Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
[Same command in same words in
similar 26:213;28:88;51:51] You do not assign and declare along with Allah another iela'aha; if you do it thereby you will sit condemned and discarded/abandoned. [17:22] And your Sustainer Lord has given the verdict/decreed that you people be subject/subservient/ allegiant to none except exclusively and absolutely to Him. [Same direction in same words in
2:83;4:36;6:151] And conduct with affectionate kindness with your parents, In case they cross over to old age in your company/life, one of the two, or both two of them then you never say for/to them any word of disrespect/irritation import and you do not repel both two of them; o and/instead you say for/to both of them words of excellent import. [17:23] And you lower in reverence and humbly for both two of them from the blessing, o and you pray, "My Sustainer Lord! You be kind as they both affectionately cared me when I was infant" [17:24] Your Sustainer Lord knows absolutely what is in your selves. o If you people act moderately, generously and perfectly then indeed He is ever pardoning and forgiving for those who willfully and consciously approach. [17:25] And you give/spend wealth [for sake of Allah] to the near relative as his right, and the destitute, and the wayfarer, o and you do not scatter/spend extravagantly. [17:26] Indeed the spendthrifts are the brothers of the devils o and for his Sustainer Lord the Shaitan was ungratefully disobedient. [17:27] And in case you have to turn away from them for want of seeking bounty from your Sustainer Lord which you expect o then say for them a word/statement of gentle import. [17:28] And do not keep your hand chained towards your neck, and nor stretch it to the whole stretch with the result that you may sit/end up objurgating languished. [17:29] [Same pronouncement in
13:26;17:30;28:82;29:62;30:37;34:36,39;39:52;42:12] Allah alone expands the sustenance for whom He wills and restricts to measure [for whom He wills]. [Same pronouncement in same words in
17:96]o Indeed He is eternally absolutely informed and are under His focus His created ones. [17:30] [Similar pronouncement in
6:151] and you people do not kill/abortion your off springs apprehending/fearing of poverty/financial weakness [in future resulting from the birth of child]. [Similar pronouncement in
6:151] We provide them the sustenance and as well to you. [in reverse order stated in 6:151] Indeed their murder is a great blunder. [17:31] And you people do not approach nearing the mutually consented sexual intercourse; o Indeed that is ever an illicit sex and sinful as a course. [17:32] [Same injunction in same words in
6:151] And do not murder/hang a person that Allah has sanctified except on a proven charge/for dispensation of justice [on ground of being guilty of murder of a person or of creating disturbance/ disorder/chaos/panic in the Earth/country-5:32,33] And whoever killed someone one unjustly then indeed We have appointed for his heir an authority/compensation, thereby he the heir should not exceed reasonability in the matter of that particular murder. o Indeed he is helped [by way of reasonable compensation] [17:33] [Exactly same
6:152] And you people come not nigh to the orphan's inherited property, except which is the best way, until he attains the age of his full strength [age of marriage/Nikah]. [read with 4:02,06,10]
[Also read
16:91] And you people fulfill/discharge your promises/commitments/undertakings/responsibility/ obligations/debts/agreements/promise Indeed the covenant is subject to be questioned. [17:34]
[Similar advice in 6:152;
7:85;11:84,85;17:35;26:181;55:09] And you people give away/discharge the liability of weight in full when you weighed for others and you weigh on exactly balanced/equilibrium scale. [Same pronouncement in same words in
4:59]o This is the better course and in ultimate analysis/outcome it is most appropriate and balanced. [17:35] o
[Same advice in same words in
31:18] Neither you should walk in the Earth exultantly and boastfully/conceitedly; indeed you can never tear apart the Earth nor can you ever cross over the range of mountains lengthwise. [17:37]
All these mentioned here before have been declared abominable by your Sustainer Lord. [17:38]