o              012

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          





Word by word Morphological and syntactic analysis of each Ayah









































































































  • And a few women in the city talked: "[look at] Wife of Aziz, she seduces her servant seeking to elicit him fulfilling her desire;

  • Indeed he has reached her pericardium, piercing desire for nearness-love has impassioned her.

  • Indeed we find her certainly in a state of manifest forgetfulness/mindlessness". [12:30]

  • Thereat, when she heard about their bickering she sent invitation to them;

  • And prepared for them cushioned seating/repast-food requiring leaning to cut it with knife, and she gave to each one of them individually a fruit knife.

  • And she asked him, "you come before them."

  • Thereat, when those women had seen him they did extol him. And they pricked their hands;

  • And said, "Absolute exaltation is for Allah. This is not a man. This is not but a superb angel" [12:31]

  • She said, "Then that is the phenomenon about which you objurgated me saying his attraction has pierced into my heart;

  • And yes, I seduced him to elicit him meet my desire. Thereat, he remained firm to his resolve [and ran away to the exit door].

  • But if he performs not that which I am commanding him, he will certainly be imprisoned and he will become one of the degraded". [12:32]

  • He prayed: "My Sustainer Lord! imprisonment is more suited and dearer to me than going towards what they are inviting, inciting me.

  • Should You the Exalted not avert their scheme-trick compelling me to incline towards them: I would have surge of passion overwhelmed towards them; and would become one of those who are carried away by emotions. [12:33]

  • Acceding to his prayer His Sustainer Lord responded, thereby He the Exalted revolved their scheme-seducing tricks away from him.

  • The fact remains that He the Exalted is eternally the All-Listening, the All-Knowing. [12:34]

  • Afterwards, the cause became apparent/understood for them after having observed/analyzed evidential hints, they decided they must take him into protective custody-imprison him for a while. [12:35]

  • [He was accordingly sent to prison] And two young men entered along with him in the prison.

  • One of those two said, "Indeed I see myself in the dream that I am extracting wine/alcoholics."

  • And the second one said, "Indeed I see myself in the dream that I am carrying over my head bread out of which the birds are eating."

  • You tell us the outcome/eventuality of this dream.

  • We see you one of proportionately balanced generous men." [12:36]

  • He replied, "The food/meal which is served to you both will not reach you but I would have meanwhile told/construed you the effect/end result/meanings of that dream before the meal might reach you.

  • This construing of dreams is with the knowledge my Sustainer Lord has imparted to me;

  • I have indeed abandoned the method of people who believe not in Allah the Exalted;

  • And they are in fact the people who reject the Hereafter. [12:37]

  • Instead I have diligently followed the method of  my fathers, Iebra'heim, and Ies'hauq, and Ya'qoob. [عليهم السلام].

  • It has never been befitting for us that we might associate with Allah the Exalted anything.

  • This is a blessing by the grace of Allah the Exalted upon us and upon the people.

  • But fact remains that most of the people do not appreciate-recognize-express gratitude.  [12:38]

This is the straightly settled/permanent/perpetuated way/discipline/rule/operative system.

  • O you  my two companions of the prison, reflect:

  • "Are diverse lords-godheads better to believe in; or Allah the Exalted Who is the Solitary Lord, Absolutely Dominant for ever? [12:39]

  • Other than Him you people worship/owe allegiance are nothing but merely feminine names which you people and your forefathers have coined/innovated,

  • for which Allah has sent no affirmation/authority for it.

  • The authority for decision and commanding the matters is exclusive for Allah the Exalted.

  • He has commanded that you people should be subject/subservient/allegiant to none but exclusively and absolutely to Him the Exalted.

  • This is the straightly settled, permanent discipline, rule, operative system.

  • Despite unambiguous pronouncements the fact is that most of the people intend not to understand it." [12:40]

  • O you both my companions of the prison! one of you after safe release will be serving wine-alcoholic drinks to his Master-King;

  • And the other [on being convicted/awarded capital punishment] will be crucified, whereat the birds will eat a part of his head.

  • The matter about which you both inquire has since been decreed." [12:41]

  • And he said to the one of them about whom he construed that he will be safely released, "You mention about me before your Master-King"

  • Thereby, after release Shai'taan/Satan made him forget to mention to his Master-King whereby he remained in the prison for several years. [12:42]

