Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              020 

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          


Noun: masculine; singular; indefinite; Accusative.(1)12:02;(2)43:03 =2 Root:ق ر أ

Noun Adjective: indefinite; Masculine; singular; accusative.  Root: ع ر ب

















20:116 Detailed Analysis
























































































































[Same pronouncement in 12:02]

And We have sent that Book [making it] as Written Book/Qur'aan in Arabic language/clear, perspicuous, eloquent, distinct, free from admixture, void of indistinctness, apparent like the daybreak and divested of the froth.

And in the contents of it/Grand Qur'aan We have rotated/centrifuged making the point distinct and separated from all angles regarding the warnings

so that they people may become cautiously heedful or it may for them be a source to refresh memory/remembrance. [20:113]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 23:116]

[they conjecture] Since Allah is Exalted, truly and factually the Sublime Sovereign.

[Read with 75:16]

And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] need not hasten reading the Qur'aan [presented to you to quickly transfer it in memory] earlier than that the oral-verbal communication of it might be concluded upon you.


And you pray, "My Sustainer Lord! You improve me in the faculty of gaining and retrieving knowledge" [20:114]

And in the past We had made an obligation upon Adam [alai'his'slaam]


then for reason [he entered Paradise without seeking knowledge/reason for prohibition and because of listening fabricated fascinating story about that tree from Iblees] he/Adam forgot, however/and We did not find against him any willfulness/deliberation. [20:115] [Please note Allah has not held his wife to have suffered forgetfulness]

Know the history of [prior to it] that point in time when We had said for [to] the Angles, "You people pay obeisance for Adam"; consequently in compliance they did pay obeisance; but Ieb'lees [in response to the command given to him separately] demurred. [20:116]

Thereafter/for the purpose [of cautioning] We said for [to] Adam, "O Adam, Indeed this/Iblees is enemy for you and for your wife,


therefore [be cautious] he may not get both you out from the Paradise whereby you, Adam might be in difficulty. [20:117]

Indeed for you, in the Paradise, there is neither possibility that you may feel hunger and nor problem of clothing; [20:118]

and certainly you will neither experience therein problem of thirst/scarcity of drinks and nor will you experience exposure to heat. [20:119]

Then/for reason he/Iblees created for him fascinating confusion when


 he said to him, "O Adam! May I lead you to the tree of eternity and of a kingdom that never falls/decays?" [20:120]

[Similar information in 7:22]

Having deceptively been made to act/in consequence they both two ate the fruit from that female tree, resultantly their bodies became nude for each other.

[Same information in same words in 7:22]

[Suffering this trauma they instantly came out of the fascinating trance] And they both hastened to cover/hide themselves with the leaves of the garden [to return to original state/condition of covered bodies with dress-Let us pay respects to the first couple-our original father and mother for their personal reaction for chastity and dignity and having taken at their own the first step of returning to the point from where erred.]


And Adam did not stick to the word of his Sustainer Lord whereby he got lured to trap. [20:121]

Afterwards his Sustainer Lord chose him and He attended to him and He guided him. [20:122]

He said: "You both go down jointly out of this place/Paradise [to Earth], (even there) Some of you will be enemy for some others;

(don't feel disappointed/frustrated) then when comes to you people Guidance from Me then whosoever physically acts/exclusively follows My Guidance [without there being some third party intervention], then for this reason neither would he go stray/neglectful/unrewarded nor would he face any trouble/difficulty/inconvenience". [20:123]

Whoever having known and seen turned away from My Reminder/Grand Qur'aan

then in consequence for him shall be straitened living [in Hell-prison] and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection as blind. [20:124]

He said, "My Sustainer Lord! Why have you gathered me blind while indeed I had vision". [20:125]

He said, "This is because Our Aa'ya'at had come to you whereupon/for reason [obsessed and absolved in personal/vested interests of worldly life, by design] you forgot those.


And like that today you are willfully discarded. [20:126]

And this is how [raising blind] We requite the one who transgressed and did not accept/believe in the Aa'ya'ay of his Sustainer Lord;


and certainly the later affliction [when forced into Hell-Prison] is harsher and lasting. [20:127]

[Same pronouncement in 32:26]

Is it [their transgression and not believing Aa'ya'at] for reason that it has not guided them that     many civilizations before them We have annihilated, in the residential places of whom they walk around?

[Same pronouncement in same words in 20:54]o

Indeed in it are certainly demonstrative intelligent signs for people of intellect and wisdom. [20:128]

And had the word from your Sustainer Lord not been decreed/passed,

certainly that [similar result] would have been encountered.


But/and there is the Moment determined [by time and date] [20:129]

[Same advice in same words 50:39; same in 38:17;73:10]

Therefore, remain coolly perseverant upon what they say;

[Same advice in 50:39]

and you state glory with praise of your Sustainer Lord before Sun rise and before her setting


and from the hours of the night [of long duration, if not sleeping] then state repetitively praises, and at the extremities during the Day so that you feel comfortable/heart satisfied. [20:130]

[Same advice in same words in 15:88]

And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] do not lay your eyes/afford preferential treatment/attention for those segments of them whom We have given worldly affluence;

the flowery splendor of the life of lowly world so that We may subject them to a trial in it;


and sustenance of your Sustainer Lord is the best and ever lasting. [20:131]

And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] imperatively advise your household [wives and children] for Ass-sa'laat and you remain coolly perseverant/steadfast for it.  

We do not ask you [to be worried and pursue] for sustenance; We feed you the sustenance.


And the ultimate accomplishment is for the endeavor remaining cautious, heedful, and mindful and avoidance of unrestrained conduct. [20:132]


And they, the non-believing Meccans, said to their people, "Why is so that he does not bring to us an unprecedented demonstrative sign [in common parlance miracle] from his Sustainer Lord". Why they propagate this, have not those evident demonstrative signs and facts not yet brought to their knowledge those episodes which are mentioned in the papyri of earlier periods? [20:133]

And had We annihilated them with punishment before that [sending Grand Qur'aan]

certainly they would have argued/raised a point [of sustainable natured objection], "Our Sustainer Lord! why did not You send towards us a Messenger


for which reason/resultantly we would have followed Your Aa'ya'at before we were humbled and put to shame?" [20:134]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Each one is waiting, therefore, you people wait [for that moment]


whereby you people will soon know who are the companions of the straightly even path and who is guided. [20:135]

