Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              016

    Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.          


16:101 detailed analysis


























































































Verb: Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine; active. Root: ص ن ع










































































































And when We changed/shifted the placing of an Ayat to the place/location of another Ayat, [because of gradual revelation of the contents of the Book this adjustment of the location of Ayat results in the change in the sequence of earlier compilation] since Allah is fully aware about that which He gradually reveals;


[on this phenomenon of adjustment of location of an Ayah with the location of another Ayah] they said alleging "You [the Messenger] are only but a fabricator".  No, you have not adjusted/sequenced/compiled/fabricated, but the fact of the matter is that most of them do not know [understand the logical and natural effect of gradual revelation of the Book that its sequence/compilation will keep changing till it is completed, which they desired not to happen-2:105]. [16:101] [Read with 2:106]

[Read about him in 2:97;26:193;81:19-21]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce that Gib'raa'eil has communicated that/Grand Qur'aan successively and intermittently from your Sustainer Lord as statement of fact

so that it may keep firm those who have accepted/believed


and be the Guide [in time and space because of its permanence-isolating feature of things from one another] and congratulating news for the people who conduct on prescribed procedure/pattern of life [Islam after believing]. [16:102]

  • And We are certainly in know of their habit that they the elite say to people, "The fact is that the one who teaches him-[Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is none but a human person".

  • The mother tongue of that person they wrongfully refer as teacher to him is non-Arabic, non explicit language.

  • And this Qur'aan is in language Arabic which is rich, succinct, perspicuous, eloquent, distinct that transports perception to a listener and reader in a manner that it generates in the recipient mind exactly the same neurological process of observation and interpretation creating a true copy of that perception. [16:103]

 Beyond doubt, those people who deliberately and persistently do not accept/believe the Aa'ya'at of Allah, Allah will never ever guide them; [The principle pointedly told, at the time of sending human beings to the Earth as men of freedom/free will/choice, is eternal and is in line with principle of equity and justice]

[This warning with same words also in 2:175; 3:77,177, 188;5:36;9:79;16:63,117;59:15;64:05]o

and for them is [in wait] severe/grave punishment. [16:104]

Only those conjecturally fabricate the falsehood who do not accept/believe in the Aa'ya'at of Allah


and they are the people who are liars. [16:105]

Whoever denied Allah after his belief, except the one who has been forced to pronounce denial while his heart is satisfactorily content with belief [he is not liable to criminal cognizance]

[For contrast read with 39:22]

but the one who opened up his chest for disbelief-plunged it into darkness then/for that reason upon such people is the liability of criminal cognizance from Allah

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:07;3:176;24:23;45:10]o

and for them is a grave torment [in wait on the Day of Resurrection]. [16:106]

[Read with 14:03]

That is because they vehemently loved the worldly life in preference over the hereafter,

[Same pronouncement in 2:264;5:67;9:37]o

 And that indeed Allah does not guide [against their own will/considered decision] the people who have persistently and deliberately refused to accept. [In time and space, in line with principle of equity and justice, Allah has made and pointedly declared that the source of guidance is only ONE, His Aa'ya'at/the Book-whosoever does not accept that, Allah does not give him guidance through other means] [16:107]

[Read with 47:16]

They are the people [deliberately and persistently refuse to accept] Allah lets the veil persist upon their hearts and upon their faculty of listening and their visions

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:179]o

and they are the people who are willfully heedlessly negligent. [16:108]

[Same pronouncement in 11:22]

There is absolutely no doubt that indeed they are the ones who are the perishing losers. [16:109]

[Similar information in 4:100;8:72,74,75;9:20;16:41,110;22:58]

 Afterwards indeed your Sustainer Lord [provided shelter] for those who left their homes/ migrated after they were subjected to liquefying troubles; and afterwards they exerted utmost in the cause of Allah [bodily and with wealth], and patiently remained firm;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:119]o

indeed you Sustainer Lord after such conduct is certainly Most Forgiving and Merciful. [16:110]

The day each and every person will come worried and pleading for its own self;

[Similar information 2:281;3:161;6:160;10:47,54;16:111; 23:62;39:69;45:22;46:19]

and each and every person shall be dealt with/adjudged/paid back what he had done;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:281;3:25,3:161;6:160;10:47,54;23:62;39:69;45:22;46:19]o

  and they will not be subjected to any injustice [not even iota of it]. [16:111]

And Allah quoted/surfaced the example of a community that was securely peaceful and reasonably happy and satisfied,

its sustenance/economic stability was coming in abundance from each and every side,

then/for reason it indifferently denied the blessing of Allah, thereby Allah garbed them with economic recession and law and order disturbance/feel of insecurity/fear

[Same charge in same words in 5:14,63]o

for what they kept artfully fabricating [false conjectural myths to mislead people]. [16:112]

And indeed the Messenger from amongst them had come to them, thereby/for reason they publicly contradicted him, resultantly affliction seized them while they were persistently unjust/distorters of realities-relations-equations-balance. [16:113]

[Similar advice 2:168;5:88;8:69]

 Therefore/for reason you people eat from amongst "tayi'baate" [individual's choice delicious/pure/beneficial/suitable for his health, nutrient, nourishing] from permissible/lawful which Allah has given you as sustenance;

and express gratitude [do not hide his giving] for Allah's favour, blessing, provisions, sustenance,

[Exactly same at end 2:172;41:37]o

if you people are genuinely exclusively subservient to Him. [16:114]

[Same injunction in same words in 2:173]

He has indeed forbidden for you people the dead mammal [who has died a natural death], and the [flowing liquid] blood, and the meat of swine/pig flesh;

[Exactly same words in 5:03]

 and the mammal which has been slaughtered in the name/pronouncing someone other than Allah [or associating with Allah someone else also]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:145]

For desperate reason of quiver/shudder, [because of extreme hunger 5:03 one will not be held guilty of sin for eating any of the forbidden things] provided he had no urge and liking for that, and he does not transgress the limit of relieving the state of quiver/shudder from hunger,

[Same information in same words 2:192, 226;3:89;5:03;16:115;24:05;58:12;64:14]o

since Allah is indeed Oft-forgiving/overlooking faults, the Merciful. [16:115]

And you people do not say what your tongues fabricate the falsehood, "This is permissible and this is prohibited",

so that you people may conjecture a false statement attributing to Allah.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:69]o

Indeed those people who conjecture false statements attributing to Allah they will never attain prosperous success/salvation at the end. [16:116]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:197]

[what is earned by such conjectures] This is a meager worldly sustenance/source of enjoyment.

[This warning with same words also in 2:175; 3:77,177, 188;5:36;9:79;16:63,104;59:15;64:05]o

and for them is [in wait] severe/grave punishment. [16:117]

  [Read with 4:160;6:146]

And for those of the Jews We had forbidden what We have narrated to you in detail earlier.

[Similar pronouncement 2:57;7:160;9:70;16:33,118;29:40;30:09] o

And We did no injustice to them but in fact they kept doing injustice and harm to their own selves. [16:118]

[Read with 4:17;6:54]

Afterwards indeed your Sustainer Lord [is mercifully considerate] for those who did perform knowingly an act of evil under the spur/dominating influence of emotionalism/passion,

afterwards [in near future] they repented having done that and they mended and perfected conduct

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:110]o

indeed you Sustainer Lord after such conduct is certainly Most Forgiving and Merciful. [16:119]

Indeed Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] was a personification of a system established for Allah; he remained steadfast for Allah persistently and perpetually


and he was never ever was from amongst the idol-worshippers who assign after naming the sculpted idols as partner iela'aha with Allah. [16:120]

He was obliged and grateful for His favaours and grants;


He had chosen/elevated him [as friend also] and He guided him on the straight path of destination. [16:121]

And We gave him in this worldly life appropriately balanced good

[Reiterated for him in same words in 2:130;29:27]o

 and indeed in the hereafter he is certainly in the ranks of the Righteous. [16:122]

[Read also 2:130,135;3:95;4:125;6:161]

Afterwards We have conveyed you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] that [advise people] you remain incessantly physically follow the path/way of life/community of Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam]; who was the Sincere/Ever Upright/Perpetually a Muslim

[Same information in same words in 2:135;3:67,95;6:161;16:123]o

and he was never ever amongst the idol-worshippers who assign after naming the sculpted idols as partner iela'aha with Allah. [16:123]

Indeed the Sabat [day of restrain from commercial activity] was prescribed upon those who differed in it

[Similar information in 2:113; 10:93;32:25;45:17]o

And indeed your Sustainer Lord will certainly judge between them, on the Day of Resurrection/ Revival, in what they kept differing therein. [16:124]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] invite people towards the Path of your Sustainer Lord with the wisdom [contained in the Book] and the most appropriately balanced lovingly advice.

And you argue with them with such argument which is most balanced and appropriate.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 53:30;68:07, similar  6:117]

Indeed your Sustainer Lord is He Who knows the one who has lost away from His Path,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:117;28:56;68:07]o

and He certainly knows them who are moving on guidance. [16:125]

And if you people intended retaliating/revenge then you people revenge resembling proportionately to what you were afflicted with.


But if you people exercised patience [and decided not to take revenge], indeed that is far better for the coolly perseverant ones. [16:126]

And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] remain coolly perseverant [consistently and persistently steadfast enduring all odds] and your endurance is only with Allah.

[Same advice in same words in 15:88;27:70]

and you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] do not grieve for them [about their awful end for non believing];

[Similar information 15:97;27:70]o

and do not place yourself in distress and disquiet for the deceptions/tricks/conspiracies they devise. [16:127]

Indeed Allah is with those people who remained heedful and cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct with reverence and fear of Allah and those are the ones who are maintainers of generosity and equilibrium and balanced approach/conduct. [16:128]

