Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] Under construction]

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   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.

2:75 Detailed Analysis


[This habit of them is also told in 4:46]






2:76 Detailed Analysis










2:77 Detailed Analysis




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2:81 Detailed Analysis






2:82 Detailed Analysis






[O you the claimants of having believed; despite knowing these facts] Do you people still hope and desire that they may/would incline themselves to accept for you people, while the fact is that indeed there has been a group of them who used to listen to the Word/Parlance/Message of Allah;

  and thereafter they deliberately alter it, out of context in different angle/perspective, afterwards that which they had analyzed/comparatively studied/deliberated upon, in a state of being aware/understood it. [2:75]

[Recurrence: (1)2:14(2)2:76=2]

And when they confronted the ones [whom they regarded fools on their back] who have willfully and consciously [truly] believed, they said to them, "We have accepted/believed";

but when some of them went to others [the elders of Jews] in privacy

they questioned them: "Do you disclose to them [the believers] that which Allah has disclosed upon you people affording them an opportunity that they may challengingly argue with you about that which is from your Sustainer Lord?

  Is it for reason that you people do not ponder/reflect? [on this possibility]" [2:76]

[Why they do these tricks] Do they [Muna'afiqeen and learned men of Jews] not know that Allah fully knows that which they consciously conceal and that which they deliberately reveal/say openly? [2:77]

And there are such/quite many common people among them/Bani Iesraa'eel whose peculiar trait is that they do not know/have knowledge of the contents of the revealed Book except those wishful/hopeful fascinating hearsay/conjectural myths made popular and widespread in society [with reference to the Book by the group of elite, scholars, literary men and clergy who distort the Word of Allah as earlier told-2:75 and write material with their own hands attributing it to Allah-2:79]

  and as such [not having knowledge of the true contents of the Revealed Book] they, the common people, keep doing/knowing nothing except conjecturing/supposing/assuming [the widespread/popular material as being from the Book]. [2:78]

For this reason [that commons are misled by conjectural matter] therefore/consequently woe/regret is for those people [religious elite, scholars] who write the book with their own hands/thoughts

 and thereafter/afterwards they tell the people [who personally do not have the knowledge of the revealed Book] "this matter/saying/information/rule is from Allah"; so that with it they may consciously earn their livelihood/make it a profession/business.

Therefore, woe/regret shall be for them for that which their hands have written [fascinating, misleading, hypothetical, conjectural hearsay and myths] and regret will also be for that what they earn [popularity, commercial/financial benefit] by it. [2:79]

And they said to people: "The Fire will certainly never touch us except for a period of numbered days"

You question them "Have you people succeeded in taking/obtaining a promise from Allah? If that is the case there is a reason to believe since [We know] Allah will never do against His promise; or you people attribute to Allah that about which you do not have knowledge?" [2:80]

Nay, [their perception/utterance is untrue, no question of release from Hell/Prison] on the contrary the fact is that whosoever earned evil and his wrong-doings influenced/encompassed/circularly enganged him ;

 for this reason such shall be the persons who will be the residents/inmates of the Hell-Prison, they will abide therein for ever. [2:81]

And those who willfully and consciously accepted/believed and did act righteously/moderately [as directed in the Book of Allah],

[Recurrence: 7:42;10:26;11:23]

 they are the people who shall be the residents/companions of the Paradise; they will abide therein for ever. [2:82]

  2:83-92            Main Page/Index
