Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              004

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.































































[Exactly same pointing out in same words 3:23;4:44]

Have you not marked the attitude of those who were given a share from The Book;

they believe in all void of substance conjectural myths and in the defiant/refractory one

and they say about those who have refused to accept/believe that they are better guided on the path as compared to those who have accepted/believed. [4:51]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 47:23]

They are the people whom Allah has discarded as condemned and cursed.

And whomsoever Allah has discarded as condemned and cursed therefore/for the reason you will never find for him anyone as helper. [4:52]

or have they a share in the dominion; if they have a share in the kingdom then in that situation even they will not be generous enough to give to people something as trivial/small/insignificant as spot on date-stone slit. [because of Allah's condemnation that their fists may remain tied-5:64] [4:53]

Do they people [the Jews] feel jealous of people [Uemee'yien, Bani Iesma'eile علیہ السلام] upon what Allah has given them from His Grace [Grand Qur'aan-2:90,109]

[it should not have been the cause of jealousy] since indeed We had given the followers of Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] the Book and wisdom [contained therein] and gave them a grand country. [4:54]

Then/consequently some from amongst them accepted/believed and amongst them is some one who abstained from that;

and suffices [as recompense for such people] the Hell Prison having scorching high temperature. [4:55]

Indeed those people [in time and space] who refused to accept Our Aa'ya'aat [demonstrative signs and verses of the Book] We will soon force/expose them into fire place;

Every time their skins are burnt out We will replace/graft those with one, other than of those skins, so that they keep feeling/sensing the torment. [In humans, touch is accomplished by nerve endings in the skin that convey sensations to the brain via nerve fibers. Nerves end in or between the cells of the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin, in all parts of the body. Grand Quran disclosed that centre of sensation is the outer skin and today we know it for certain. Grand Qur'aan, further disclosed, 14 centuries back, that skin can be replaced/grafted by a skin other than the original skin of man. Grand Qur'aan tells that Allah will keep revealing knowledge to the eyes of rejecters till it becomes manifest that the Grand Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact-41:53]

[Similar pronouncement in 4:158,165;48:07,19]

Indeed Allah has eternally the absolute command/Dominance, All Wise/Knower of hidden/secreted. [4:56]

[Exactly same promise in same words 4:122]

and those who accepted/believed and performed deeds/acts righteously/moderately [as directed in the Book], soon We will enter them into

[Same pronouncement in  4:122;5:119;9:100;64:09;65:11;98:08]

gardens/abodes, beneath/side by which streams flow  wherein they shall reside permanently and perpetually,

[Same pronouncement in 2:25]

for them are therein purified/clean hearted companions/mates;


and We will enter them into shade, plenteous one. [4:57]

Indeed Allah commands you people that restore the trusts entrusted to you back to their owners and when you people judge between people, Allah commands that you people judge with equity and justice.

Indeed Allah advises you with an excellent and pleasant advice.

[Similar pronouncement in 4:134]o

Indeed Allah is eternally the Hearer [of what is said, at whatever frequency] and is of Vision [everything/act is in His focus]. [4:58]

