Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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        Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.    































































































And if Allah hastens damaging and irritating state for the people as they haste for the pleasantness certainly their term would have been concluded for them. 

[Similar pronouncement in 2:15;6:110;7:186;27:04]o

Therefore/for reason We leave those in their blind distracted wandering who do not believe in their presentation before Us for accountability. [10:11]

And when infliction touches the man he keeps calling upon Us [groaning] while he is lying on his side or sittings or he is standing.

In response when We remove from him his affliction he walks away [without a word of thanks] as if he had never requested Us during affliction that had touched him.

[See 6:43,108,122;9:37;10:12;16:63;27:04,24;29:38]o

This is how it is [by fabricators of fascinating myths suggesting good and bad times are just routine phenomenon] made alluring for the transgressors what acts they deliberately and knowingly execute/perform. [10:12]

And indeed We have annihilated many civilizations before you people when they kept acting as evil-doers/distorters/creators of imbalances/disorders/over stepping.

[Similar pronouncement in 7:101;10:74]

And their Messengers had indeed brought to them evident/distinct/unprecedented [miraculous] demonstrative Signs and then in response they were not such that they should [subsequently] believe [in what they had earlier contradicted]


This is how We reward the nation comprising criminals. [10:13]

[Read with 35:39]

Afterwards a lapse of time We made you as self governing rulers enjoying freedom of will/decision in the Earth so that We may see/expose how you people conduct. [10:14]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 19:73;22:72;34:43;45:25;46:07]

And when Our evident/distinct/Manifest Aaya'at [of The Book] were narrated to them, word by word,

those amongst them who do not believe/look for meeting with Us, respond "You [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] come to us with some readable material/book other than this Qur'aan or you change/replace this Qur'aan"

You [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] answer them, "It is not befitting for me that I should  change/amend this Qur'aan with my personal perception/intellect/data-information/knowledge saved in the memory [heard and gained in life till this point of time].

[His same pronouncement in 6:50;7:203;10:15;46:09]

I only physically follow in letter and spirit that [Grand Qur'aan] which is communicated to me". [He pronounced it four times, he was directed for this four times in 6:106;10:109; 33:02; 75:18]

[Mirror/Replica 6:15;39:13]o

I am afraid of the punishment of Great Day if I were to refuse to accept the word of My Sustainer Lord [reveled in the Grand Qur'aan]" [10:15]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], tell them "Had it been the will of Allah, I would not have recited to you the Qur'aan and nor He would have made it known to you people;

since as you know indeed I have lived a lifetime amongst you people before this Qur'aan.

[This query is also in  2:44,76;3:65;6:32;7:169;11:51;12:109;21:10,67;23:80;28:60;37:138]o

 Is it for reason that you do not ponder/use intellect to differentiate? [which is the basic job of intellect; in my past life habit and present day conduct] [10:16]

[Exactly same, mirror 7:37]

{Similar verdict in 3:94;6:21,93,144;7:37;11:18;18:15;29:68;61:07]

Therefore/for the reason who is a greater evil-doer/distorter/creator of imbalances/disorder/over stepping than the one who conjectures a falsehood attributing it to be from Allah [which is neither written in the Book of Allah nor there is tangible evidence from knowledge] or publicly contradicts His Aa'ya'at [of the Book/Qur'aan].


Indeed the matter is that the criminals never attain prosperous success at the end. [10:17]

[Same pronouncement in 25:55]

and they worship/exhibit allegiance and subservience to some other than Allah that neither causes them any infliction nor that causes them any benefit.

And they tell people, "These are our intercessors with Allah"

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], question them, "Do you people inform/give news to Allah about that He does not know neither in the Skies and nor in the Earth?"

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:01;30:40;39:67]o

Glory is for Him/His pleasure is the focus of all effort; and He is Exalted above all what they conjecturally associate with Him. [10:18]

And people were not but used to be one harmonious unit then for reason they disputed/differed amongst themselves [emergence of vested interests and class system].

[Exactly same information in same words 11:110;41:45]

And had a word/promise/decision [of a duration to culminate on determined moment] not preceded from your Sustainer Lord the matter would have indeed been adjudged/resolved between them


in which they differ. [10:19]

And they say to [deceptively delude] people, "Why not an unprecedented demonstrative physical sign [miraculous happening] has been sent to him from his Sustainer Lord?"

For reason [to keep record straight] You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Indeed the invisible/what is contained in the future is for/with Allah.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:71;10:102]o

Therefore you people wait [for the promised thing to happen], I am indeed with you people from the waiting ones". [10:20] [Read with 46:22-26]


