Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              022

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.            [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 22] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.





































Pregnancy is of two types.



































































[Same command in same words in 4:01;31:33]

O you the living mankind! You people be mindful, cautious and fearsome of your Sustainer Lord; 

[Read with 99:01]o

Indeed the earthquake of the determined Moment is a great thing/greatest [on rector scale]. [22:01]

The day you people see it, each and every nursing mother [of mammals] will neglectfully run away from one whom she breast fed;

and each and every pregnant female will abort her pregnancy [enormous blast and fear results in miscarriage since uterus gets swelled suddenly].

And you will see people in the state of drunkenness/scattered mind though they have not taken intoxicant.


But the infliction/punishment of Allah is severe. [22:02]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:08;31:20]

And amongst the people is the one who disputes/enters into controversy about [Aa'ya'at of] Allah  without having any knowledge [but with conjectural unsubstantiated myths],


and he follows each and every Shaitaan/devil who is void of any good. [22:03]

It has been decreed upon him that indeed whoever turned to him then/for reason indeed he will make him forgetful and straying and will lead him towards the punishment of the scorching heat. [22:04]

O you the living humanity! if you people are in irritating confusion about revival of life,

then [why don't you reflect] that We indeed created you people from clay [initially]

afterwards, We created you from part of a single sperm;

afterwards from the joined/implanted/clung clot [zygote-Greek "zogotus" meaning "joined"];

Afterwards from chewed like morsel of flesh. It’s characteristic is of two types, one caused to be created and the other opposite of that caused to be created [the zygote joined with womb or at other place-Ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, that might not be created, instead scattered]. This is for the reason that We may make manifest for you [that only he gets created whom We wish to create, notwithstanding where it is located]

and We implant/reside in the wombs whom We will, towards a determined length of time with appointed termination moment.

Afterwards [lapse of appointed duration] We discharge you as an infant.

Afterwards so that you people may cross over to your strengthen maturity;

and from you people [of strengthen maturity] is one who is alienated [because of natural death, murder or alive who is killed in Allah's cause]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:70]

And there is someone from amongst you [of strengthen maturity] who is made to gradually return towards pitiable period of life;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:70]

 so that he may not trace/separate/locate something [know it] after having its knowledge. [Today we call it Alzheimer's disease-see any such man at later stage to know how pitiable is this period of life]

[Same information in 41:39]

And you see the Earth giving look of sterile/cracked/compacted and still, thereat when We sent upon her water she thrilled with freshness and she swelled; [These are not literary expressions but narration of physical facts-Grand Qur'aan is a statement of absolute fact.]

[Same information in 50:07]o

and she produced every kind of beautiful species of plants. [22:05]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:62;31:30]

This is because undoubtedly Allah is the One Who is the Absolute Fact/Reality,

[Same information in 42:09]

and that He is the One who revives to life the dead.


And indeed Allah has eternally the infinite power over each and every thing/Certainly, Allah has eternally power over all things to set them right/fix them in measure. [22:06]

[Same information in 15:85;20:15;40:59]

And indeed the [determined terminating] Final Moment is certainly coming.

[Sane pronouncement in 18:21;22:07;40:59;45:32]

 there is absolutely no uncertainty and confusion about its coming;


and that Allah will revive to life whoever is in the graves [underneath the Earth]. [22:07]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:03;31:20]

And amongst the people is the one who argues/enters into controversy about [Aa'ya'at of] Allah  without having any knowledge

[Same pronouncement in same words in 31:20]o

and without guidance and without the visible light reflecting/enlightening book; [but with conjectural unsubstantiated myths], [22:08]

twisting on his side/stance-argument/about-facing so that he may make people forgetful/strayed from the Path of Allah.

For him is humiliation in this worldly life

[Similar pronouncement in 3:181; 8:50;22:09,22;85:10]o

And We will make him taste the scorching of heat/fire/temperature on the Day of Resurrection. [22:09]

[He will be told] This is the result/effect/outcome of that which your hands had sent in advance".

[Same pronouncement in same words in 8:51]o

 And certainly Allah is never unjust even slightest to His created ones. [22:10]

