Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Root: د ل ل :The main perception infolded and primary signification is: A wife expressing amorous gesture feigning coyness or opposition, enabling husband to adduce an indication, draw an inference or deduction. To infer from a thing another thing. To adduce, regard or take a thing as an indication, an evidence or proof of another thing or an argument in favor of another thing. A thing by which one is directed or guided; an indicator. A sign set up for the knowledge of a thing indicated as smoke is called indication of fire. Anything whereby a thing indicated is known whether relating to an object of sense or law, decisive or indecisive.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
2:87;23:49;28:43;32:23;41:45] And most certainly We had given Musa [alai'his'slaam] the Book, o And We appointed along with him his brother Haroon [alai'his'slaam] as assignment sharer. [25:35]
[when both two had met] Thereupon We said "You both two go towards the nation [of Fir'aoun]" That nation who publicly contradicted Our demonstrative unprecedented signs whereby We destroyed them, destruction by forceful entrance [inside water by collapsed skeleton bridge]. [25:36] And the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], when they publicly contradicted the Messengers We drowned them, and We made them for people an example [Note: their mention is found in the literature of almost all existing nations/civilizations] o And for evil mongers/unjust/distorters of facts We have prepared/kept ready a painful torment. [25:37]
And civilizations of Aad and Samued and Companions of Ar-Rass and many generations/habitations in between that. [25:38] And for all of them We quoted/struck/narrated examples/similitude/equations/contrasts. o and each one of them We smashed destructively. [25:39] And certainly they have come across upon the Town upon which We had showered awesome rain. Is it then that they have not seen that town [which is not far off from them-11:83] o Nay, [they do not take lesson by seeing because] the fact of the matter is that they do not expect resurrection. [25:40] And when such people saw you they refer to you only in playful joking manner, saying to others o "Is this the one whom Allah has sent as Messenger? [25:41] Indeed he had almost made us forgetful and stray from our various iela'aha had we not remained determined and steadfast upon them" And soon shall they know/realize when they see the affliction as to who is comparatively more unmindful/neglectful/astray of way. [25:42] [Same information in
45:23] Have you considered/given it a thought/seen that person who has deliberately adopted his own desire/vested interest/lusts/passion/hypothetical conjectures as the iela'aha/lord of worship-focus of attention of him? o Thereby, could you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] be an advocate/pleader/protector/caretaker upon/for him? [25:43] Or do you consider that most of them listen or apply intellect to differentiate [between conjecture and fact] They are but like herbivore mammals [Similar pronouncement in
17:72;25:34]o No, the fact of the matter is that they are comparatively more unmindful/neglectful of way. [25:44] [Read with
16:81] Have you not considered how your Sustainer Lord has stretched/lengthened the Shadow
and if He, the Exalted had so willed, He would certainly had made the shadow remain still.
o Afterwards We have made the Sun as a pointer/indicator upon that shadow. [25:45]
Afterwards We drew it towards us [Prostrating], an easy/smooth withdrawal. [25:46] [Same pronouncement in
78:10] And He, the Exalted is the One Who has made/prescribed/appointed for you people the night as/like wrapper/garment [source of comfort/seclusion from others] and the sleep as a source/cause of rest/restraint to free action; and He appointed the Day for revival/scattering. [25:47]
[Similar information in
7:57;30:46] And He is the One Who sent the particular winds, as advance glad news before His Mercy, o And We sent down from the Sky the purifying/rejuvenating water; [25:48] so that with it We rejuvenate/revive the dead piece of land/locality o and so that We serve that for drinking for the mammals and human beings We have created in large numbers. [25:49] And indeed We have rotated that amongst them so that they may remember. [Same pronouncement in same words in
17:89]o Then/for reason most of the people demurred for no reason except being ungratefully disobedient. [25:50]