Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة [Chapter 28] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator. |
26:01] Three mutually conjoined/sewn consonants of Arabic alphabet ( أبجدية عربية); First consonant Ta ﻁ, it has no additional sign/mark suggesting its pronunciation with its normal sound; the middle conjoined consonant Seen ـسـ and last Meem ـم both have above them ancillary glyph/prolongation sign/mark which extends/stretches the sound value of the letter to which it is added. Prolongation sign/mark is found whenever the following word begins with still letter. Letter ـسـ is followed by/ends in still "noon" and so is ـم ending with still "Mee'm-ميم " in pronunciation. [28:01] [Mirror/Replica
26:02; similar in
12:01] These are the Aa'ya'at of that Book which makes things/knowledge distinct and crystal clear. [28:02]
We recite distinctly word by word to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], about the news relating to Musa [alai'his'slaam] and Fir'aoun/Pharaoh containing statement of proven fact so that people may accept/believe. [28:03] [Read with
44:31] It is a fact that Fir'aoun/Pharaoh had overpowered in the Earth/Egypt and he segmented its society, He made concerted efforts in causing weakening of a group of them; he assassinated their sons and caused their daughters to let live. [Same information about him in
10:91;44:31]o Indeed he was persistently from amongst those who cause distortions and create imbalances/in-equilibrium. [28:04] And We wanted/decided that We may oblige those people who had been oppressed in the Land [Egypt] and We may make them rulers/leaders and that We may make them inheritors/successors; [28:05] and so that We may provide for them a residing place; and We may cause, for Fir'aoun/Pharaoh and Ha'maan and troops of both two of them from them/nation, to see that about which they were apprehensively cautious. [28:06] And We communicated towards the Mother of Musa [alai'his'slaam] that, "You keep breast feeding him; [How to do it read with
20:39] then/for reason when you apprehended danger upon him thereon you place him in the river [Nile-by placing him in the chest], and you do not feel fear and nor feel grieved, We will certainly return/revert him back in the same condition/place [breast feed] to you o and [be at ease, since in future] We will appoint him to be from amongst the Messengers". [28:07] [She did it and the river placed him on the bank-20:39] Thereupon the men of Fir'aoun/Pharaoh picked him up from the bank of river, [We made him reach there into the Palace] so that he may become for them an antagonist and cause of grief. o Indeed Fir'aoun/Pharaoh and Ha'maan and troops of both two of them were persistent wrong doers. [28:08] And the wife of Fir'aoun/Pharaoh said to him, "The cool comfort of eye, for me and for you; you do not kill him, perhaps he may benefit us or we may adopt him as son"; and they had no idea/perception/clue [of negative implications]. [28:09] [reverting back to his mother] And having placed her son in the River, the heart and mind of mother of Musa [alai'his'slaam] felt sinking/empty,
o it is certain that she would have almost made it evident had We not strengthened her heart [by disclosing secret of future news of appointing him Messenger] so that she may be amongst those who strongly accept/believe [that the promise of Allah gets executed-28:13]. [28:10] And [in that state of mind] in that state of mind she asked his sister, "Chase him". In compliance she chased him keeping him in focus from a side casually and they had no idea/perception/clue/notice about her chase. [28:11] And We had had prohibited for him before that [arrival of his sister] to suck milk of the Wet Nurses [gathered by Fir'aoun and his wife to breast feed the baby], [Read with
20:40] thereupon on reaching there/for that reason she/sister said, "May I lead you towards the residents of a house who will nurse and rear him for you people. o and they will be for him the well wishers" [28:12] [Same information in
20:40] Thus We returned him to his mother so that it may cool her eyes and so that she may not grieve, and so that she may know that the promise of Allah is like a proven/executed fact. [Same pronouncement in same words in
6:37;7:131;8:34;10:55;28:13,57;39:49;44:39;52:47]o But the fact is that most of them do not know/intend to understand. [28:13] [Similar information in
12:22] And when he crossed over to strengthened maturity and became fully grown man, We gave him wisdom, the capability to judge/decision and knowledge;
[Same pronouncement in same words in
6:84;12:22;28:14;37:80,105,110,121,131;77:44]o And in this way We reward those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [28:14] [He departed from the company of learned man-18:78] And he entered the City/Egypt at a point in time when he was in the state of unmindful ness about its people/surroundings. Thereat he found therein two men mutually fighting fiercely, this one was from his tribe/nation and the other one was from his enemy tribe/nation; whereupon [seeing him] the one who was of his nation called him for his help against the one who was from his enemy nation; in response/instinctively Musa [alai'his'slaam] fisted him which resulted in his death. Musa [alai'his'slaam, spontaneously] said, "This is from the instinct act of Shai'taan, o indeed he is such enemy who causes manifest forgetfulness" [28:15] [He had objected about a murder by the Wise man which was by design and will-18:74,80] Musa [alai'his'slaam] prayed, "O my Sustainer Lord, I have done wrong to myself, therefore, You forgive for me"; in response He forgave for him. [Same pronouncement in same
words in
12:98;39:53]o Indeed He is the One Who is repeatedly Forgiving/Overlooking and the Fountain of Infinite Mercy". [28:16]
Musa [alai'his'slaam] prayed, "O my Sustainer Lord, since You have showered grace upon me, therefore, I will never be supporter for the criminals" [28:17]
Because of night's incident he was fearfully vigilant in the city next morning, therefore, when the one, who had sought his help day before, cried to him for help
o Musa [alai'his'slaam] replied to him, "Indeed you are certainly a manifest transgressors/deviator" [28:18]
Therefore when he intended that he may get hold of the one who was antagonist for both two of them [Musa alai'his'slaam and the other person with whom this quarrelsome fellow was quarrelling]
he said, "O Musa, do you intend that you kill me as you killed a person yesterday,
o you intend nothing except that you be a tyrant in the Earth and you do not wish that you may be from amongst the reformers. [28:19]
[Same words in
36:20] And there came a man from farthest end of the city running, he said, "O Musa, indeed the Chieftains are holding consultations for deciding about you so that they may murder/execute to death,
o therefore, you get out of the city, indeed I am for you from amongst the sincere advisors". [28:20] [Read the first episode with man of knowledge, advance information about the intended act of king-18:79]
Accepting advice, he went out of the city [Egypt, it is his second going out from Egypt, first was to meet a Wise man-18:60 and after alienation from him had entered Ehypt-28:15] being in fearfully vigilant state.
o Musa [alai'his'slaam] prayed, "O my Sustainer Lord! You rescue me from the unjust tyrant nation" [28:21]