Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this سُورة [Chapter 35] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator. |
The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for Allah, [Same pronouncement in same
words in
12:101;39:46;42:11] He is the Primal Originator/Creator of the Skies and the Earth. He appoints the Angels as messengers, the possessors of wings, twos, and threes, and fours. He/Allah increases/adds in the creation [in whatever manner] He wills. [Same information in 2:20,109,148;3:165;16:77;24:45,29:20]o Indeed, Allah has eternally the infinite power over all each and every thing. [35:01]
[Read with
39:38] That which Allah grants for people from Mercy thereat/for reason there is no one who could cause for its holding back;
[Read with 67:21] and that which He holds back then/thereat there is no one who could cause its release after it has been held back; [Same pronouncement in same words in
14:04;16:60;29:42;30:27;31:09;45:37;57:01;59:01;59:24;61:01;62:03]o since/and He is the All Pervasive/Dominant and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/ secreted/infolded. [35:02]
O you the living Mankind! you recall the Grace of Allah upon you people.
Is there a creator other than Allah?
He/Allah provides you people the sustenance [feed for continuity of life] from the Sky and the Earth. There is no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except He alone. [Same query in same words in
6:95;10:34;40:62]o Then how you people are deluded away from Him?. [35:03]
[Read with
22:42] And in case they publicly contradict what you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] have stated to them [the Aa'ya'at of Qur'aan/Allah] then/thereby [do not feel grieved] it is a fact that in aforetimes before you the words conveyed by Messengers were publicly contradicted.
[Exact these words are in
8:44;22:76;and 57:05]o And all matters are returned/presented for settling/decision by Allah. [35:04] O you the living Mankind,
[Same pronouncement in
10:55;18:21;28:13;30:60;31:09;31:33;35:05;40:55] Indeed the promise of Allah [regarding Last Day] is a fact; [Same pronouncement in same words in
31:33] therefore let not the life of this world put you people in deceptive delusion; [Same pronouncement in same words in
57:14]o and nor let the Deceiver put you in deceptive delusion about Allah [His Book]. [35:05]
Indeed the Shai'taan for you people is enemy, therefore, you people take/consider him for yourselves as enemy.
o He invites his group only for the purpose that they may become his companions in Blazing-Prison. [35:06]
[Similar warning in
3:04;42:26] Indeed those who deliberately/persistently refused to accept [Aa'ya'at of Allah and refused till the time of death] for them is a severe punishment [in wait] [Same pronouncement in same words in
2:82;4:57,122;7:42;29:07,09,58;35:07;40:58;42:22;47:02] And those who accepted/believed and did act righteously/moderately as directed, [Same pronouncement in
11:11;67:12]o for them is the forgiveness and magnificent reward. [35:07] [Read comparisons in
3:162;13:19;32:18;39:24;47:24;67:22] Is then the one for whom his bad conduct has been made alluring whereat he sees/considers it appropriate [can you guide him against his wish, he remains wandering] [Read with
16:93] therefore/in consequence Allah [does not seize the freedom of choice/will, therefore] lets/exposes the one who wish straying and He guides [in time and space through only one Source, His Book] the one who wish/desire to be guided. Hence you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] let not yourself feel regretfully exhausted for them having been exposed in their determined willful straying. [Similar information in
24:30]o Indeed Allah is fully aware of that which they people artfully devise/fabricate. [35:08] [Same information in
30:48] And Allah is the One Who sent the winds [loaded with impregnating/fecundating material/ condensation nuclei-aerosole-15:22] whereupon they incite/form/rapidly give rise to middle cloud;
[Read with 7:57] thereat We drove and gathered it towards a dead land whereupon with it We rejuvenated/revived the Earth after its death.
[Read with
30:50]o Like this is the Resurrection-evidently spread reappearance. [35:09]
Whoever intends desirously to gain dominance/protection from being subjugated [such thought is a farce] since for Allah is the Dominance, absolutely.
To Him ascends the statement/utterance comprising of fact and benefiting import
and He elevates/sanctifies [by his approval and appreciation] the perfect act.
And those who devise deceptions for evil things for them is a grave punishment [in wait],
[Read with 35:43]o and the deception [they devise], they are the people whom that will ruin. [35:10]
And indeed Allah created you people from clay initially;
afterwards, created from part of a single sperm;
afterwards, [having made sperm a joined one] He declared/made you living people pair/male and female.
And neither any amongst females conceives/uplifts pregnancy and nor she delivers except with His prior knowledge.
And neither life period of any aged one is extended and nor lessened from his age except that which is mentioned in writing in the book.
[Same information in same words in
22:70;29:19;57:22]o Indeed this has always been an easy matter for Allah. [35:11] And the two large reservoirs of water/seas and rivers are not alike;
[Read with
25:53] this one is restrained and restricted quenching thirst, pleasant is its drink, and this one is saline bitter/burning to mouth drink;
[Same information in
16:14] and from each one of them you people eat fresh and soft meat.
[Same information in
16:14] and you take out from that pearls/ornaments, you people wear them.
[Same information in
16:14] And you see/find the ships piercing/sailing within it and so that you people undertake efforts in search for His Bounty;
[Same expectation in same words
2:185;16:14;28:73;30:46;45:12]o and so that you people keep expressing gratitude. [35:12]
[Same information in 22:61;31:29;57:06] He gradually/smoothly enters the Night in the Day and He smoothly enters the Day in the Night.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
13:02;29:61;31:29;39:05] And He has subjected [subjugated to a set discipline] the Sun and the Moon to submissiveness.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
similar 31:29] All keep flowing for a term/duration of appointed/named/fixed date and time. [Same pronouncement in same words in
in 6:95;
6:102;10:03;40:62,64;42:10] He is your Allah; Your Sustainer Lord. For Him is the dominion/Sovereignty.
[Same pronouncement in
34:22]o And those whom you call apart from Him/Allah, they do not hold/possess even the membrane of date-palm seed. [35:13] If you people call them they do not listen your calls and if they heard [if you think so] they could not enable themselves to answer/respond for you people [since only those respond who listen]
And on the Day of Resurrection/Judgment they will deny about your association.
o And no one can inform you like the All-Aware. [35:14]