Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              017

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          






























































































[Same assertion in same words in 17:98]

And they said, "Is it [possible] that when we would have become bones and decayed/disintegrated as crumbled particles would we be revived as renewed creation?" [17:49]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "You will certainly be revived even if you become stones or iron [otherwise/opposite of disintegrated particles]; [17:50]

or anything which you consider great in your thought"

In response to it they will say, "Who will revert us to original position?"

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "The One Who originated you people for the first time".

In response/reaction they will shake their heads towards you and thy will say, "When is that Day".


You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "May be that it is near; [17:51]

the Day He will call you then you people will respond with His glorifying praise


and you people will guess that you lived in dead state except for a little while" [17:52]

And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for My allegiants that they should utter a statement which is appropriately balanced and moderate.

Indeed [taking advantage of loosely worded statements] the Shaitan nurtures ill will between them.


Indeed the Shaitan is for human beings the openly declared enemy. [17:53]

Your Sustainer Lord fully knows you people.

If He wills He will decide to have mercy upon you people or if He so willed He will decide to punish you people [depending upon how you conduct].

[Similar information in 6:107; 39:41;42:06]o

And We have not sent you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] upon them as  responsible/advocate/disposer of affairs/caretaker. [Messenger pronounced it 6:66;10:108] [17:54]

And your Sustainer Lord fully and absolutely knows whoever is in the Skies and the Earth.

[Read with 2:253]

And indeed We have granted distinction/peculiarity/individuality to the Elevated and Chosen Sincere Servants upon one another.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:163]o

  And We gave to Da'ued [علیہ السلام] Zaboor'an [Book written/on papers]. [17:55]

[Same pronouncement in 34:22]

You, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "You people call those which you consider [as various iela'aha] apart from Him,


then you will find/for reason they do not possess anything to avert away from you adversity and nor in the manner of circumstantial alteration/variation". [17:56]

Those whom they call upon [instead of Allah] they themselves seek towards their Sustainer Lord the medium/source of access as to who of them could comparatively be nearer,

and they look forward/wish for His mercy and they fear His chastisement.


Indeed the chastisement of your Sustainer Lord is a matter worthy of remaining cautious about it. [17:57]

And there is no city except that We will annihilate it before the [blowing of second trumpet on] Day of Resurrection,

or it will be punished with severe infliction.


This fact is written down/prescribed in the Book. [17:58]

And nothing has withheld Us that We may not send unprecedented demonstrative signs except that the earlier people contradicted such unprecedented demonstrative signs.

And We gave the people of Sa'mued the she-camel, an eye opener sign; then/for reason they did unjust with her.


And We do not send the unprecedented demonstrative signs except for terrorizing. [17:59]

And when We said for you that indeed your Sustainer Lord has encompassed the mankind.

And We had not declared the dream which We had shown to you [in hard days regarding giving you the control of Ka'aba-48:27] except as a trial/liquefying irritation for people;

[Read with 37:62-64;44:43;56:52]

and same/liquefying irritation is the purpose of mention of the aversive tree in the Qur'aan [37:63]


and We terrorize them, then for reason [warnings do not benefit the heedless people] it does not enhance them except in over brimming transgression. [17:60]

