Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              029

    Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           




















































































































[Same information in 7:59;11:25;23:23;71:01]

And indeed We had sent Noah [alai'his'slaam] towards his nation;

whereupon he lived among them for a thousand year save fifty years.


For reason/in consequence of contradicting him flood seized them while they were persistently evil doers. [29:14]

[Same information in 7:64;26:119]

Thereupon We saved him and those who were companions in the boat.


And We made her/the boat a visible/tangible sign for remembrance/lesson for the people world over. [29:15]

And Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام], when he said for [to] his nation, "you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, and make yourself mindful and afraid of Him.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 9:41;61:11;62:09]o

This is the best course for you people if you people understand/know it. [29:16]

[Read with 6:74;21:52;26:70;29:17,25;37:95]

Those which you people are worshipping/demonstrating allegiance to other than Allah are only still statues and you people create falsity.

It is certain that those which you people worship/demonstrate allegiance to other than Allah they do not hold for you people the sustenance.

Therefore you people seek sustenance from Allah and be subservient/subject/allegiant to Him and express appreciation and gratitude for Him.

[With Waw same information in same words in 2:245;10:56;11:34,28:70,88;36:22,83;41:21]o

   and you will be presented before Him [on day of Resurrection] for accountability. [29:17]

And if you people contradict, then it is nothing new, certainly generations earlier than you have contradicted in the past too;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 24:54]o

[Assignment/responsibility of Messenger pronounced in 3:20;5:67,:92,99;13:40;16:35,82;24:54;29:18;36:17;42:48;64:12;72:23,28]

And upon the Messenger there is no responsibility except to deliver/convey/pass on the message" [to your ears and hands; and to take it to your heart and brain is your own burden] [29:18]

[Read with 10:04,34;27:64;30:11,27]

Do they not see/give it a thought how Allah initiated/originates the creation and afterwards He revives-takes it to logical conclusion.

[Same information in same words in 22:70;35:11;57:22]o

Indeed this has always been an easy matter for Allah. [29:19]

[Same advice in same words in 6:11; 27:69;30:42]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "You people traverse in the world/land

and then you people observe/watch how Allah did originate creation;

afterwards [on Day of Resurrection] Allah will create/raise the last raising.

[Same information, mirror 2:20,109,148;3:165;16:77;24:45;29:20;35:01]o

Indeed, Allah has eternally the infinite power over all things". [29:20]

[Messenger pronounced this in 17:54]

 He decides to punish whom He wills and He decides to have mercy upon whom He wills [depending upon how people conduct].


And towards Him you people will be returned. [29:21]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:134;10:53;11:33;29:22;42:31]

And you people certainly cannot frustrate/avert

 His decisions neither in the Earth nor in the Sky.

[Same pronouncement in same words in  2:107;9:116;42:31]o

 And for you people there is neither a guardian/protector and/nor a helper except/other than Allah. [29:22]

[Read with 12:87]

 And those people who have persistently declined to accept the Aa'ya'at of Allah [contained in Grand Qur'aan] and presentation before Him for the accountability they are the ones who have lost hope/despaired of My mercy.

[Exactly same pronouncement in same words in 3:91;42:42]o

and they are the people for whom is severe punishment [in wait]. [29:23]

[Same information in same words in 27:56]

[Reverting from parenthetic to Iebra'heim علیہ السلام nation] In response his nation had no explanation/response

except that they said to other people, "Murder him or burn him",

whereupon/having been put in fire Allah rescued him safely from the fire.

[Same pronouncement  in same words in 16:79;27:86;29:24;30:37;39:52]o

Indeed in it are signs/information/knowledge for people to believe [in the magnanimity of Creator, their Sustainer Lord]. [29:24]

And [before alienating from them] he/Iebra'heim علیہ السلام said, "You people have made yourself adopt sculpted still statues/idols [as iela'aha] apart from Allah only for mutual association in the life of this world.

Thereafter on the Day of Resurrection some of you people will refute some others

and some of you people will curse and condemn some others.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 45:34] o

And for you people the abode is Hell-Prison and for you people there is none from the helpers". [29:25]

For reason/thereat Luet [alai'his'slaam] accepted/believed for him;

and pronounced, "It is certain that I am migrating towards my Sustainer Lord.


Undoubtedly He is the One Who is the All Pervasive/Dominant and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/ secreted/infolded". [29:26]

[Same information in same words in 6:84;19:49;21:72]

And to him/Iebra'heim علیہ السلام We gifted Ies'hauqe and Ya'qoob [as unsolicited gift-21:72].

[Same information in 57:26]

And We kept in his progeny the position of Distinction of Elevation and Selectivity and the Book.

And We granted him his reward in this World

[Reiterated for him in same words in 2:130;16:122]o

 and indeed in the Hereafter he is certainly in the ranks of the Righteous. [29:27]

