Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              023

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          










































































































































Allah has never adopted anyone as son;

and along with Him never ever there has been any iela'aha.

[apply your common sense that had it been so] In that case each and every iela'aha would have gone away with what he had created and surely some of them would have overpowered some other.

[Complete verse 37:159]o

Allah is Infinitely Glorious and the focus of all effort, above all that what they conjecturally attribute. [23:91]

[Same information in same words in 6:73;13:09;32:06;59:22;64:18; Similar 9:94,105;23:92;39:46;62:08]

He is the Knower of what is invisible/non perceivable and visible/perceivable for the creatures;

[Same pronouncement in  7:190;10:18;16:01,03;27:63;28:68;30:40;39:67]o

therefore [being Absolute and Alone] He is Exalted from that what they associate with Him. [23:92]

[Read with 6:134;10:53;29:05;51:05;77:07]

You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pray, "O my Sustainer Lord! if you make me see that which is being promised to them [happenings of the Last Day] [23:93]

My Sustainer Lord! [if the Day comes in my life] thereby in that case You do not keep me within the unjust/evil people" [23:94]

[Same pronouncement in 43:42]

And indeed that We may show you what We have promised to them, We are certainly the determining authority. [23:95]

[Same advice in 41:34]

You repel/avert evil/misconduct/conjecture/hearsay with that which is the best [turn down conjectural myths with fact mentioned in Aa'ya'at of the Book/Grand Qur'aan].


We are fully aware of what they people keep conjecturing. [23:96]

You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell people to pray in these words: "My Sustainer Lord! I seek  protection and take refuge with You from the deflections-conjectures of evil ones; [23:97]

and I seek protection and take refuge with You, My Sustainer Lord, that they: devils may even come in my presence" [23:98]

[the evil-ones keep deflecting and conjecturing] Until when the death had come to anyone of them/he had died [left the world to grave], he [having been given second life] said, "My Sustainer Lord! You return me [23:99]

therein which I have since left so that I may perform acts of righteous import" [He says about acts only since before dying he had already declared to have believed]

No question of return to world, indeed it is merely a [void of truth] sentence, he is speaker of it,


and ahead of them is a barrier towards/up to the Day they will be resurrected. [23:100] [when they will say complaining that they were earlier given two lives and two deaths-40:11]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 69:13; read with 39:68]

In consequence when the [second] sound is blown in the Trumpet,

thereby there will be no relationships/associations amongst them


and they will not ask for others.[23:101]

[Same pronouncement in same words 7:08;23:102;similar 101:06]

Thereupon the one whose weights [of acts done] are heavier/weighty [because they were done in the love and attraction of Allah, His Messenger and the Book since weight of a thing is nothing except the unit of attraction for that thing];

[Exactly same verdict in 7:08;23:102;59:09;64:16]o

For this reason/therefore they are the people [almuef'li'hoona active participle] who endeavor for perpetual success/fruitfulness. [23:102]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:09; similar 101:08]

And the one whose weights [of acts done] are light [since were done in attraction of Earthly life],

[Same verdict in same words in 7:09]

Therefore they are the people who have made their selves to suffer loss [for momentary worldly gains/pleasures]


in the Hell-Prison staying therein permanently. [23:103]

The heated air will singe their faces and they therein will be noisome. [23:104]

[Read with 45:31]

[they will be confronted] Were not My Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts,  knowledge and injunctions in the Book] used to be recited/communicated to you people, word by word, whereupon you people used to publicly contradict those" [23:105]

They said, "O our Sustainer Lord! Overpowered upon us our stubbornness and we remained neglectfully indifferent people. [23:106]

O our Sustainer Lord! You move us out from it whereupon if we returned [to past conduct] then indeed we are wrongdoers". [23:107]

He said, "You remain despised therein and you people do not speak to Me. [23:108]

Indeed there was a group from My servants who used to say,

"O Our Sustainer Lord! We have believed/accepted therefore You forgive for us and You shower mercy upon us

[Same pronouncement in same words in 23:118]o

and You are the Most Merciful of all those who are merciful" [23:109]

Whereupon you people kept taking them mockingly until it made you forget My Reminder and you people laughed on some of them. [23:110] [Read with 38:63]

 [Read with 25:75;76:12]

Indeed I have rewarded them today for which they remained steadfast exercising coolly perseverance.

[Same information in 9:20;24:52;59:20]o

Indeed they are those who are the perpetually successful ones". [23:111]

He said, "How many number of years you stayed in the Earth". [23:112]

They said, "We lived for a day or some part of a day, [we are not sure] therefore You ask those who keep count/mathematicians". [23:113]

He said, "You did not live except a little period, had indeed you people, you kept knowing it. [23:114]

Had you people then adjudged/made up your mind that We had created you in jest/purposelessly


and that for accountability you people were not to be presented towards Us?". [23:115]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 20:114]

therefore [being Absolute and Alone] Allah is the Exalted, truly and factually The Sovereign.

 There is no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except Him alone. He is the Sustainer Lord of the Exalted Seat of the Sovereign. [23:116]

And whoever calls along with Allah any other as iela'aha, for him there is no substantive evidence and argument for him in support of his conjectural contention,

[let him conjecture] thereafter his accountability is only upon his Sustainer Lord


 Indeed the matter is that those who persistently refuse to accept/believe never attain prosperous success at the end. [23:117]

And you pray, "Sustainer Lord! You forgive and You shower mercy;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 23:109]o

and You are the Most Merciful of all those who are merciful" [23:118]

24:01-20                   Main Page/Index
