Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              019

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy            [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 19] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.

Syllabic Letters/ consonants of Arabic language.















































































Kaaf Ha Ya Ain Sād [Five Consonants of Arabic alphabet ( أبجدية عربية‎), all conjoined. Kaaf, Ain and Sād  have also above them ancillary glyph/prolongation sign/mark which changes the sound value of the letter to which it is added. It reflects that the Arabic language has letters and other marks, representing that its writing system is letter-diacritic combination based, resulting in the combination of sounds that form a syllable, rather than a single sound]

This is the mention/description of the Mercy of your Sustainer Lord upon His allegiant sincere servant Zakaria [alai'his'slaam] [19:02]

[Similar information in 21:89]

when he called upon his Sustainer Lord secretively [prompted by reply of Syeda Maryam-3:38].[19:03]

He said, "My Sustainer Lord! It is true that I am in a state that from me bones have weakened,

and the head has glistened [reflecting stage of life] agedly.


And I have never remained in my prayers to You, my Sustainer Lord, unblessed/disappointed. [19:04]

[Same statement in same words in 19:08; similar 3:40]


And I apprehend to be without successors after me;

 and [though] my wife is infertile;

therefore You give me from Your grace as successor; [19:05]

he will inherit me and he will inherit from the posterity of  Ya'qoob [alai'his'slaam];


and make him, my Sustainer Lord, pleasantly acknowledged" [19:06]

[We conveyed him] "O Zakaria! Indeed We give you good news/congratulation of a son, his name is Yahya;


We have not for him given in aforetimes this cognition of name to anyone" [He was the first human being with this name] [19:07]

[Same query in same words in 3:40]

[In the light of cause and effect phenomenon, about this unprecedented happening] He said, "My Sustainer Lord! How for me could be a son

[Same statement in same words in 19:05; similar 3:40]

 and while my wife is infertile


and I have already crossed over from the old age into the extreme of age?" [19:08]

[Same reply in same words to Syeda Maryam in 19:21]

  They told him that is because your Sustainer Lord has said it, "that is for me quiet easy.


 And [why not you considered before having asked] certainly I created you before this when you were nothing". [19:09]

[Same request in same words in 3:41]

Zakaria [alaihis'slaam] said," My Sustainer Lord! [for happening/occasion of this] appoint for me some visible mark of cognition".

[Same information in 3:41]o

He told him, "the mark of cognition for you is that you will not be able to talk to people orally for three nights [and days] in appropriate manner/straight words [except with gestures]. [19:10]

Thereupon [on having heard good news through the Angels-3:39] he came out of the secluded chamber [of Mosque] towards his people

[He was advised in 3:41]o

whereupon he communicated/signified to them [through gestures] that "You people recall/describe repetitively the Praises of Allah at dusk and dawn". [19:11]

[Promise was fulfilled, he was born] "O Yahya! You hold the Book with firmness". And We gave him the faculty of distinguishing wisdom in infancy; [19:12]

and softness from Our Grace and elevated stature, and he was in the habit of mindfulness and avoidance of unrestrained conduct with reverence and fear of Allah. [19:13]

[Note the difference in same statement for Easa alaihis'slaam in 19:32]  

And he was rightful in conduct with his mother and father,


and he was never dictating by way of refuting their word. [19:14]

[Same statement by Easa alaihis'slaam in 19:33]

"And tranquility and salutations are upon him the day he is born, and the day he dies natural death and the Day his is revived as living one". [19:15]

