d Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this سُورة [Chapter 27] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator. |
27:04 Detailed Analysis
27:05 Detailed Analysis
27:06 Detailed Analysis
27:07 Detailed Analysis
27:08 Detailed Analysis
27:09 Detailed Analysis
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27:13 Detailed Analysis
Two mutually conjoined/sewn consonants of Arabic alphabet ( أبجدية عربية); First consonant Ta ﻁ, it has no additional sign/mark suggesting its pronunciation with its normal sound; the last conjoined consonant Seen ـسـ has above it ancillary glyph/prolongation sign/mark which extends/stretches the sound value of the letter to which it is added. Prolongation sign/mark is found whenever the following word begins with still letter. Letter ـسـ is followed by/ends in still "noon" and so the prolongation sign "Madda" indicates its pronunciation as "See'n". o These are the Aa'ya'at of the
Qur'aan and of the Manifestly Distinct Book/the Book that makes
everything inventoried, isolated, individualized and distinct
[With وَ same pronouncement in 2:97]
This Book is a Guide [in every moment of life, in time and space because of its permanence-leading on the way to destination] and glad tidings for those who have believed in it. [27:02] they are those who maintain/manage/organize/stand for the performance of Ass-sa'laat, and they regularly give Az-Zaka'at [raiser/up lifter of personality]; And they have firm belief/conviction in the Last Day [and to be held accountable]. [27:03-Replica mirror 31:04]]
Indeed those who do not accept and believe in the Hereafter, for them their deliberate acts have been made alluring for them and resultantly they are wandering distractingly. [27:04] [See 6:43,108,122;9:37;10:12;16:63;27:04,24;29:38] [About them read also 6:150;16:22;23:74;27:04;53:27]
They are those people, for them is the terrible affliction; and they in the Hereafter are the ones ones who are the perishing losers. [27:05]
And indeed you, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] are certainly the one to whom the Qur'aan is presented from the Grace of the eternally and intrinsically The Wise, the All Knower of apparent and invisible/secreted/infolded. [27:06] [Read in conjunction
20:10;28:29] When [traveling after having left city of Madyan] Musa [alai'his'slaam] said for [to] his accompanying family, "Indeed I have seen and perceived fire [by the side of At-Tur, I am going there], soon I will get back to you bringing some guiding information from there; o or I will bring for you people from there fire balls (it indicates that it was a cold night of winter) so that you people may warm yourselves. [27:07] [Read with
19:52;20:12;28:30;79:16] Thereby/for that reason when he reached there he was called that, "Perpetual and Blessed is the One Who is in the fire and Who is all around it, the Omnipresent; and Infinite Glory is for Allah-His pleasure is the focus of all effort; He is the Absolute/Independent; the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds/All that exists. [27:08] "O Musa! Indeed He the Omnipresent [is Me], I am Allah, The All Dominant and Pervasive, The Wise Knower of apparent and invisible/secreted/infolded". [27:09] and he was asked [after he narrated his knowledge and perception about his stick] "you throw in front your stick" [Same information in same words in
28:31] For reason [in compliance he threw it in front of him, whereby at that moment it was a snake crawling-20:20] thereby, when he realized that it was moving at her own accord, as if that was a Cobra [Same information in same words in
28:31] he turned away in opposite direction with his back towards snake and he did not see behind. [He seems to be aware that Cobra can spray poison from distance targeting eyes] [Allah called him] "O Musa! do not fear, indeed I am here; the nominated Messengers do not feel fear in My presence [being protected ones-28:31]; [27:10]
except the one who acted without prior permission and thereafter substituted with balanced approach after the omission then indeed I am Oft-forgiving and Merciful. [27:11] [Similar information in
7:108;20:22;26:33;27:12;28:32] And enter your hand into your neckband [towards Axilla/armpit], it will come out as pure shining white without any spot;
[Same information in
28:32] These two are included in Nine unprecedented demonstrative physical signs towards Fir'aoun/ Pharaoh and his nation.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
28:32;43:54;51:46]o Indeed they have been a people deviants and limits violator. [27:12]
Thereupon when reached to them Our Aa'ya'at which cause visual brightness, [Same assertion in same words in
27:13;43:30;46:07]o [but despite that] they said, "this is evident visual illusion". [27:13] And they disputed about them just irrationally and with self pride/haughtiness while those signs had caused their inner selves convinced.
[Same injunction in same words in
7:103]o Therefore you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam advise everyone to traverse in land] look/reflect how was the end of those who create distortions/imbalances. [27:14]