Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [ Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this سُورة [Chapter 10] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator. |
Aleph [letter], Laam [Consonant] with prolongation sign/glyph, Ra [Consonant]. [Replica/Mirror
31:02]o These are the Aa'ya'at of the Book that gives insight to the invisible/hidden/secreted things. [10:01] [read with
7:63,69;10:02;38:04;50:02] Is it for the people something strange that We have communicated [the Book] to a man from amongst them with the direction that, "You, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] admonish/ awaken the mankind and give glad tidings/congratulations to those who have accepted/believed that for them is a respectable position/reward of an act of truth near their Sustainer Lord. o Those who disbelieved said, "Indeed this [revealed Book/Grand Qur'aan] is certainly evident illusionist". [10:02]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
7:54] Indeed Sustainer Lord of you people is Allah, The One Who innovatively created the Skies and the Earth in a time duration of six days [time reckoned in outside this/your universe];
[Same pronouncement in same words in
7:54;13:02;25:59;32:04;57:04] Thereafter He ascended to the Supreme Sovereign Seat/Throne [beyond Skies of universe] [Same pronouncement in same words in
13:02;32:05] He organizes/manages/commands all matters until their logical conclusion. There is none from intercessor except after His explicit permission.
[Similar pronouncement in 6:95;
6:102;10:03;35:13;39:06;40:62,64] He is Allah; the Sustainer Lord of you people. Therefore be subservient/allegiant to Him alone. [Same query in same words in
11:24,30;16:17;23:85;37:155;45:23]o [why you deviate] Is it for reason that you people consciously decide not to reflect? [10:03] Towards Him you people will be turned altogether [on the Day of Judgment] [Same pronouncement in same words in
4:122;31:09] The promise of Allah is as proven and established truth. [Read with
10:34;27:64;29:19;30:11,27] Indeed He/Allah initiates the creation, afterwards He revives-takes it to logical conclusion
so that He may reward equitably those who believed and performed moderate righteous deeds. And those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept,
[Same information in same words in
6:70] o for them the drink is hot water and severe punishment for the reason that they deliberately and persistently refused to accept. [preferring worldly interests and fascination] [10:04] He is the One Who has given the Sun characteristic of radiating heat and visible light; and to the Moon of reflecting visible light. [For solar calculations
17:12] And He appointed the stages/spaces of the Moon so that you people may know the count/number of [Lunar] years and calculations and equations. [Read with 36:39;84:18] And Allah has not created this except for a determined purpose and proven fact. He makes the Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge about things/ concepts] vividly distinct/demarcated/isolated/alienated/crystal clear so that the people may have knowledge. [10:05]
It is a fact that explicit tangible manifestations are evidently reflective of the Divine Providence and Will, in the alteration/revolving/circular pursuit of the Night and the Day, and in that which Allah has created in the Skies and the Earth, so that the people consciously and persistently are mindful/take heed with reverence and fear. [10:06] It is certain that those people who do not expect to be held accountable before Us and they are happily absorbed in the worldly life and they are satisfied with it, o and those who are negligent from Our Aa'ya'at [of the Book and visible all around them]; [10:07]
they are the people for whom the abode is Hell for the reason what they people deliberately and consciously do and perform. [10:08] Indeed those people who accepted/believed and performed moderate righteous deeds, their Sustainer Lord will lead them with [visible light of] their belief o into the Gardens of Delight side by which flow streams. [10:09] Their prayer therein would be, "Glory is for You, O Allah". And their greetings therein would be "peace and tranquility". and their last/departing call is that "Glorifying praise is for Allah, the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds". [10:10]