Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              034

   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.          











































































































Certainly there had been a demonstrative physical sign to take heed in their dwelling place for the people of Saba;

the sign was two gardens on the right and on the left;

[they were asked] "You people eat from the sustenance of your Sustainer Lord and express gratitude and be grateful to Him"


A fertile city and Oft-Forgiving Sustainer Lord. [34:15]

In response they refrained knowingly whereupon We sent upon them the flood of the Dam [broke]


and We converted their state [affluence] by turning with their two gardens into two gardens both producing bitter fruit and tamarisks and a few of something of Lote-trees. [34:16]

This is how We requited them for the reason that they knowingly and persistently refused to accept. And do We requite except the proven persistent denier and ungrateful? [34:17]

And We made between them and between the towns wherein We had implanted blessing many evident townships and We had proportioned therein the traversing passages/travel routes;


[they were told] "You people traverse in them during nights and days quite safely" [34:18]

Thereat they said, "Our Sustainer Lord! extend far between/for our journeys". And they did wrong to their selves,

whereupon We made them legendary tales since We disintegrated them, completely dispersed.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 14:05;31:31;42:33]o

Indeed in it are certainly evident signs for each and every persistent coolly perseverant, ever thankfully obliged. [34:19]

And indeed Ib'lees had proved upon them his assessment/thought whereupon they physically and literally followed him,


except a group from amongst the true believers. [34:20]

And whereas there was for him no authority upon them

except that [he been given the freedom to persuade anyone he likes] We may expose and differentiate the one who believes in the Hereafter from the one who is in skepticism about it.

[Same pronouncement in 11:57] o

And your Sustainer Lord is the Guardian upon each and everything. [34:21]

[Same pronouncement in 17:56]

You, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "You people call those which you consider [as various iela'aha] apart from Allah,

[Same pronouncement in 35:13]

they do not hold/possess even something equivalent to an atom in the Skies and nor in the Earth;

[Read with 35:40;46:04]

and neither for them in both two of them is any sort of share/partnership/association.


And nor for Him/Allah from amongst them is any who can be said to possess ability of supporting". [34:22]

[Same pronouncement in 20:109]

And nor the intercession [recommendation/pleading] shall be of any benefit before Him except for the one for whom He had given prior permission.

And when the fear subsided in their hearts they said, "What has said your Sustainer Lord"

They replied, "The absolute fact"

[Same pronouncement in 22:62;31:30]o

And He is the One Who is the The Exalted Sublime, the Greatest. [34:23]

[Similar questioning in 10:31]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Who provides you sustenance/ provisions for life from the Skies and the Earth;

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "Allah provides the sustenance;


and it is certain that either We or you people are on guidance or in manifest neglectfulness/ straying/wandering". [34:24]

You say, "You people will not be questioned about what crime we committed and nor we will be questioned regarding what you people are doing". [34:25]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Our Sustainer Lord will make gathering between us, thereafter He will adjudge between us on Fact and True Merit and He is the Judge, All-Knowing" [34:26]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "You people show me those which you have associated partners with Him.


By no means! Nay the fact of the matter is that He is the All Pervasive/Dominant and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/ secreted/infolded" [34:27]

[Sent for entire humanity 4:79]

And We have not sent you, [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] except as guarantor/giver of glad tidings and awakener/admonisher for the whole of living humanity [till Last Day]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:187;12:21,40,68;16:38;30:06,30;34:36;40:57;45:26]o

but most of the people they do not accept it/intend to recognize this fact. [34:28]

[Replica/Mirror 10:48;21:38;27:71;36:48;67:25]

And they say tell us the data/time/period when this promise [of Last Day] will be fulfilled if you people are truthful? [34:29]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "For you people is a duration which has determined culminating moment of time, the Day which you will neither be able to defer it from your selves even for a moment and nor you can hasten it yourself". [34:30] [Similar pronouncement in 7:34;10:49]

