Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          





































































































[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:87;23:49;25:35;28:43;32:23;41:45]

And most certainly We had given Musa [alai'his'slaam] the Book,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 41:45]

then/for reason differences arose therein.

[Same information in same words 10:19;41:45]

And had a word/promise/decision [of a duration to culminate on determined moment] not preceded from your Sustainer Lord the matter would have indeed been adjudged/resolved between them

[Same pronouncement in same words in 41:45]o

And indeed they are certainly in doubt/skepticism regarding it, that doubt/skepticism which causes disconcert/duality of thought/disquiet. [11:110 and Replica/Mirror 41:45]

and indeed your Sustainer Lord will certainly pay back to each and everyone of them their deeds.


Indeed He is absolutely aware of all acts that they keep doing. [11:111]

Therefore you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] remain firm and steadfast in what you were commanded and [advise] the same to ones who have turned with you and "that you people should not transgress.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 41:40]o

Certainly He ever keeps watching what acts you people perform". [11:112]

And you people should not supportively incline towards those who did evil/unjust lest resultantly fire may touch you people,

and besides Allah there will be none for you people from the protectors;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 39:54]o

afterwards you will not be helped. [11:113]

And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] organize/make people stand for As'salat at the two ends/brink of the day [second and third prayer] and in moments from the progressively approaching night [after sun set-17:78].

Indeed the appropriately proportioned acts take away/remove the evil deeds.


That is a reminder for those who remember/retain in memory. [11:114]

And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] remain coolly perseverant and determined.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 12:90, same info in 9:120]o

In consequence Allah does not indeed let remain un-rewarded those who conduct moderately/ balanced way. [11:115]

[Read in conjunction 6:112,123;11:116;25:31;34:32]o

  • Thereby, [the lesson to be drawn from past examples of nations inflicted with punishment] the factual position is that  the people of intellect and wisdom-mindful of eventualities, amongst the earlier generations/civilizations, in aforetimes before you people, were not forbidding people from causing distortions and deviations in the society.

  • Exceptions were a small minority in them who did attempt. We saved/rescued whoever was doing it from amongst them [before inflicting punishment].

  • Those, who did wrong and manipulated, literally pursued the interest of that prominence, luxuries, opulence they were placed in.

  • Hence, they were equally persistent criminals. [11:116]

[Read with 6:131;26:208;28:59]

And your Sustainer Lord is not such that He may annihilate any locality/habitat unjustly while her inhabitants are maintaining righteousness/balanced conduct/perfection. [11:117]

And had it been the Will/desire of your Sustainer Lord, He would have certainly made the people a singular homogeneous entity/fraternity [that was not the intent of creation].


And they will not cease to keep differing/contradicting, [11:118]

except the one upon whom your Sustainer Lord bestowed mercy.

and for that [will and decision to accept or differ] He created them.

[Read the word in 7:18;17:63; 38:85]o

And so that the word of your Sustainer Lord is accomplished that, "It is certain that I will fill the Hell-Prison with people from species Jinn and human beings all collected together". [11:119]

And all that we narrate to you in exact sequence/occurrence are from the news of the Messengers with which We strengthen and tranquil your heart and mind.

And in these exact narrations of events has reached to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] a proven and established fact;


and for true believers is a polite admonishment and a reminder/lesson/advice to remember. [11:120]

[Similar pronouncement in  6:135;11:93,121;39:39]

And say for [to] those ones who do not accept/believe, "you people keep performing deliberate acts at your places/of your choice/wish, we will keep performing our deeds.

[Same pronouncement in 6:158]

and you people wait, we are indeed waiting for the Day" [since we do not have any confusion in our conviction of its coming soon] [11:122]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:77]

And for Allah is [what is from others] the invisible/hidden secrets of the Skies and the Earth

And towards Him the matter/affair/issue is returned/presented for settling/decision, all of them .

Therefore/for that reason you be subject/subservient/allegiant to Him and have your trust and dependence upon Him.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 27:93; similar 6:132]o

And your Sustainer Lord is indeed never unmindful/neglecting of what acts you people perform. [11:123]

