Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              010

        Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.    








































































































Noun: Definite; Masculine; plural; nominative.



































































And Musa [alai'his'slaam in Egypt] said, "O my nation! if you people have believed in Allah then/for reason you people have trust and confidence upon Him if you people are Muslims" [10:84]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:89]

In response they said, "Upon Allah we have put trust and dependence".

[Same prayer in 60:05]o

They prayed, "Our Sustainer Lord! You do not make us the object/crucible for subjecting those to trial and exposure who are the unjust people; [10:85]

and rescue us with Your mercy from the nation of disbelievers" [10:86]

And We communicated to Musa [علیہ السلام] and his brother that "you both select/earmark for your nation within the city Misr [Egypt] houses

and you people appoint your houses [in various localities respectively] as Confronting Focal Point [] and you people manage/organize As'salat.

[Same advice in same words in 2:223;9:112;33:47;61:13]o

And you [Musa علیہ السلام] give glad tidings to the persistently believing ones". [10:87]

And Musa [alai'his'slaam in Egypt] prayed, "Our Sustainer Lord! Indeed You have given Fir'aoun/ Pharaoh and his chieftains splendor and riches in the worldly life. Our Sustainer Lord! they are employing this to astray people from Your path. Our Sustainer Lord! You obliterate their riches and let their hearts remain hardened with the result they do not believe until they see/face the painful chastisement" [10:88]

He/Allah said, "The prayer of both you two has been answered". Hence [till it happens] you both remain steadfast and composed and you both two must not follow the path of those who do not know" [10:89]

[Same information in same words in 7:138]

And We the Majesty helped Bani Iesraa'eela safely cross over the [dried passage-fringing Reef] Gulf of Suez;

Then/in consequence/for reason [encouraged by having seen Bani Iesraa'eel cross over safely to other side] Fir'aoun/Pharaoh and his armed troops physically followed them in rebellion and enmity

which continued until when he was about to drowning

he cried, "I have believed that indeed there is no iela'aha except the One in Whom have believed Bani Iesraa'eel


and I am from amongst the Muslims" [10:90]

[Same information about him in 28:04;44:31]

[He was told] "Now at this point in time! and you had indeed refused to accept this earlier and you have persistently been from amongst the distorters and creators of imbalances/in-equilibrium. [10:91]

[Read with 43:56]

Therefore today We will rescue your corpse so that you may be a sign/lesson who imitates you".


And indeed most people are neglectful/heedless of Our Aa'ya'at [eye opening demonstrative sign] [10:92]

And certainly We had in the past settled Bani Iesraa'eel, a settlement fulfilling the promised word, and We provided them worldly sustenance from pleasant nourishing things

[Similar information in 42:14;45:17]

Then/for reason they did not differ except after having reached them that which brought them the knowledge.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 45:17]

[ignore them] Indeed your Sustainer Lord Allah will adjudge them, on the Day of Resurrection/ Revival, in what they keep differing/opposing. [10:93]

Therefore if in the past you had only unconfirmed ambiguous information regarding what We have communicated to you about them then confront [with the revealed information] those who have been reading the Book before you.

Indeed the Statement of Established/Proven Fact [Grand Qur'aan] from your Sustainer Lord has since reached to you [narrating facts and news of past and future about people of Book]

[Exactly this advice in same words at end 2:147;6:114;slightly different 3:60]o

Therefore you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] do not be like the worrywarts [for such people of Book]. [10:94]

And nor be worrywart for those who have publicly contradicted the Aa'ya'at [of the Book] of Allah otherwise [remaining persistently in grief] you will  be amongst those who perish themselves. [10:95]

[Similar info in 10:33]

 [Keep this fact in mind] Indeed those [who transgressed/distanced away from restraints] upon whom the word of your Sustainer Lord has been proved and established, they will not accept/believe, [you are unnecessarily worried about hem]

[Similar pronouncement in 26:201]

even if/though each and every verse/evident demonstrative unprecedented sign comes/is known to them, until they see/face the painful chastisement. [10:97]

In response [to unprecedented demonstrative signs] why were there not a town/people who believed with the result that their believing would have benefited them, except the People of Yunus [alai'his'slaam] from whom We averted away the chastisement of disgrace in the worldly life when they believed and We granted the comforts/sustenance for a while/term. [10:98] [Read with 37:148]

[Read with 6:35;149]

[You remain relaxed on their non acceptance and contradiction of Grand Qur'aan] Since/and had your Sustainer Lord so willed everyone on the Earth would have undoubtedly accepted/believed, all of them collectively.


[Allah has given people freedom of choice] Would you then force/pressurize people against their will and disliking till they become believers [to get relieved of grief you have for them]? [10:99]

And it is not possible for a person that he may proclaim belief except with the explicit permission of Allah [since He transmits the data from brain to chest to enable someone utter words].

[Read with 6:125]o

And He has appointed confusing/brain scattering/disconcert/fidgeting upon those who do not ponder/apply intellect to differentiate [conjecture from the truth]. [10:100]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "You people give a thought to what is in the Skies and the Earth.


And the visible signs and the awakeners/admonishers do not avail benefit to people who deliberately and persistently do not accept/believe. [10:101]

In response do they await but the like of the days of those who passed away before them?

[Similar pronouncement in 7:71;10:20]o

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them, "Therefore you people wait [for the promised thing to happen], I am indeed with you people from the waiting ones". [10:102]

[Visible signs and Awakeners were of no avail to disbelieving people] Afterwards We saved/rescued Our Messengers and those who accepted believed [with them]

[Same pronouncement in 30:46]o

This is an obligation upon Us that We deliver/rescue the believers. [10:103] [In view of Allah's self assumed obligation let us reject all those myths of murder of Chosen and Elevated Servants/Messengers]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "O you the people! If you people are in doubt/skepticism/ill informed regarding my way/conduct/code of life then be informed that I do not owe allegiance to those whom you people worship/are allegiant apart from Allah;

instead I am perpetually allegiant solely and exclusively to the One Who segregates/alienates you people [from the company of others during sleep, on death as well on Day of Resurrection]


and it was commanded [at the time of revelation] to me that I be [the first] amongst those who accepted/believed it". [10:104]

[This was commanded 30:30]

and that "you keep maintaining focus of your attention for the Prescribed System/Code perpetually;

[Same information in same words in 6:14;28:87]o

and that [like the past] you should never be with those who ascribe sculpted idols [with fake feminine names] as associates of Allah. [10:105]

and nor you should ever call anyone other than Allah that which neither causes you any benefit and nor that could cause you any harm.


Therefore if you did any of it for the first ever time then certainly in that case you will instantly be considered from amongst the distorters. [10:106]

[Replica 6:17]

And if Allah inflicts upon you distress/adversity then/for reason [He being absolutely dominant] there is none except Him for removing that distress;

And if He intends betterment for you, then for His bounty there is none who could revert things to original state,

He causes this bounty to reach anyone whom He likes from His created ones/servants.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 46:08]o

 And He is repeatedly Forgiving/Overlooking and the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [10:107]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "It is a fact that the Statement of Established Facts/Grand Qur'aan has since reached to you people from your Sustainer Lord.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 27:92; similar in 17:15;39:41]

Therefore/in response [the Qur'aan having reached to him] whoever is guided thereby undoubtedly he guides/leads on the way only for his own self.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 17:15;39:41]

Similarly, the person who remained neglectful/indifferent [towards Grand Qur'aan] thereby the consequential fact is that he strays/neglects upon his own self.

[His same pronouncement in 6:66]o

 Remain aware that I am not for you people responsible/advocate/disposer of affairs/caretaker". [10:108]

[Same command in 6:106;33:02;75:18]

And you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] physically follow in letter and spirit that [Grand Qur'aan] which has been communicated/revealed to you. [He was directed for this four times and  He pronounced it four times,  6:50;7:203;10:15;46:09]

And be coolly perseverant until Allah decides/decrees/adjudges.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:87;12:80]o

And He is the best of the Judges. [10:109]

