Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              007

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.



























































































And the residents/companions of the Paradise called the residents of Hell Prison that "indeed we have found it an established fact what our Sustainer Lord had promised with us.

Accordingly have you people also found that an established fact what your Sustainer Lord had promised for you people?"

They replied, "yes, of course"


Then a pronouncer pronounced amongst them that the curse/condemnation of Allah is upon the evil-doers/distorters/creators of imbalances/disorder. [7:44]

[Same information in same words in 11:19;14:03]

They are the ones who hinder/divert people from the path of Allah [by distortions with conjectural myths] and they wishfully and vehemently attempt making therein distractions/diversions/ misaligning.

[same information with additional pronoun in 11:19;12:37;41:07]o

And they  [themselves in the heart of their heart] are the rejecters of the Hereafter. [7:45]

And in between both two of them [companions of Paradise and Hell] is a partition/intervening wall.

And on the driveway heights are men who recognize all by their marks;

And they the residents of the Paradise called upon them that "peace/tranquility is upon you"


these men on the drive way have not yet entered in her/Paradise [being of later generation] and they are hopefully awaiting;  [7:46]

and when their looks/visions turned [they] met the residents/companions of Hell Prison.


[on their focus] They said, "Our Sustainer Lord! let us not be placed along with the evil-doers/ distorters/creators of imbalances/disorder". [7:47]

And the companions of the driveway heights respectively called upon men whom they recognized by identifying marks;


they said, "Not that has availed/rescued you people which you gathered and that what you were arrogantly proud. [7:48]

[pointing towards Paradise/or their companions] Are these the ones about whom you swore [in worldly life] that to them will not reach the Mercy of Allah"


[they did not respond and these men reached the Gates of Paradise] "You people enter into the Paradise. No cause of fear is for you people and neither shall you people grieve" [7:49]

And the residents/companions of the Hell Prison called upon the residents of Paradise that, "You people pour upon us from water or from what Allah has given you the sustenance/eatables"


They replied, "Indeed Allah has prohibited both two of these upon the rejecters/non believers; [7:50]

those who adopted their code of physical conduct as play and amusement

[Same information in same words in 6:70;6:130;7:51]

and the life of the Earthly world had put them in deceptive delusion".

 [Read with 7:51;20:126;32:14]

Hence/logical conclusion is that today We are indifferent/have discarded them in the manner they were deliberately indifferent/ignored the confronting of their this day;


and for the reason they deliberately and knowingly discarded Our Aa'ya'at [of the Book and unprecedented demonstrative signs sent to them]. [7:51]

And indeed We had brought to them [the above referred discarded people in Hell prison] the Messenger with the Book, We had made that Book vividly distinct/demarcated/ isolated/ alienated/crystal clear on the basis of absolute information/knowledge.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:203;12:111;16:64;27:77;similar in 10:57;16:89]o

A Guide [in time and space because of its permanence-leading on the way to destination] and Mercy/blessing for the believing people. [7:52]

Are they waiting only for its outcome/conclusion/end result?

[Grand Qur'aan is the Last Book, now its logical conclusion/end is the Last Day] The Day its logical conclusion/end/result arrives those who had earlier forgotten the Day would say to themselves;

"Indeed the Messengers of our Sustainer Lord had come with the statement of fact/the Book;

[we followed others] resultantly are there for us from intercessors so that they intercede/plead for us

or we are sent back so that we perform acts other than those we used to perform?

Indeed they made loss to their selves

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:24;10:30;11:21;16:87;28:75]o

and that lost/vanished from them what they kept fabricating/conjecturing. [7:53]

