Meanings, statistics and Root and perception
infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window]
[Under construction]
Beginning is with Allah's
personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The
Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [ Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written
text/part/Ayah of سُورة
3] and hence it is never numbered. For
convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is
traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite
with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.
Alif: First Letter, not consonant, of Arabic
( أبجدية
it has no speech sound
and is not conjoined with the succeeding
consonants of a word or with the following word.
Laa'm and Mee'm: Two consonants of Arabic
alphabet conjoined/stitched together and both have above them an
ancillary glyph-prolongation sign-mark
called "Madda" which means and
extends-stretches the sound value of the letter to which it is added.
Allah the Exalted is the One and the only living Iela'aha: Sovereign
Sustainer Lord Who is uncritically admired and adorned
Absolute fact is that none of
imaginatively assumed]
iela'aha; gods-deities, were and is a living entity. The only
exception is He; Allah the Exalted.
the Exalted alone is the ever living, the Absolute, never ever to die,
and the Sustainer-Sovereign Administrator.


He the Exalted has gradually sent to you
the Messenger
the Book: Grand Qur'aan containing miscellany of
infallible facts.
It-Grand Qur'aan
is the testifier-affirmer to sanctify that which was sent in times before it.
And He the Exalted had
descended in one go the Tor'aat and
In'jeel, [3:03]
in times before it;
Grand Qur'aan. They served as a guide for the people.
And He the Exalted
descended in one go Al-Furqau'n;
the Criterion.
Authentic information about those who have deliberately
refused to accept
of Allah the Exalted:
Verbal passages of revelation or unprecedented physical displays, is
that a severe
corporeal punishment is in wait for them.
And be cognizant that
Allah the Exalted is the Dominant, the holder of authority to award
due punishment to criminals.

He the Exalted is the One Who
causes the shaping of figures of you people, while lodged within the wombs,
in whatever graphics He the Exalted decides.
Absolute fact is that none of
imaginatively assumed]
iela'aha; gods-deities, were and are a living entity. The only
exception is He; Allah the Exalted.
He the Exalted is All-Pervasive,
the dominant and eternally the Wise; Knower of
invisible/ secreted/infolded-codified. [3:06]


the Dominant-the Wise: Knower of hidden
realities is the One Who has since sent to you the
Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the Book.
Unitary Verbal Passages
having adjectival specification; "made permanently
inviolate, unassailable,
indissoluble and clenching
commands, directions,
injunctions, decisions, and writ
are a subset of it
[him]-the Book.
These Unitary Verbal
are the Mother-Essence-Main Purpose of the Book.
In addition, the other subset
of Unitary Verbal
Passages constituting
Miscellany of the Book are that
which perform act of mirroring
invisible realities and facts through metaphorical presentation.
Thereby, as for that group of people-scholars is concerned; Atilt-deflection is dominant in their hearts; locus of passion and
intellect, their attitude is:
For reason of atilt, they purposely pursue that of it-the Book: Grand Qur'aan which was individually perceived
as of causing a baffled state.
They do so with the objective of painstakingly
endeavoring to create disharmony in society.
And they indulge in expounding self deduced interpretations of Qur'aan.
They do so in circumstance when,
except Allah the Exalted and the true believers who are the holders
of in-depth knowledge-authorities in respective scientific fields,
they do not know the
physical elucidation, manifestation
and hidden reality about that verbal presentation.
They in this state of
knowledge tell
people, "We have
wholeheartedly believed in it-the Book. Each and all verbal passages
of it-Qur'aan are communicated by our Sustainer Lord"
And the
circumstantial fact is that except the Men of Understanding; those
objectively reflect without overlapping
emotions, prejudices and biases; people do not self grasp and take
lesson. [3:07]

[reverting from
parenthetic, to their response] "Our
Sustainer Lord, let not our hearts become eccentric-atilt-oblique-sectary
after You the Exalted have guided us [through this Book].
And bestow upon us
mercy-grace from Your Highness.
Undeniably, You the
Exalted are certainly the magnificent Benefactor-the One Who

Our Sustainer Lord!
You the Exalted are certainly the gatherer of the people together for
the promised day. Not at all perplexity-confusion-uncertainty lies
in the gathering of people in it".
The fact remains that
Allah the Exalted never betrays the promise. [3:09]

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