Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          






























































































































It is certain that Qa'roon was from/belonged the nation of Musa [alai'his'slaam], for reason he showed insolence for them

while We had given him treasures to such great extent that certainly holding of their keys would burden men of strength.

When his people said for [to] him, "You do not rejoice boisterously,


surely Allah does not appreciate and approve those who are exulted boisterous boaster. [28:76]

And make yourself seek the abode of Hereafter with that which Allah has given you

though do not forget your share of [enjoyment in] the world;

and you do good to others like that Allah has done good to you;

and you do not seek and pursue imbalances and distortions in the Land;

[Similar pronouncement in 5:64]o

it is certain that Allah does not approve/appreciate those who are distorter/creators of disorder/ imbalances/spread wicked unsound ideas". [28:77]

[Same boasting in 39:49]

He/Qa'roon responded, "I have been given all that only because of the knowledge I have".

Did he not have this knowledge that Allah has in the past annihilated from generations before him

[Read with 50:36]

who was more strong in power than him and was abundant in accumulated wealth.

[Read with 55:39]o

And neither the [held/marked liable to cognizance] criminals are asked about their slanders and sins. [28:78]

Thereat he came out to his people loaded in his pomp/ceremonial splendor.

Those who were desirous of worldly life said,


"Oh! would that for us be like that which has been given to Qa'roon. It is true that he is holder of a  great fortune" [28:79]

And those whom knowledge had been given said, "Woe to you, the reward of Allah is far better

for the one who believed and he acted perfectly


but that/reward is not confronted/awarded except to those who are steadfast coolly perseverant [till end]. [28:80]

Thereafter We cave-in the Earth with him and with his house,

whereupon for him there was none from teams who could help/rescue him other than Allah


and he was not from amongst those who can help themselves. [28:81]

And those entered in the morning, who aspired for his place yesterday, saying

[what yesterday we aspired] "Strange! why we not remembered that of course Allah expands the sustenance for the one He willed from His created ones and restricts to measure of one He willed,

had it not been that Allah did favour upon us certainly He would have caved in the Earth with us;


Strange! why we did not see that the non believers do not attain perpetual success". [28:82]

That [perpetual success is] is the House of the Hereafter, We have made it for those who do not aspire and seek exaltedness in the Earth and nor imbalances/disorder/spread wicked unsound ideas.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:128]o

And the ultimate accomplishment is for those who endeavor remaining cautious, heedful, and mindful and conduct restraining. [28:83]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 27:89; Read with 6:160]

Whoever came with moderate conduct in response for him is better than it [minimum reward is like ten similar acts]

and the one who came with a bad/sinful conduct

[Read with 6:160;7:147;34:33]o

then/for reason [of dispensation of justice] requital, for those who performed bad/sinful deeds, is nothing except similar one/equivalent to that which they kept doing. [28:84]

It is a fact that the One, Who has prescribed time-bound assignment of the Qur'aan upon you, He will surely return/revive you, the Messenger Mohammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] honorably to the Original Abode [مَقَاماً مَّحْمُوداً  17:79]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "My Sustainer Lord best knows the one who has come with Al-Huda-the Guide-Grand Qur'aan, and knows fully the one who is wanderer in manifest forgetfulness". [28:85]

  • Let it be known that, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] were not in earlier life hoping or pursuing that the Book might be presented to you.

  • However, presenting you the Book-Grand Qur'aan is but a blessing earmarked for you by your Sustainer Lord.

  • Therefore, you should never be the supporter-helper-advocate for those who refuse to accept the Book. [28:86]

And let not the deniers divert you from the Aa'ya'at of Allah the Exalted after these are communicated to you.

And you invite people towards your Sustainer Lord;

[Same information in same words in 6:14;10:105]o

advising, "you should never be with those who ascribe sculpted idols with fake feminine names as partners of Allah the Exalted. [28:87]

[Same instruction in same words in 26:213]

 and neither you should ever call-assign along with Allah the Exalted any other as iela'aha.

There is no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except Him/Allah,

[Read with 25:58;55:26-27]

Each and every material thing is subject to destruction, the exception is only His Person;

[Same pronouncement in 6:62;28:70]

 Decision/commanding the matters is for Him,


[Same information in same words in 2:245;10:56;11:34,28:70;36:22,83;41:21;43:85; except Waw 29:17]

   and you people will be presented before Him [on day of Resurrection] for accountability". [28:88]

