Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              016

    Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.          





Perception and meanings- Qur'aan had disclosed what today we call Alzheimer's disease.
















































Delete 16:76

; 16:76a
















16:78 Word by Word Analysis











































And Allah has created you people, afterwards [lapse of your appointed duration of life] He alienates/segregates you people [from the company of others either dead or alive if murdered in His way/cause]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:05]

And there is someone from amongst you whom He gradually returns towards pitiable period of life;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:05]

 so that he may not trace/separate/locate something [know it] after having its knowledge.


Indeed Allah is eternally the all-Knowing, eternally the dominant. [16:70]

And Allah has granted distinction upon some of you people over some others in the grant of sustenance.

Then those whom distinction of affluence, excessive resources is given are not the diverters of their sustenance/wealth to those who are their servants thereby they all becoming equal/equated in sustenance.


Is it that they deliberately and knowingly deny the the grace and bounty of Allah. [16:71]

And Allah has created/declared/appointed for you people from your own selves as mates/companions

And made for you people from your spouses sons and grandsons.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 8:26;40:64]

And He provided you people worldly sustenance from pleasant nourishing things.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 29:67]o

Is it then they believe in the false conjectural scum and refuse to accept the blessing of Allah [Grand Qur'aan] [16:72]

and they worship/exhibit allegiance and subservience to some other than Allah that neither possesses sustenance for them in the Skies and the Earth of any sort nor are they capable. [16:73]

  • Therefore, you people should not draw similitude-equations for Allah the Exalted.

  • Indeed Allah the Exalted knows everything while you people do not know everything. [16:74]

[Read with 39:29]

Allah quoted/surfaced the contrast between a person the characteristic of whom is that of a possession less person, he does not have control/possession/authority over any material thing;

and the other one is a person whom We have given sustenance, from Us sustenance affluent and proportionate, for which reason/consequentially he spends out of it secretly and publicly.

Are they both identical [in public eye]?

[Same pronouncement in 39:29 16:75]

[having understood the point say] The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for Allah.

[Same information in same words 16:101;27:61;31:25;39:29]o

However the fact of the matter is that most of them do not know [retain such simple facts in their memory]. [16:75]


And Allah quoted/surfaced the contrast of two persons, one of those two is dumb,


he does not have any will and control upon anything and he is solely dependant upon his master; wherever he sends him he does not comes back with anything good.


Is such person equal [in public eye] with the one who decides matters with justice and equity;


and thus he is moving on the straight path to destination. [16:76]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:123]

And for Allah is [what is from others] the invisible/hidden secrets of the Skies and the Earth

And the affair/happening of the Terminating Moment is but like the twinkling of vision or rather it is nearer/less than that.

[Same information, mirror 2:20,109,148;3:165;24:45,29:20 and 35:01]o

Indeed, Allah has eternally the infinite power over all things. [16:77]


  • Realize that, Allah the Exalted brought you people out of the bellies of your respective mothers in a state that you did not have the knowledge/perception of matter/something-possessing dimensions, material realities.

  • Moreover, He the Exalted assigned for you people the faculty/sense of processing sounds and verbal information, and the visualizations; and faculty of Processing-Integrating-producing Knowledge-Brains.

  • This realization may enable you people to express praises/thanks. [16:78] [let us respond الحمد لله]

Do they not let their selves see/give a thought towards two winged birds controlled in the midst of the Sky, no one hold them except Allah.

[Same pronouncement  in same words in 27:86;29:24;30:37;39:52]o

Indeed in it are signs/information/knowledge for people to believe [in the magnanimity of Creator, their Sustainer Lord]. [16:79]

And Allah has declared/made for you people in your residential houses as stationary resting place,

and made for you people from the hides of mammals residing places which you find light during the day of journey and the day of your sojourn/encampment.


And in their wool, and their fur and their hair is furnishing and provisional benefit for a period.[16:80]

[Read with 25:45]

And Allah has made for you people shadows/shades of what He had created

And He has made for you people in the mountains shelters.

[dress is like feathery protection to avoid heat-outflow 7:26]

And He has made for you people the garments which preserves heat individually to you people.

and the garments that protect you individually from mutual hostility/offensive.


This is how He completes His blessing upon you people so that you people surrender. [16:81]

[Similar consolation given in 3:20;13:40]

[Assignment/responsibility of Messenger pronounced in 3:20;5:67,:92,99;13:40;16:35,82;24:54;29:18;36:17;4248;64:12;72:23,28]

Therefore/then/for reason if they people turn away then [do not feel grieved, sorry for them since]  the only responsibility upon you, the Messenger, is the delivering/passing on/conveying of the One [Grand Qur'aan] who/which makes every thing evident/apparent/distinct [16:82]

They recognize the blessing of Allah [when granted], afterwards/lapse of time they show indifference and most of them are rejecters. [16:83]

