Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              017

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          













































































































[Same command in same words in 17:39; similar 26:213;28:88;51:51]

You do not assign and declare along with Allah another iela'aha;


if you do it thereby you will sit condemned and discarded/abandoned. [17:22]

And your Sustainer Lord has given the verdict/decreed that you people be subject/subservient/ allegiant to none except exclusively and absolutely to Him.

[Same direction in same words in 2:83;4:36;6:151]

And conduct with affectionate kindness with your parents,

In case they cross over to old age in your company/life, one of the two, or both two of them

then you never say for/to them any word of disrespect/irritation import and you do not repel both two of them;


and/instead you say for/to both of them words of excellent import. [17:23]

And you lower in reverence and humbly for both two of them from the blessing,


and you pray, "My Sustainer Lord! You be kind as they both affectionately cared me when I was infant" [17:24]

Your Sustainer Lord knows absolutely what is in your selves.


If you people act moderately, generously and perfectly then indeed He is ever pardoning and forgiving for those who willfully and consciously approach. [17:25]

[Same injunction in 30:38]

And you give/spend wealth [for sake of Allah] to the near relative as his right, and the destitute, and the wayfarer,


and you do not scatter/spend extravagantly. [17:26]

Indeed the spendthrifts are the brothers of the devils


and for his Sustainer Lord the Shaitan was ungratefully disobedient. [17:27]

And in case you have to turn away from them for want of seeking bounty from your Sustainer Lord which you expect


then say for them a word/statement of gentle import. [17:28]

And do not keep your hand chained towards your neck,


and nor stretch it to the whole stretch with the result that you may sit/end up objurgating languished. [17:29] 

[Same pronouncement in 13:26;17:30;28:82;29:62;30:37;34:36,39;39:52;42:12]

Allah alone expands the sustenance for whom He wills and restricts to measure [for whom He wills].

[Same pronouncement in same words in 17:96]o

Indeed He is eternally absolutely informed and are under His focus His created ones. [17:30]

[Similar pronouncement in 6:151]

and you people do not kill/abortion your off springs apprehending/fearing of poverty/financial weakness [in future resulting from the birth of child].

[Similar pronouncement in 6:151]

We provide them the sustenance and as well to you. [in reverse order stated in 6:151]


Indeed their murder is a great blunder. [17:31]

And you people do not approach nearing the mutually consented sexual intercourse;


Indeed that is ever an illicit sex and sinful as a course. [17:32]

[Same injunction in same words in 6:151]

And do not murder/hang a person that Allah has sanctified except on a proven charge/for dispensation of justice [on ground of being guilty of murder of a person or of creating disturbance/ disorder/chaos/panic in the Earth/country-5:32,33]

And whoever killed someone one unjustly then indeed We have appointed for his heir an authority/compensation, thereby he the heir should not exceed reasonability in the matter of that particular murder.


Indeed he is helped [by way of reasonable compensation] [17:33]

[Exactly same 6:152]

And you people come not nigh to the orphan's inherited property, except which is the best way, until he attains the age of his full strength [age of marriage/Nikah]. [read with 4:02,06,10]

[Also read 5:01; 6:152; 16:91]

And you people fulfill/discharge your promises/commitments/undertakings/responsibility/ obligations/debts/agreements/promise


Indeed the covenant is subject to be questioned. [17:34]

[Similar advice in 6:152; 7:85;11:84,85;17:35;26:181;55:09]

And you people give away/discharge the liability of weight in full when you weighed for others and you weigh on exactly balanced/equilibrium scale.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:59]o

This is the better course and in ultimate analysis/outcome it is most appropriate and balanced. [17:35]


  • Be mindful that you, the individual should not pursue that, the knowledge about which has not been in the state of access for you.

  • It is a fact that the faculty/sense of processing sounds and verbal information, and the visualizations; and faculty of Processing-Integrating-producing Knowledge-[Brain], each one of them, will be subjected to questioning/scrutiny. [17:36]

[Same advice in same words in 31:18]

Neither you should walk in the Earth exultantly and boastfully/conceitedly;


indeed you can never tear apart the Earth nor can you ever cross over the range of mountains lengthwise. [17:37]

All these mentioned here before have been declared abominable by your Sustainer Lord. [17:38]

