Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.            [Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this  سُورة  [Chapter 9] like others and hence it is never numbered.  Traditionally it is not even printed on Chapter 9.














Verb: Perfect; Second person; plural; masculine; active [Form III]. Root: ب ى ع






















































































































































Indeed Allah has purchased/taken into possession from the Believers/bargained their selves/bodies and their wealth so that in future the Paradise becomes theirs.

They confront war in the cause of Allah and resultantly they kill the enemy and they get killed by the enemy in the battlefield.

[since such transactions of promissory nature must be in writing therefore obligation of the Purchaser to give Paradise] It is a promise/obligation upon Him/Allah, recorded in writing in Tor'aat, and In'jeel and the Qur'aan as an established fact

since who has better discharged and fulfilled his promise than Allah/it is like an established fact since no one has ever discharged his obligation better than Allah.

Therefore/for this reason you people feel happy with your promissory business transaction the one you people have contracted with.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 9:72;10:64;40:09;44:57;57:12]o

And this [ with Allah] is the one which is the greatest/grand achievement/success. [9:111]

Such believers are those who turn in repentance [if incidentally anything wrong gets done by them], they are persistently allegiants, they keep praising the Glory of Allah, they go out to learn, they are the ones who bow and prostrate, they are the ones who enjoin to act according to accepted social values/norms and forbid following conjectural innovations/deceits/deviations/unfamiliar, unauthentic and unverifiable myths; and they are the ones who take guard/restrain for the limits set by Allah.

[Same advice in same words in 2:223;10:87;33:47;61:13]o

And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] give glad tidings/guarantee/congratulations to the persistently true believers. [9:112]

And it is not desirable for the Elevated and Chosen Servant [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and for those who have believed that they should seek forgiveness for the sculpted statue worshippers notwithstanding that they might be near blood relatives


after when it has been made evidently manifest for them that they are companions of the residents of Hell-Prison. [9:113]

[that precedence is not to be followed] Since/and the forgiveness asked by Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] for his father was but for the reason of that promise which he had promised exclusively to him.

Then/for reason/in consequence when it became evident for him that indeed his father was enemy for Allah he alienated himself from him.


Indeed Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] was undoubtedly a compassionate forbearing person. [9:114]

And this is not the case with Allah that He may let the people neglectfully straying after He has given them guidance [by sending the Book] until and unless He makes distinctly crystal clear for them as to about what they should be mindful, fearful and restrained.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 8:75;29:62;58:07]o

Indeed Allah is eternally the Knower of each and everything. [9:115]

Indeed for Allah is solely the dominion/sovereignty of the Skies and the Earth.

He creates life and causes death.

[Exactly same words in end 2:107;29:22;42:31]o

 And O you the people for you people there is neither a guardian/protector and/nor a helper except/other than Allah. [9:116]

Indeed Allah had turned mercifully, towards the Elevated and Chosen [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and the Emigrants and the Local Helpers who physically followed him in the hour of difficulty,

after that the hearts of a group of them had nearly tilted away, afterwards He turned to them.


Indeed Allah is to them most surely full of kindness, the Most Merciful. [9:117]

And upon "the known three" of those who had lethargically tarried back, [for them decision was deferred] until when the Earth despite its vastness had become narrow/straitened for them

and their own selves felt contracted and they assessed that there was no refuge from Allah except with Him, afterwards He mercifully attended them so that they they may come back to the position where they had erred.

[Same pronouncement in 9:104]o

Indeed Allah is He Who is sympathetically oft Relenting, the Merciful. [9:118]

O you who say to have believed! You people always remain mindful and cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah


and you people be along with those who prove themselves  truthful with their deeds. [9:119]

And it was not appropriate for the residents of Madina and those Foreign Settlers in Arabia in its surrounding vicinity that they should remain behind from the Messenger of Allah;

and nor it is appropriate that they should seek and prefer their personal selves over the Person of Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam].

That is for the reason that indeed neither thirst afflicts them, and nor fatigue and nor hunger in the cause of Allah

and nor they step any step irritating the disbelievers and nor they inflict any infliction on enemy,

except that which is recorded in writing for them as an act of righteousness.

[Same pronouncement in 11:115;12:90]o

Indeed Allah does not let remain un-rewarded those who conduct moderately/balanced way. [9:120]

And there is nothing small and large of spending which they people spend and nor a valley they cross in journey except which is put down in writing in the book for them

[Read with 16:97;24:38;29:07;39:35]o

so that Allay may pay them the most appropriate reward for the acts they people perform. [9:121]

And it is not possible for the Believers that they may go away from the city, all of them together.

For that reason/impracticability why a party, constituted by drawing persons from each and every group/clan among them, may no go out

so that they study/learn and understand about the physical system [advancements of other nations]

and so that they awaken/update their own people when they return back to them


so that there is a possibility that they/their people are cautioned to take necessary precautions. [9:122]

O you who declare to have accepted!

You people confront war with the disbelievers who are in neighboring borders/close to you and let them find in you people the unity and strength.

[Exactly same information in same words in 2:194;9:36]o

And remember that Allah is with those who persistently are mindful and cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct. [9:123]

And when a Surat [demarcated chapter of Qur'aan] is revealed/sent then from amongst them [Muna'fi'qeen] is one who asks, "Who is the one amongst you whom it has increased in conviction and faith?".


The consequence of revelation is that it has increased the faith of  those who have truly believed and they feel happy. [9:124]

And as for those [Muna'fi'qeen] in whose hearts there is a disease the revelation of Surat has increased their psychological confusion/perplexity and disquiet [since they do not reflect]


and they died while they were persistently in the state of being the deniers/disbelievers. [9:125]

Do they/Muna'fi'qeen not notice that each and every year they are indeed put into a liquefying test once or twice?


Afterwards they do not return repenting and nor they people remember/recall that. [9:126]

And when a Surat [demarcated chapter of Qur'aan containing injunction for fighting war] is revealed/sent some of them look at some others asking, "Has anyone seen you", afterwards they turn away.


Allah has let their hearts turned away because they are indeed the people who do not understand [since they do not reflect] [9:127]

[O you who declare to have accepted] Indeed the Messenger has come to you from your selves, upon him it is a heavy dominant concern which made you people suffer.


He is in particular kind and merciful with the believers. [9:128]

[ignoring injunction of war] Then/for reason if they turn away, in that case you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Allah suffices for me.

 There is no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except Him alone.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:88;12:67;13:30;42:10]

Upon Him I place reliance and dependence

[Same pronouncement in same words in 27:26]o

and He is the Sustainer Lord of the Supreme Sovereign Seat/Throne [beyond the Skies of universe]" [9:129]

