Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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      Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.        


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Indeed this Grand Qur'aan relates upon Bani Iesraa'eel step by step/event by event facts from the news/their history about most of which they keep mutually differing. [27:76]

[Similar pronouncement in 10:57;17:82]

And indeed the Qur'aan is certainly a Guide [in time and space] and Mercy/blessing for the true believers. [27:77]

Indeed your Sustainer Lord will conclude between them with His command [in matters they mutually differ-2:113;10:93;16:124;32:25;45:17]


And He is the All Dominant and Pervasive, The Knower of apparent and invisible/secreted/infolded. [27:78]

[Same advice in same words in 3:159]

For reason/therefore you keep placing confidence/trust in Allah [about success/desirable outcome];


indeed you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] are on Manifestly Established Fact and Reality. [27:79]


[With فَ ditto 30:52]

It is true that you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] cannot make the dead persons listen you and neither you can make the deaf men listen/comprehend the call/word the moment they reflexively transformed turning away on their backs [a deaf man can be made to "listen and learn" if he is confronting/watching eye to eye but not when he has turned on his back-Qur'aan disclosed in 7th Century that Deaf have the capability to "listen, learn and get educated". But, according to Encyclopedia Encarta, until the Middle Ages, most people believed that deaf persons were incapable of learning language or of being educated in any way. By the 16th century, however, a few philosophers and educators began to reconsider the condition of deaf persons]. [27:80]

[Except ى Same pronouncement in same words in 30:53]

And nor you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] can act as a Guide for the blind hearted men from their willful negligence and indifference/subdued by passion/conjecture and worldly lusts. 

[Same pronouncement in same words in 30:53]o

You cannot cause a man listen in mind except the one who believes in Our Aa'ya'at [of the Book and demonstrative physical unprecedented signs] whereupon they act as Muslims, those who physically demonstrate submission to the fact of believing by following the prescribed Code and Procedure of Life-Islam. [27:81]

And when the Word/Promise would have happened/executed upon them/the blind hearted men-the non listeners

We caused the bringing out for them from the Earth a moving animal, that will be caused to converse with them in words


for the reason that [such] people did not make themselves have firm belief/conviction about it. [27:82]

And the Day [after second blow in Trumpet] We gather from each and every generation/identity those groups who publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'at [of the Book and demonstrative physical unprecedented signs], whereupon they will be distributed in restrictions, [for respectively earmarked part of Hell-Prison comprising seven partitions] [27:83] [Read with 41:19]


until when they reached [at respective gates of Hell-Prison] He said, "Did you publicly contradict My Aa'ya'at for reason that you did not comprehend/encompass them with knowledge or for that which you people kept doing" [27:84]

And the Word/Promise got happened/executed upon them, for the reason they people did wrong, whereupon they will not speak. [27:85]

[Same information in 10:67;40:61]

Do they not see/notice that We have made the Night so that they may have rest/stillness during that time, and the Day as provider of brightness and vision.

[Same pronouncement in 27:52]

indeed in this are certainly demonstrative signs so that the people may believe. [27:86]

[Same information in sane words 6:73;20:102;78:18]

And the Day when [First] sound will be blown in the Trumpet

[Read with 34:51]

thereupon whoever is in the Skies and whoever is in/on the Earth will be terrified

[Read with 21:103;27:89;39:68]

except the one whom Allah willed [not to be effected by terrible happenings of the Day]

[Read with 37:18]o

and each and everyone [after second blow in Trumpet] came to His presence as submissive and humbling. [27:87]

And you see the mountains, you think/presume them as firmly statically fixed while in fact they softly change position, like the smooth move/crawl of the Middle Cloud.

The artistry of Allah, the One Who caused each and every thing to be in perfection [in its self and with relation to every thing else].


Indeed He is fully aware of what acts you people do for the first time/innovatively. [27:88]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 28:84]

Whoever came with moderate conduct in response for him is better than it

[Similar information in 21:103]o

and such people are safe and tranquil from the great terror of the Day  [surfacing on first blow in the Trumpet on Last Day]. [27:89]

And whoever came with evil conduct then/for that reason faces of such people are depressed and dejected in the Hell-Prison.  

[Read with 10:52]o

[they will be reminded] "Are you people being recompensed except that what deliberate and willful acts you people performed?" [27:90] [Read with 10:52;27:90;36:54;37:39;45:28;52:16;66:07]

[You, the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, pronounce] "I was only advised [when Qur'aan was presented/revealed] that I should [ask people to] remain subject/subservient/allegiant to the Sustainer Lord of this City, which He has declared sanctified, and for Him is each and every thing [subservient/dependant willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously];

[Same pronouncement in same words by the First named Messenger  in 10:72]o

and I was advised [at the time of presentation/revelation of Qur'aan] that I be the [first one-39:12] amongst it acceptors/submitters;  [27:91]

and I was commanded that I should recite/communicate the Qur'aan to people, word by word "

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:108; similar in 17:15]

[He has since done it] Therefore/in response the Qur'aan having reached to him whoever is guided then undoubtedly he guides/leads on the way for his own self".

And the person who remained neglectful/indifferent towards Grand Qur'aan;


then [not being responsible for him] you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce that "I am only from the Awakeners/Revivalists/Admonishers" [27:92]

[Read with 41:53]

Moreover,  you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for Allah, He will keep showing you people His Aa'ya'at [signs/knowledge in the Universe and own bodies] whereby you people will recognize them".

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:123; similar 6:132]o

And  your Sustainer Lord is indeed never unmindful/neglecting of what acts you people perform. [27:93]

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