Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              026

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           




























































[Same information in 25:37]

The people of Noah [alai'his'slaam] publicly contradicted the Messengers. [26:105]


When their brother Noah [alai'his'slaam] said for [to] them "Would you people not take heed and be cautious? [26:106]

[Mirror/Replica 26:125,143,162,178; same in 44:18]

Indeed I am for you people the trusted Messenger. [26:107]

[Mirror/Replica 26:108,110,126,131,144,150,163,179; same in 3:50;43:63]

      For this reason you people be mindful/cautious of Allah and listen and accept my word. [26:108]

[Replica/Mirror 26:127,145,164,180]o

And [since I am merely discharging the entrusted trust to you] I do not ask you people, for that/discharging the entrusted trust, any worldly remuneration, because/that my reward is due on none except upon the Sustainer Lord of Worlds [Whose Trust/Assignment is being discharged]. [26:109]

[Mirror/Replica 26:108,110,126,131,144,150,163,179; same in 3:50;43:63]

For this reason you people be mindful/cautious of Allah and listen and accept my word". [26:110]


[Statement of ruling elite also in 11:27]

They/ruling elite replied to him, "Should we believe for you while only those people follow you  who are vilest/riffraff among us". [26:111]


Noah [alai'his'slaam] said, " I have no knowledge about what they people had been doing in the past; [26:112]

their accountability is upon none except upon my Sustainer Lord,


if you people can follow/comprehend/perceive [the point]. [26:113]

And nor I am the one to drive away the believers, [26:114]

since I am but an Awakener/Revivalist/Admonisher/Warner making for people things manifest/distinct/crystal clear" [26:115]


They/ruling elite threatened to him, "Indeed if you did not desist, O Noah, certainly you will definitely be amongst those who are stoned" [26:116]

[Read with 23:26]

Noah [alai'his'slaam] prayed, "O my Sustainer Lord, indeed my nation has publicly contradicted me. [26:117]

Therefore You conclude the matter between me and between them quite openly/decisively;


and You rescue me and those who are with me from amongst the believers. [26:118]

[Same information in 7:64;29:15]

Therefore/in response We rescued him safely and whoever was with him in the loaded ship. [26:119]

Afterwards We drowned after that [their safe departure] the remaining ones. [26:120]

[Replica/Mirror 26:08,67,103,174,190; in same words in 26:139,158]o

Indeed in it is certainly a demonstrative lesson/sign [unlimited creativity of their Sustainer Lord]. But most have them have not been the believers. [26:121]

 [Replica/Mirror 26:09,68,104,140,159,175,191]

And indeed your Sustainer Lord is certainly He Who is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [26:122]

26:123-140             Main Page/Index
