Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.




























































































































[Read in conjunction 6:123;22:52;25:31]

And this is the reason that We have declared for each and every Chosen and Elevated Servant of Allah [Nabi; this includes  خاتم النبين] as his enemy the evil ones amongst human beings and Jinn.

[Similar pronouncement in 35:40]

Some of them inspire/communicate with others fascinating sayings-adorned with false embellishments, in deceitful manner.

[Similar pronouncement 6:137]

And had it been the will of your Sustainer Lord they could not have done it for the first time/innovated.

[Same advice in same words in 6:137]

[Despite all the Power and Dominance We have given them time because of the freedom of choice] Therefore, for that reason, You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] may leave them and what they imaginatively innovate/fabricate fascinating sayings. [6:112]

So that the hearts of those, who do not believe in the hereafter, get inclined towards [these fascinating deceptive sayings] and so that they may be pleased with that and earn what they the fabricators of myths earn. [6:113]

[See 4:65;5:43]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask "Should I search for a judge other than Allah while He is the One Who has sent for you people the Book of Judgment [Grand Qur'aan]/the Book that makes distinct/separated/distinguishes between things"

[Read 2:26]

   And those whom We have given this Book they know distinctly/with conviction that it has been sent by your Sustainer Lord, as a statement of Fact.

[Same advice in same words at end 2:147;10:94;slightly different 3:60]

Therefore you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] do not be like the worrywarts [for the people of Book; Jews and Christians]. [6:114]

And the word of your Sustainer Lord is absolute in truth and in equitable justice/exacting balance.

[Similar pronouncement in 6:34;10:64;18:27]

[let them say whatever they conjecture] And there is none who could alter the words of Allah.

[Same information exactly same words 2:137;6:13;21:04;29:05,60, Except 5:76;10:65]

  and He is the eternally All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. [6:115]

And if you listen to most of those on the Earth, they will make you unmindful of the way of Allah [by fascinating conjectural myths as was done with Adam by Iblees].

[Same pronouncement in same words 10:66;Similar in 6:148;43:20]

since they pursue/follow nothing but conjecture and they do nothing except guessing/imagining. [6:116]

[With slight difference in 16:125;53:30;68:07]

Indeed your Sustainer Lord is He Who knows the one who has lost away from His Path

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:125;28:56;68:07]

and He certainly knows them who are moving on guidance. [6:117]

[being people following guidance of the Book] Therefore you people eat from that upon which Allah's name was pronounced, if you people are truly the believers of His Aa'ya'at [of Grand Qur'aan].  [6:118]

And what is for you people [the reason/justification] that you should not eat from that mammal upon which Allah's name was duly pronounced?

And indeed He has since distinguished for you people as to what has been forbidden for you except in case of quiver/shudder falling on you [from hunger].

And indeed many certainly stray people with their conjectural fascinating myths uttered without knowledge.

 Indeed your Sustainer Lord knows those who transgress/go beyond prescribed limits/ rationality. [6:119]

And you people leave all apparent and hidden dilapidating acts of sin.

Indeed those who habitually indulge in dilapidating acts of sins

soon shall they be recompensed for what they kept earning/remained covered by it. [6:120]

And you people should not eat part from that mammal upon whom the name of Allah, the Exalted was not pronounced. and indeed that act of killing mammal and eating is equivalent to getting out of the bounds/restraints imposed by Allah. [It is equivalent to denounce allegiance to Allah. Pronouncing name of Allah is mandatory for all humanity-22:34]

And Evil-minded inspire fabricated conjectural myths to their companions so that they may contend with you people.

And if you people affectionately listen and accept their words indeed you are keepers of their partnership/association/company. [6:121]

Can he, who was matter/dead-like non responsive to word and light, then/for reason We gave him life and appointed for him visible light with the help of which he freely moves within people,

be exemplified like the one who is plunged in the layers of darkness from where he can never exit?

[See 6:43,108,122;9:37;10:12;16:63;27:04,24;29:38]

This is how it is [by fabricators of fascinating myths] made alluring for the non-believers what acts they deliberately and knowingly execute/perform. [6:122]

[See 6:112;11:116;25:31;34:32]

And this is how We have declared in each and every locality/city the highly placed people as its criminals/exploiters so that they keep innovating deceptive tactics/strategy in it.

And they do not deceptively strategize except against their own selves but they perceive it not. [because of its allure and fascination-immediate protection of vested interests] [6:123]

And when Ayah/Verse [of Grand Qur'aan] comes to them they say, "We will not believe until and unless we are  given similar to what is given to the Messengers of Allah".

Allah know the best where should He place the responsibility for His messaging. [Read also 38:08;43:31;54:25]

Soon shall be belittled by command of Allah those [the high ups/religious and scholarly stalwarts of society] who exploited and be given severe punishment for what they deceptively strategize. [6:124]

[Read with 39:22]

Therefore anyone, who seeks from Allah that He may guide him, He opens/makes perceptible his chest/mind and heart for Islam. [by having made every thing distinct and evident-path of criminals/exploiters exposed apparently with the Aa;ya'at of Grand Qur'aan]

And anyone whom He lets lost in heedlessness He makes his heart feel sinking in squeezing like in the manner as if he is climbing into the Sky.

[Similar pronouncement in 10:100]

This is how Allah has appointed confusing/brain scattering/disconcert/fidgeting upon those who do not accept [since they do not ponder to differentiate the truth-Grand Qur'aan] [6:125]

And this Islam is the Path of your Sustainer Lord, Straight one [that leads you to Allah]

Indeed We have made the Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge about things/concepts] vividly distinct/demarcated/isolated/alienated/crystal clear so that people could conveniently remember/recollect/retrieve from memory/could narrate. [6:126]

[Everyone is invited towards it 5:16;10:25]

[people journeying on straight path of Islam] For them is the abode of tranquility, peace and joy from/adjacent  their Sustainer Lord;

[For others companion is Shaitan 16:63]

And He is their companion, protector, patron for what deliberate acts did they perform. [6:127]

  6:128-140                      Index/Main Page               Urdu Books
