride of grandeur and superiority;

and you people remained a group of criminals. [45:31]

And when it was said,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:55;30:60;31:33;35:05;40:55,77;46:17]

"indeed the promise of Allah [regarding Last Day] is a fact

and so is the Appointed Moment, there is absolutely no uncertainty and confusion about its coming"

You people replied, "We do not have any perception as to what is the Appointed Moment

since we think it is nothing but a presumptive thought

and we certainly are not going to make ourselves reflectively the convinced ones about it" [45:32]

[Same information in 39:48]

And it is made apparent/exposed for them [on perusing the written record book] the evil deeds which they earned/accomplished.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:08;16:34;39:48;40:83;46:26]

and they will be hemmed with that about which they consciously adopted a non serious jesting attitude keeping themselves playful with. [45:33]

[Same pronouncement in 32:14]

And it was pronounced, "Today We will discard you people in the same manner as you people had forgotten the facing of your this Day [Read with 7:51;20:126] [32:14]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 29:25]

And for you people the abode is Hell-Prison and for you people there is none from the helpers". [45:34]

This is because you people adopted the Aay'aat [verbal presentation of information, facts,  knowledge and injunctions in the Book] of Allah non seriously/in jest and the worldly life deceptively engaged you".

Resultantly that Day they will not be taken out from it

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:84;30:57; read also 41:24]

and nor their requests, for making mends and transforming themselves, for pardon will be acceded. [45:35]


Therefore, the Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified, eternally and exclusively, for Allah the Sustainer Lord of the Skies; and the Sustainer Lord of the Earth, [to cut short the list] the Sustainer Lord of all the Known/Existing Worlds/all that exists. [45:36]

And the Supremacy and Sublimity in the Skies and the Earth is for Him.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 14:04;16:60;29:42;30:27;31:09;35:02;57:01;59:01;59:24;61:01;62:03]

And He is the All Pervasive/Dominant and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/ secreted/infolded. [45:37]

46:01-20                     Main Page/Index
