Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              012

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          




Word by word Morphological and syntactic analysis of each Ayah










Noun Adjective: indefinite; masculine; genitive. Root: ب خ س


















































































  • And there came a caravan. On spotting a well they sent their water-drawer/carrier to the well. Thereat, he lowered his bucket into the well to fetch water.

  • [while lowering he saw into the well and spotted a child instead of water] He loudly called, "O good news! here is a minor boy."

  • And they, the caravan people, hid him with intent-consideration of merchandize;

  • And Allah the Exalted is eternally All-Knower of what they people were doing. [12:19]

  • And they, the caravan people, sold him, the minor boy Yu'suf, at the lowered bargain price by the purchaser, a limited settled amount/dirham,

  • This was because they were interested more to give him away-get rid of him. [12:20]

  • And he who had bought him/Yu'suf in the City Misr [Egypt] said to his wife imperatively:

  • "You make his stay dignified; perhaps he may benefit us or we might affectionately adopt him as our son."

  • And this is how We provided a stronghold for Yu'suf in the City [Misr-known by non Arabs as Egypt],

  • And so that We may educate-teach him the skill of perceiving/flesh out the end result/ reality/eventual meanings of the statements/event narrations/dreams.

  • And Allah the Exalted is always dominant upon His decision/command [to make it take effect]

  • But the fact is that that most of the people intend not to understand-realize it. [12:21]

  •  Know the fact; when Yu'suf crossed over his strengthen maturity/became fully grown man, Our Majesty had given him wisdom-discriminative intelligence-the capability to judge and decide, and knowledge.

  • Take note; this is acknowledgement reward We award those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [12:22]

  • Know the incident; [to realize that so called adopted son is never a son] the lady; in whose home he lived since childhood to strengthen maturity, seduced him to elicit him fulfilling her desire.

  • She, in a state of contractedness of mind and heart and paucity of patience, overpowered by emotions, auto locked the doors successively [at least 3 of main hall of house]. Having auto locked from inside all the doors, [but still not finding responsive advances despite securing the area] she said to him: "Now, what is the problem-fear for you/all precautionary measures are taken, come on!".

  • He replied, "I seek refuge in Allah the Exalted;

  • The facts is that He the Exalted is my Sustainer Lord, He the Exalted has made my stay perfectly excellent.

  • Indeed the point that needs to be remembered is that the unjust/distorters of realities-relations-equations-balance never attain prosperous success at the end." [12:23]

  • The fact is that indeed she had become determined to take him along;

  • [parenthetically let everyone know that had he been an ordinary man in such volatile situation] And had it been not so that he had seen the proof of omnipresence of his Sustainer Lord, he might have inclined-floated in passion with her.

  • That was for purpose that We may avert from him the evil and all sorts of illicit sexual things.

  • Indeed he was one of Our Servants who are exclusively chosen, the perpetually sincere and pure-void of admixing good and bad. [12:24]

  • And he and she swiftly ran towards the exit door, she racing in effort to catch him torn his short from the back;

  • Yusuf managed open the exit door and they found her husband nearing the door.

  • [perplexed by unexpected arrival of her husband and reflective scene of rushing out] She said, "What could be the punishment for him who intended evil with your housemate except imprisonment or some painful infliction?" [12:25]

  • He said, "It is she who seduced me, seeking to elicit me fulfilling her desire."

  • [on these contradictory statements and allegation] And a person of her house-residents suggested recourse to the circumstantial evidence saying:

  • "If his shirt is damaged-creased on front places then it proves she has stated the truth;

  •  While he is one of the liars. [Allah forbids] [12:26]

  • And if his shirt is damaged-creased on its back then it proves that she has lied;

  • While he is one of the truthful." [12:27]

  • On this when he saw his shirt damaged-creased on its back he said, [diffusing the embarrassment]

  • "Indeed that is sort of dissimulation of you women; Indeed dissimulation of you women is great". [12:28]

  • He requested, "Yu'suf, you please ignore this incident-avert your mind from it;

  • And you, O my wife, sincerely seek forgiveness for your slander;

  • Indeed you were one of those who err." [12:29]

