Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              016

    Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.          

































































































































[Same question in same words in 6:158;16:33; similar 2:210;43:66;47:18]

Are they waiting [for Doom's Day to believe/believers to follow Grand Qur'aan] that Angles should come to them;

or arrives the command of your Sustainer Lord [for their annihilation or terminating moment of the Universe] 

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:35]

This is what the people before them did.

[Same pronouncement in  3:117]o

And Allah did no injustice to them but in fact they kept doing injustice to themselves. [16:33]

[Same information in 39:51]

Resultantly/for reason [every act has to bring a result/effect sooner or later] struck/became evident to them the result of evil deeds what they did

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:08;39:48;40:83;45:33;46:26]o

and they will be hemmed with that about which they consciously adopted a non serious jesting attitude keeping themselves playful with. [16:34]

[Read with 6:148;43:20]

And those who ascribed partners with Allah said, "Had it been the will of Allah we would not have worshipped/allegiant to any thing except Him, We and nor our forefathers would have done it;

[Similar saying in 6:148]

and nor we would have declared anything forbidden other than that by Him. [deceptively/impliedly conveying people that they are doing it in obedience to Allah's command]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:33]

This is what the people before them did.


[Assignment/responsibility of Messenger pronounced in 3:20;5:67,:92,99;13:40;16:35,82;24:54;29:18;36:17;4248;64:12;72:23,28]

  Then was there any responsibility upon the Messengers except delivering/passing on/conveying the One who/which makes every thing evident/apparent/distinct. [16:35]

And indeed We appointed revivalist in each and every nation as Messenger [for conveying] that you people be subservient exclusively to Allah [His Aa'ya'at-Book] and refrain/avoid the defiant/refractory/wanderer.

Thereby/in consequence there was one group from them whom Allah guided and from amongst them was the other upon/against whom the heedless straying by willful design was established.

[Same advice in same words in 3:137]o

Therefore [to know and take heed/lesson] you people traverse in the world , then you see the remains/archeological evidences as to what was the end of those who publicly contradicted [the Messengers and Aa'ya'at of Allah]. [16:36]

If you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] have heart piercing aspiration for their guidance

then [to give solace to your heart remember that] of course Allah does not guide [forcefully against one's liking] that one whom He lets/exposes/proves willfully straying;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:22,3:56,91;30:29]o

and for them is no helper from amongst the helpers. [16:37]

And they swore their strongest oaths by Allah [to convince their people]

"Allah will not revive the one whom He causes to die"

No, the fact is opposite; it is a promise obligatory upon Him to fulfill.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:187;12:21,40,68;30:06,30;34:28,36;40:57;45:26]o

[Despite your unambiguous pronouncements] But the fact is that most of the people do not know/intend to understand. [16:38]

[The promise will be fulfilled] So that it may become manifest for those who differ in it and so that those who refused to accept may know/be exposed that indeed they were the liars. [16:39]

[Same information in 36:82;Read with 2:117;3:47;19:35;;40:68]

  • Know the fact that Our Word/Verbal command for any matter/thing, when We have finalized/decided about it, is only that We may say for that thing, "you become in evident/tangibly existing state".

  • Resultantly that [abstract] thing/matter gets physical execution/appearance/tangibly existing state [becomes that which can be known-cognizable by others]. [16:40]

[Similar information in 4:100;8:72,74,75;9:20;16:41,110;22:58]

And those people who left their homes/migrated for Allah after having made to suffer/sustain injustices We will certainly land/establish them in the worldly life quite well.

And certainly the reward in the hereafter is the greatest,

[Same words at end 2:103;16:41;29:41,64;39:26;68:33]o

        had they but known/understood, [16:41]

[Replica/Mirror 29:59]

[great reward] for those who exercised patience/remained firm and coolly perseverant and they have trust and hope in their Sustainer Lord. [16:42]

[Same information in same words in 12:109; similar 21:07]

And We did not send before you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], except men, to whom We communicated [our Aa'ya'at],

[Replica 21:07]o

Therefore you people ask the people who were/are given the Awakener/Retriever/Book if you people do not have the knowledge. [16:43]

[Same information in 3:184;35:25]

They were sent with evident/unprecedented tangible signs and boldly written Messages.


And We have sent the Reminder/Awakener/Record Holder of infolded facts-Grand Qur'aan to you, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam],

so that you [being Composite Record Holder of what has since been sent] may make distinct/vivid/crystal clear for the people/humanity that which has successively been sent towards/for them [in the manner of explaining, elaborating, rotating to isolate one thing from another]


and so that they may objectively reflect and ponder. [16:44]

[Read with 17:68;29:40;34:09;67:16]

Have then those who adopted deceptive evil strategies felt/become secured/protected against that Allah may cave-in the Earth with them


or He may bring them infliction from where they do not perceive it; [16:45]

or He may seize them in their strategic frequented points whereupon/for reason they cannot frustrate/avert that; [16:46]

or He may seize them by gradual decline.


But [on not happening this overlook their boasts since] indeed your Sustainer Lord is certainly eternally the most kind and the most merciful. [16:47]

Have they not yet seen [given a thought] towards that which Allah has created from matter/a thing?


Its shadows incline from the right and the left in the state of prostration [as looks a human being in prostration state] for Allah and they are submissive. [16:48]

Be aware that whoever exists in the Skies and whoever exists in the Earth, amongst the species of animal kingdom, they all keep prostrating exclusively for Allah.

Moreover, the Angels keep prostrating for Allah. Be cognizant, they, the Angels never feel pride of grandeur. [16:49]

They fear their Sustainer Lord over and above them and they carry out every new/first time act they are commanded. [Please prostrate-and get near to your Sustainer Lord] [16:50]

