Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              014

       Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     [Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this  سُورة  [Chapter 14] and hence it is never numbered.  For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.

Syllabic Letters/ consonants of Arabic language.

Occurrences=7 Noun; indefinite; masculine; singular; nominative Root ک ت ب. Verb: Perfect; First person; plural; [masculine]; [Form IV] with suffixed pronoun هُ; third person; singular; masculine. Root: ن ز ل












































































































Conjunctive فَ+Prefixed particle [imperative] لَ + Verb: Imperfect; Third person; singular; masculine; active; jussive mood; [Form V]. Root: و ك ل






 Root: و ك ل

























































































Aleph [letter], Laam [Consonant] with prolongation sign/glyph, Ra [Consonant] conjoined with preceding letter.

This is a Book, We have gradually revealed/read to you, the Messenger Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] this Book,

 so that you may take out the people/the humanity from the layers of darkness into the visible light [that guarantees and sustains life] with the permission and approval of their Sustainer Lord

[Same pronouncement in same words in 34:06]

leading them to the path of the Dominant/Absolute Sovereign, the ever Praised, [14:01]

Allah, the One

[Same info in same words in 10:68;20:06;34:01;42:04,53;59:24] [With shadda on first consonant, same in 2:255; 4:171;22:64]

for Him/whom is everyone/thing who/what is in the Skies and what/who is on/in the Earth/All what is in the Skies and the Earth are for Him subservient/dependant [willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously].

Therefore woe/regret is for those who persistently denied from severe punishment. [14:02]

[Consequence of this 16:107]

Those deniers vehemently love the worldly life in preference over the hereafter,

[Same information in same words in 7:45;11:19]

and they hinder/divert people from the path of Allah [by distortions with conjectural myths] and they wishfully and vehemently attempt making therein distractions/diversions/misaligning.

[Same verdict in same words in 4:116,136; similar 4:167;14:18;22:12;34:08;42:18;50:27]o

 They are the people who are lost in the far destructive end of neglectfulness. [14:03]

And We did not send the Messenger [with the Message/Book] except in the language of his nation, to whom he was sent, so that he may make it distinctly and explicitly evident for them [what they must avoid].

Resultantly [having made fact evidently explicit] Allah lets/exposes/proves  neglectful/straying the one [willfully indifferent to the sent Book-Guidance] whom He wills  and He guides the one whom He wills [the one who turns from conjecture to fact].

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:60;29:42;30:27;31:09;35:02;45:37;57:01;59:01;59:24;61:01;62:03]o

And He is the All Pervasive/Dominant and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/ secreted/infolded. [14:04]

And indeed We had sent Musa [alai'his'slaam] with Our Aa'ya'at [with the command] that, "You bring out your nation [Bani Israel] from the layers of darkness towards the visible light [Tor'at],

and remind them about the days of Allah [when they were calling Him day and night]".

[Same pronouncement in same words in 31:31;34:19;42:33]o

Indeed in it are certainly evident signs for each and every persistent coolly perseverant, ever thankfully obliged. [14:05]

[Same information in 5:20]

And when Musa [alai'his'slaam] said to [for] his nation; "O my nation! you people recall the Grace of Allah upon you people

[Same information in 2:49; 7:141]

when He delivered/rescued you from the fold of Pharaoh; they subjected you to great torment,

[Same information in same words in 2:49; same in 7:141]

and they used to kill your male children and let your females live.

[Same information in same words in 2:49;7:141]o

  And in it was a tremendous trial from your Sustainer Lord. [14:06]

And when your Sustainer Lord had proclaimed, [for Bani Iesraa'eel] "No doubt, if you people remained thankfully obliged, certainly I will, be assured, increase you,


and of course, if you people unappreciatively deny/ingrate, indeed My infliction is certainly severe" [14:07]

And Musa [علیہ السلام] said, "if you people refuse to accept, you and whoever is in the Earth all collectively refuse to accept,


 [it makes no difference] since/then remember Allah is indeed eternally the Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise. [14:08] [Read in conjunction 4:131;35:15;39:07]

Have not the news of those who were before you people reached to you people, the nation of Noah, and Aad and Samud;

and those after them, no one knows them except Allah.

There came to them many of their Messengers with evident unprecedented demonstrative signs/utmost rationally sound arguments, in response/for reason they turned their hand to their mouths [did not rebut/answer the rational evident arguments]

and they said, "Indeed we have refused to accept/believe that with which you are sent with;

[Same assertion in 11:62]o

and we are indeed in skepticism towards Whom you are inviting us, a doubt/skepticism causing disquiet/duality of thought/disconcert". [14:09]

Their many Messengers said, "Can there be any skepticism about Allah;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:14;14:10;35:01;similar 12:1011;39:46;42:11]

Who is the Primal Originator/Creator of the Skies and the Earth;

[Same pronouncement in 71:04]

He invites you people so that He may forgive for you for your slanders and sins;

[Same pronouncement in 71:04]

and He may give you respite towards an appointed term of determined moment of termination"

[they did not answer/comment on this, instead] They said, "[why should we accept your word] You are none except as structured being exactly resembling/like us.

You intend that you may hinder/divert us from what our forefathers used to worship/were allegiant.


Therefore bring to us evidently manifest/demonstrative authority". [14:10]

Their many Messengers said for [to] them, "We are indeed structured beings exactly resembling/like you people, [this is our cognition]

but [to understand our identity and distinction] Allah grants obliging Grace upon the one He wills from His servants/sincere allegiants;

and it is not for us that we come to you evidently manifest/demonstrative authority/sign except with the explicit permission of Allah;

[This instruction in same words is also in 3:122,3:160;5:11;9:51;58:10;64:13]o

and upon Allah, therefore for reason [He being the possessor of absolute power], the true believers should keep their trust/confidence/reliance/affair/hope. [14:11]

And what rationale is for us that we may not put our trust and reliance upon Allah and certainly He has guided us on our ways.

And of course We will persistently remain certainly firm and determined remaining coolly perseverant on what you caused us physical and mental irritation and disturbance.

[Similar pronouncement in 12:67]o

 And upon Allah therefore the ones who entrust to others should place reliance and dependence" [14:12]

And those who had refused to accept said for [to] their Messenger, "Of course we will certainly drive you people out from our city/country/society or [alternatively] you people must reconcile with our system of life".


In consequence/for reason their Sustainer Lord communicated to them, "We will certainly annihilate the distorters/wrong-doers/evil mongers. [14:13]

And of course We will certainly establish you people firmly in the land after them".


This sort of response is for the one who feared for My reckoning/accountability and felt afraid of My warning/caution. [14:14]

And they sought [in response to their demand-14:13] a decision. And each and every unjustifiably oppressing obstinate is abased [in the end]. [14:15]

And in front [awaiting] of him is Hell, and he will drink from boiling hot water, [14:16]

he will take sip by sip of it, and yet will not be able to swallow it agreeably.

And will come to him the death from each and every side but he will not die,


and/i.e. in front of him is a focused/concentrated infliction. [14:17]

[understand] The similitude of those who persistently refused to acknowledge their Sustainer Lord;

Their deeds are like that ash for which the wind in a violent windy day became strong/irresistible.

They do not have control of any sort to retain/confine what they had earned [from scattering/flying away by the wind like ash].

[Same pronouncement in same words 22:12; similar in 4:116,136,167;14:03;34:08;42:18;50:27]o

This is what is called the far destructive end of neglectfulness/straying/wandering. [14:18]

[Similar pronouncement 6:73;14:19;15:85;16:03;29:44]

Have you not visualized/understood the apparent fact that Allah has originated/created the Skies and the Earth for a determined purpose/as an evident fact [and for appointed duration].

[This is complete Ayah 35:16; similar warning 6:133]o

If He so wills He can remove/annihilate you people and instead of you bring forth a new generation. [14:19]

[Replica/Mirror 35:17]

And that is not for Allah a burdening matter. [14:20]

[Same information in 14:48;40:16]

And for Allah they appeared in the open, all collectively.

[Same information in 40:47]

For reason the downtrodden said for those who had attained position of arrogant elite over them and made themselves obsessed with pride of grandeur, "We were indeed for you people the unquestioning followers in letter and spirit.

[Same information in 40:47]

Therefore can you people act as those who could avail averting some thing from the infliction of Allah away from us?" 

They replied, "Had Allah guided us, we would certainly have guided you.

[They are told this fact today 4:121]o

It is one and the same thing for us whether we remained annoyed or we exercised patience. For us there is no abode [other than this Hell-Prison]". [14:21] [Read with 34:31;40:47]

And the Shaitan said when the matter had been finalized,

"Indeed Allah had promised to you people the promise of truth and fact, and I promised you, then for reason [of that promise being deception] I withdrew behind you;

and there was nothing of [forcing] authority for me upon you people except that I invited you people whereupon/for reason you people responded for me,

therefore you people do not blame/objurgate me instead you blame/objurgate your selves.

I cannot be your helper and nor can you people be helpers for me.

I deny for what association you people had with me before this".

[Same pronouncement in same words in 42:21]o

Indeed the distorters/wrong doers are the one for them is severe punishment. [14:22]

And those who accepted/believed and performed deeds/acts righteously/moderately [according to the Book] were entered

in the Gardens with canals of water flowing side by wherein they shall reside perpetually,

with the permission of their Sustainer Lord.

[Same information in same words in 10:10]o

Their greetings therein are "peace and tranquility". [14:23]

