Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
And the Day when We will revive [Messenger] from each and every nation as witness;
afterwards permission will not be granted for those who had persistently denied to accept
[Same pronouncement in same words in
30:57;45:35; read
also 41:24]o and nor their requests for making mends for pardon will be acceded. [16:84] And when those who did wrong would have seen the infliction,
Therefore/for reason the severity of punishment shall not be lightened from them nor shall they have a moment of relief/reprieve. [16:85] [People keep talking conjectural myths of getting out of hell while news given by Allah is that punishment will even not be lightened and there shall not be a moment of reprieve-Read in conjunction-2:86,162;3:88;35:36;40:49 to get cautious] [The query in 39:19 leaves no room for anyone getting out of Hell once put in there] And when those who had ascribed sculpted idols as partners saw their assigned partners they said, "Our Sustainer Lord! these are our partners whom we used to call apart from You"
o In response they threw back their statement upon them stating, "You people are certainly liars". [16:86]
And they presented towards Allah on that Day the submission/surrender; [Same pronouncement in same words in
6:24;7:53;10:30;11:21;28:75]o and that lost/vanished from them what they kept fabricating. [16:87]
[Exactly same
47:01; Similar 22:25;
47:32,34] Those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept [Grand Qur'aan] and they hindered/ diverted people from the path of Allah,
[Read with
78:30]o We have increased for them agony upon the agony for the reason they kept creating disturbance/ disquiet/confusion in the society. [16:88]
And the Day when We will revive from each and every nation [their Messengers] as witness upon them from amongst their selves.
And We have brought you, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] as bearer of Witness [affirming/certifying they being Messengers] upon these
and We have gradually and intermittently communicated to you the Book, for each and every thing's distinction/evaluating measure/isolation from others and the whole.
o And the Guide [in time and space because of its permanence-isolating feature of things from one another] and Mercy/blessing and congratulating news for the people who conduct on prescribed procedure/pattern of life [Islam after believing]. [16:89]
Indeed Allah commands for justice with equity and for the equalization and balancing
and for giving [gifts] to the relatives of nearness;
and He forbids to avoid sexual perversion/obsession/illicit sex activity [alfaa'sha'ai includes all illicit sexual activity done individually or openly/with others, other than intercourse of genitalia [furr'ej] of opposite sexes with mutual consent, called uz'zina]; and avoiding following conjectural innovations/deceits/deviations/unfamiliar, unauthentic and unverifiable myths; and for avoiding excesses without permissible justification/cause.
o He advises you people so that you people keep it in memory/remember. [16:90]
And you people fulfill/discharge your Promise/Covenant with Allah when you committed/undertook it ["We have listened and we have wholeheartedly accepted it-Grand Qur'aan"]; and you people should not break/distort/disown the oaths after its confirmation
while you people have indeed made Allah upon you people as surety. Indeed Allah fully knows what acts you people do for the first time/innovatively. [16:91]
And you people should not become like that woman who broke/untwisted her spun yarn after having been strengthened in the state of broken strands.
You people adopt your oaths as tool of deception amongst your selves that you might become relatively upper community than another one.
[Read with
5:48] Indeed Allah subjects you people to a trial by it for exposure of your true worth.
[Similar pronouncement in
5:48;6:164;22:69]o And He will certainly make it evident for you people on the Day of Judgment in the matter in which you people keep differing. [16:92] [Same pronouncement in same words in
11:118;42:08] [to differ is the right and prerogative granted to man] and if Allah had so willed indeed He would have made you all one harmonious unit [by exercising infinite power and dominance and taking away the freedom of will/choice]
[Read with
35:08] But [He does not seize the freedom of choice/will, therefore] He lets/exposes the one who wish straying and He guides [in time and space through only one Source, His Book] the one who wish/desire to be guided. And of course you people will be questioned about what you people kept doing. [16:93]
And you people should not adopt your oaths as tool of deception amongst your selves thereby some foot/person may slip after it had firmly established [on the straight path]
and you may have to suffer agony for you having hindered/diverted people from the Path of Allah
o and for you people a great punishment becomes due. [16:94] and you people [learned men/scholars/religious elite] should not indulge in business with Allah's Covenant [revealed verses; with conjectural stories suited to the desires of people] for a trifling price/gain.
[Similar pronouncement in
42:36] Indeed what is from Allah that is far better for you people [Same in the end 2:184,
2:280;6:81;9:41;23:84,88;29:16;61:11;62:09]o if you people understand/know it. [16:95] What is with you people that will exhaust; and that which is with Allah shall persist.
[Read with
9:121;16:97;24:38;29:07;39:35]o And of course We will pay those who exercised patience remaining firmly committed their reward most appropriate for what they had been doing. [16:96] [Similar pronouncement
4:124;40:40] Whoever acted/performed acts of good import/moderate deeds/acts whether be a male or a female but provided he or she is a true believer/one who accepted, [Read with
22:24] thereby We will certainly make him live [with guidance by Qur'aan in every moment] a pure benefiting enduring life [void of conjectures] and of course We will pay them their reward most appropriate for what they had been doing. [16:97]
Therefore when you have finished reading the Qur'aan [have known the conduct of pure life] thereafter/for reason [of mixing with people majority of whom follows and talks Satanic fascinating conjectures] you must self assign the task-make it your habit of seeking protection of Allah from the influence of discarded and condemned Shai'taan. [16:98] [It is a protective measure otherwise] Indeed he is the one for whom there is absolutely no authority/dominating influence over those who have accepted/believed, [Same information in same words in
8:02;16:42;29:59;42:36]o and they have trust and hope in their Sustainer Lord. [16:99]
Indeed he has dominant influence upon those who turn to him in alliance and those who are with him the partners [brothers acting and doing like him] [16:100]