Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              023

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          



Prefixed conjunction فَ cause and effect/response + Verb: Perfect; Third Person; Singular; Masculine; active. [Form-X]




































































































Afterwards We sent Musa [alai'his'slaam] and his brother Haroon [alai'his'slaam] with Our unprecedented demonstrative signs and evidently distinct authority/argument/logic, [23:45]

towards Fir'aoun/Pharaoh and his chieftains; whereupon/in response/for reason they showed arrogance having made themselves obsessed with pride of grandeur and superiority and they were a nation of haughty criminals. [23:46]

For reason [of difference of opinion on demonstration of signs] they said amongst themselves, "Should we believe for two human beings like us while the nation of both two of them are for us slaves" [23:47]

Thereby they contradicted both two of them with the result that they became part of annihilated ones. [23:48]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:87;25:35;28:43;32:23;41:45]

And most certainly We had given Musa [alai'his'slaam] the Book,

[Same pronouncement in same words for Last Messenger and Qur'aan in 32:03]o

so that they people were guided to destination. [23:49]

[Same information in 19:21;21:91]

And We made the son of Maryam [the truthful] and his mother respectively an unprecedented demonstrative sign for the humanity [that We are not subject to laws/system of causality devised for created ones]. [23:50]


And [to save them from eminent life threat] We gave both two of them a safe and protected abode towards an elevated/mountainous place; a place of long safe stay and verdurous. [This is the third place where Easa alai'his'slaam lived during his life and is markedly different from the place of his birth-19:22-25] [23:50]

[In time and space Messengers were commanded] "O You the Messengers! You eat from "tayyi'baate" nutrient, nourishing things and conduct perfective.


Indeed I am fully in know of that which you people perform. [23:51]

And indeed this humanity is your species, one singular species, and I am your Sustainer Lord, therefore, you people revere and fear Me" [23:52]

Thereafter/for reason [of vested interests-worldly self motives, differences] they torn their matter/affair in the manner/state of cut pieces.


Each group/identity is rejoicing with that which is held by them. [23:53]

[Despite all the Power and Dominance We have given them time because of the freedom of choice] Therefore, for that reason, You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] leave them in their interests veiling upon them until the time [they face the promised Day]. [23:54]

Do they consider that what We stretch/enhance them with wealth and sons/strength [23:55]

[Read with 19:73]

as if We hasten for them in betterment? No, that is not correct thought, the fact of the matter is that they do not perceive/understand [that wealth and sons are in fact exposure/evaluation test] [23:56]

Indeed those people who, being afraid/mindful/cautious of their Sustainer Lord, are humbly loving ones/for fear of Him stand in awe; [23:57]  

and those who accept and believe in the Aa'ya'at [contained in the Book] of their Sustainer Lord [23:58]

and those who do not ascribe and associate any thing with their Sustainer Lord; [23:59]

and those who, whatever they give, they give/donate in a state that their hearts tremble that indeed they will be presented before their Sustainer Lord for accountability.  [23:60]

These are the people who are hastening in the betterment and they are for that the lead takers. [23:61]

[Same information in same words in 6:152;7:42;similar 2:286;65:07]

And We do not impose/burden/responsibility/demand/duty upon a person except according to her capacity/scope/capability/strength/practicability/access/approach/tolerance.

[Same information in 45:29]

And with Us is the Book/written record that speaks/narrates only the established fact,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:281;3:25,3:161;6:160;10:47,54;16:111;23:62;39:69;45:22;46:19]o

  and they will not be subjected to any injustice [not even iota of it]. [23:62]

In fact their hearts are in veil/shrouded by vested interests from this fact


and for them are interests/acts other than this for which they are the endeavourers; [23:63]

until when We seized their affluent elite with affliction at that point in time they groan. [23:64]

"Do not groan today. Indeed you people will not be helped by Us. [23:65]

Indeed My Aa'ya'at [contained in the Book/Grand Qur'aan] were recited upon you people, word by word, whereupon you people used to turn back on your heels [23:66]

[What they were doing, read with 25:30;41:26]

 as self obsessed of pride arrogant about it/the Book-Grand Qur'aan, you people at night discussed-devised conjectures/random talks for roping away/limiting efficacy. [23:67]

[Read in conjunction 4:82;38:29;47:24]

Is it for reason that they have not critically cross-examined the contents of "The Grand Statement" [Grand Qur'aan]


Or has that come to them like of which had not come to their earliest forefathers [Iebra'heim and Iesma'eile alaihis'slaam] [23:68]

Or they have not familiarly recognized their Messenger for which reason they are for him the non acknowledgers? [23:69]

Or they say about him that he is deluded/under hallucination? 

[Same information in 43:78]

No, what he tells them are not delusions, the fact of the matter is that he has come to them with the Statement of Fact but most of them are aversive for "The Fact" [since it demolishes their fabricated system/status-quo jeopardizing their worldly interests] [23:70]

23:71-90                      Main Page/Index
