Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              037

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           






































































































[Read with 52:39]

Thereat you ask them to resolve it for themselves, "Whether for your Sustainer Lord are the daughters and for them are the sons [37:149]

Or that We created the Angels feminized and they were witnesses over it!" [37:150]

There is no doubt that indeed they from their concocted falsities keep saying,

"Allah has adopted a child"

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:48;23:90]o

and undoubtedly they people are certainly the liars. [37:152]

"Has He preferred the daughters over the sons? [37:153]


[Replica/Mirror 68:36; with فَ same query in 10:35]

What is for you people relevant how you adjudge. [37:154]

[Same query in same words in 10:03;11:24,30;16:17;23:85;37:155;45:23]

[why you deviate] Is it for reason that you people consciously decide not to reflect? [the facts mentioned]. [37:155]

[Read with 10:68]

Or do you people have any concrete evidence-authority about this assertion? [sent by Allah] [37:156]

You people come with your book-documentary evidence


 if you people are truthful in what you people say?" [37:157]

[Read with 6:100]

And they have declared/proclaimed between Him and between the Jinn species a relationship,


while the fact is that the Jinn have certainly known/understood that indeed they will definitely be the brought ones [in Hell-Prison]; [37:158]

[Same pronouncement in same words in  23:91]

Allah is Infinitely Glorious and the focus of all effort, above all that what they conjecturally attribute. [37:159]

[Replica/Mirror 37:40,74,128]

[reverting from parenthetic] except the sincere servants/allegiants of Allah. [37:160]

[Jinn have understood] "For reason/therefore you people and that which you people worship/are allegiant [will definitely be the brought ones in Hell-Prison]. [37:161]

You people cannot be the causer of deflection into liquefying pot for a person except the one who is heading to scorch in the Hell-Prison. [37:162-163]


And from amongst us there is no one except for whom is a known stationing place; [37:164]


and indeed we certainly stand in rows; [37:165]

and indeed we are certainly those who repetitively praise Allah. [37:166]

And that they indeed used to say [37:167]

"Had there been with us Reminder/Message [Book] from the Earlier People [37:168]

certainly We would have been the Sincere Servants/Allegiants of Allah" [37:169]

In response, when it reached, they refused to accept it.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 15:03,96;29:66;37:170;40:70;43:89]o

for reason/its consequence soon they will know. [37:170]

And it is a certain fact that Our Promise has preceded for Our Sincere Servants sent as the Messengers, [37:171]

that undoubtedly they, of course they are the ones helped [37:172]


and indeed Our Forces are certainly the ones who are the Dominant/Victorious. [37:173]

[Read with 23:54;37:178]

Therefore You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] leave/ignore them until the time [they face the promised Day]. [37:174]


And You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] watch them, thereafter soon shall they be seeing observably. [37:175]

[Replica/Mirror 26:204]

Do they yet seek [you the Messenger] hastening of Our punishment?[37:176][Read with 22:47]

For reason [of blowing in Trumpet] when it descends into the open space before them, difficult will be the morning for those who were warned" [37:177]

[Read with 23:54;37:174]

And You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] leave/ignore them until the time [they face the promised Day]. [37:178]

And You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] watch, thereafter soon shall they be seeing observably. [37:179]


[Read with 6:100;21:22; 23:91;37:159;43:82]

Your Sustainer Lord, the Absolutely Dominant Sustainer Lord is Infinitely Glorious and the focus of all effort, above all that what they conjecturally attribute. [37:180]


[Same pronouncement in same words 6:45;Without waw 01:02;10:10;39:75;40:65]o

And the Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for Allah, the Sustainer Lord of the Known/Existing Worlds/all that exists. [37:182]

38:01-26                Main Page/Index
