Statistical Information:
1. No. of Ayahs = 286; The longest Sura of Grand Qur'aan.
2. First Ayah comprises of only
letter-consonants of Arabic alphabet with glyph/prolongation sign. Since
it has no vowels, it does not contain verbal message; hence it is not
translatable like the un-translatable region [UTR] in the
Messenger RNA molecule of
human DNA. Thus, 285 Ayahs contain verbal messages. Thereby, Ayah-143 is
in the midst and its topic seems to be the central theme - key message
[circular coherence] of the Sura:
rendering and declaring a community
justly balanced, moderate, good and
exalted. The Sura is instant response to the prayer submitted to the
Sustainer Lord in Ayah 1:6-7 in the linear coherence form; and
introduces the Book in hand to every reader.
3. No of separate words: 6961
Alif: First Letter, but not consonant, of Arabic
( أبجدية
it has no speech sound and is not conjoined with the succeeding
consonants of a word or the following word;
Laa'm and Mee'm: Two consonants of Arabic
alphabet, conjoined/stitched together; and both have above them, an
ancillary glyph/prolongation sign/mark
called "Madda" which means and
extends/stretches the sound value of the letter to which it is added.
The prolongation mark [Madda] reflects
that the following joined letter is still resulting in pause as
ends with still
resulting in natural pause in its
Likewise, the consonant
the prolongation sign suggesting to pronounce
it with stretched sound to make the last still letter
vivid in sound ending in natural
pause "Mee'm-ميم
". Prolongation sign will also appear when the
following syllable/consonant with vowel is delicate
"Hamza, ء"
which can distinctly and audibly pronounced only when the preceding
letter is pronounced elongated. Arabic language equally cares for the
convenience of the speaker and the listener.
Please remember that the prolongation sign is
not the equivalent nor it represents a
hamza followed by Alif.
this is also first Ayah of Chapter
3,29,30,31 &

This is
the Book, you will find reading it
its contents are absolutely void of
peeving substance: suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting,
ambiguous, anomalous, irrational, un-certain, illusory,
incongruous, biased
and opinionated matter.
This Book is
a Guide-Manual
for those who endeavor to remain cautious
avoid conduct inspired and governed by emotion in reverence and fear of Allah the


characteristic features
are: they heartily accept and believe in the
presence of the Unseen—not in their
sight [Creator: Allah the Exalted, the Hereafter].
And they
steadfastly maintain the Institution
of As-sa'laat: Time
Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance to Allah
the Exalted.
Further, they heartily spend some of the worldly resources
for other's welfare which Our Majesty have given them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval
and attention of Allah the Exalted]
are those who heartily accept and believe in that:
Grand Qur'aan,
which has been sent to you the Messenger
And they believe in that which were revealed
by Allah the Exalted
before you the
Messenger [Muhammad
Know it, they are the people who
have conviction
in the
Hereafter. [2:04]
aforementioned people
are journeying
and progressing towards the destination, the original
the guidance communicated
by their Sustainer Lord ["My
Aaya'at" in the
Know it, they are the people who are
truly the endeavourers for perpetual success - fruitfulness. [2:05]


General information about
those who denied in the past: the infidels is that whether you
the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
cautioned them
of potential consequences or have not yet cautioned them,
the effect upon them would remain alike;
they will not heartily believe.
[for reasons hereinafter given].
Allah the Exalted
has sealed
the wraps upon their hearts - intellectual
consciousness. Moreover, an obscuring veil
hinders their faculty of listening and their faculties of observation.
Be mindful, a
grave torment is in wait—prepared
for them
[on the Day of Resurrection]. [2:07]


And beware of such person affiliated with
the set of
(in those days Jews)
who proclaims;
"We have accepted the belief in Allah the
Exalted and the Last Day";
But the position is that in
truth and entailment they are certainly not the believers. [2:08]
They seek
by contrary to fact verbal
assertion to
beguile Allah the Exalted and convince those
who have accepted consciously and truly
[the Messenger and Grand
However, in fact they deceive none by
false declaration of belief
except their
own selves.
Meanwhile they analyze not to realize - perceive this fact
[since do not see beyond their
selfish stakes]. [2:09]

Pathological beliefs - a disease - psychological disorder - envy,
jealousy, and malice, bias, rancour is self implanted- nurtured within their hearts- locus
of understanding - consciousness;
it being their willful act, Allah the Exalted has
let them
increased- flourished with regard to their
respective disease
[by leaving them as condemned- discarded].
a severe punishment is in wait- prepared
for them;
This upshot is because they kept publicly lying
by deceptive proclamations of
belief. [2:10]

Moreover, when it was said
to them:
"You people
should not purposely cause
disorder-imbalance-distortions- spread wicked and unsound conjectural ideas in the
They replied, claiming: "We are
only the perfectionists". [2:11]
Beware; the fact is that they are truly the distorters- creators of
disorder-imbalances- spreaders
of wicked unsound ideas.
However, they
perceive it not so.

Moreover, when it was said to them, Muna'fi'qeen:
Imposter believers,
people incline to accept likewise as other people
have heartily accepted";
They replied:
"Should we accept likewise as the
Fools have accepted?"
No, the fact is that they
themselves are truly
the Fools [ ]. However, they know
not- intend
to know it [under duality of
thought to retain association with Non-believing Jews]. [2:13]

Be informed: when
they confronted those
who had truly believed
[whom they regarded fools on their back];
they said to them:
"We have accepted- believed".
However, while in privacy with their colleagues of devilish
psyche and conduct, they said to them
clarifying: "Certainly, We are affiliated with you people. We
only contrive jesting with them". [2:14]
[These fools do not understand that]
Allah the Exalted by will and design keeps ignoring- discarding them with
Moreover, He the Exalted lets them prolonging in their defiant
brims, leaving them in state of
blind distracted wandering
(in company of their brothers, evil-doers Refer
7:202) [2:15]

They are the people who have purchased
the vagrancy - straying
exchanging with the Guidance - Grand Qur'aan.
their "Instant Commerce"
did not yield benefit [hope of enjoying favour
of both
parties; instead even lost confidence of their original party].
It retained them
in a state of those who incline not to
become guided aright. [2:16]

Their: Muna'fi'qeen:
imposter believers semblance: it resemblance a person who diligently kindled
a fire;
the moment the kindled fire energized and illuminated his
Allah the Exalted caused fading away visual faculty of them:
And He the
Exalted has
discarded them in layers of darkness where
they observe not.
imposter believers act
like deaf, dumb, blind.
Resultantly, they do not revert to guidance.

alternatively, their example is as if a: صَيِّبٍ
Hyperbolic-Intensive participle-
has suddenly overtaken
them from the Sky.
Layers of darkness and activity of excited movements, and
luminosity-lightening keep happening within [him-صَيِّبٍ] Supercell thunderstorm.
They insert their fingers in their Ears on hearing stunning
thunder-clap to guard fear of the death.
Know it; Allah the Exalted is
all-encompassing those who
are deniers - non-believing. [2:19]

The lightening might soon blur - obscure their vision
lightening caused
illuminating flash for them, they walked therein; and when
it caused darkening effect upon them they stopped stand still.
However, had Allah
the Exalted so decided, He would
have taken away their faculty of hearing and visions.
It is a fact that Allah the Exalted is eternally
the Causality
Determiner upon
every and all things. [2:20]

2:21 Main Page/Index
Urdu Books
