Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              034

   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           [Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this  سُورة  [Chapter 34] like others and hence it is never numbered.  Traditionally it is not even printed on Chapter 9.

































































































































The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for Allah,

[Same info in 2:255; 4:171;10:68;14:02;20:06;22:64;42:04,53;59:24]

the One for Whom is every thing which is in the Skies and what/who is on/in the Earth [are for Him subservient/dependant willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously],

And for Him is the Infinite Glory and Praise in the Hereafter.

[Same pronouncement in same words 6:18,73]o

And He is The Wise/The Knower and Aware of all evident and secreted. [34:01]

He fully knows that which enters the Earth and that which comes out from it

and fully knows whatever descends from the Sky and whatever ascends in her/the Sky.


And He is the Fountain of Infinite Mercy repeatedly Forgiving/Overlooking. [34:02]

And those/ruling elite who refused to accept said to people, "The Terminating Moment will not come to us"

[Similar pronouncement in 10:53]

 You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "No, that thought is false, I swear by  my Sustainer Lord, it is certain that it will definitely come to you, my Sustainer Lord is the Knower of the secreted/enfolded in future which is invisible to others.

[Same pronouncement in 10:61]

 Nothing escapes from Him even of weight/mass of an atom neither in the Skies and nor in the Earth;

[Same pronouncement in 10:61]

and neither smaller than atom nor larger than that

[Same pronouncement in 6:59;10:61;11:06;27:75;34:03]o

except that it finds mention in the Book that makes everything inventoried, isolated, individualized and distinct". [34:03]

[Last Moment will certainly come, information about its timing has been kept secret-20:15] so that He may reward from His Bounty those who accepted/believed and performed moderate righteous deeds.

[Same pronouncement in 8:74;24:26;22:50]o

They are the people for them is the forgiveness and the par excellence sustenance. [34:04]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:51]

And those who intended and made efforts about Our Aa'ya'at [of the Book] acting as one who subdues and weakens the efficacy,

[Same pronouncement in 45:11]o

they are the people, for them is painful punishment from persistently irritating/abominable trouble. [34:05]

[Same pronouncement in 22:54]

And those whom knowledge has been given [which makes people rational and independent from whims, caprices, prejudices and short sightedness] they find the One/Grand Qur'aan which has been communicated to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] from your Sustainer Lord,  

[Same pronouncement about Qur'aan in 2:91;6:66;22:54;32:03;34:06;35:31;47:02]

 that it [Grand Qur'aan] is the Statement of Established Facts;

[Same pronouncement in  14:01]o

and it leads/guides people to the path of the Dominant/Absolute Sovereign, The Praiseworthy. [34:06]

And those/ruling elite who refused to accept said to people,

[Read 13:05;17:49,98;23:35,82;27:67;32:10;34:07;37:16,53;50:03;56:47]

"May we lead you people towards a man who will inform you that when you are disintegrated, completely disintegrated [inseparably absorbed in the Earth] 


you will certainly be in a retrieved/cut from Earth renewed creation". [34:07]

[and they pose a question] "Has he fabricated a lie upon Allah or is he obsessed with delusion?"


No, the fact of the matter is that those who do not believe in the Hereafter they are in irksome pain and at far destructive end of neglectfulness/straying/wandering. [34:08]

[Read with 36:45]

Is it for reason that they have not seen/noticed/reflected on that which is in front of them/past and that which is on their behind/future from the Sky and the Earth?

[Read with 16:45;17:68;29:40;34:09;67:16]

[do they feel secured] If We decide/will We will with them cave-in the Earth;

[Read 17:92;26:187]

Or We may cause the pieces to befall on them from the Sky.


It is certain that in it is definitely a demonstrative evident sign for each and every person who makes himself return towards his Sustainer Lord. [34:09]

And certainly We had granted Da'ued [alai'his'slaam] Bounty from Our Grace,

[Read with 38:18-19]

[Subjugation was commanded] "O mountains, you echo the praises along with him and you the birds"


And it was made known for him that We have made the Iron pliable; [34:10]

[Read with 21:80]

that "you make the full flexible armor coats and measure proportionately in links of armor;

and you people conduct as perfectionists.


Certainly I am watching that which you people are doing" [34:11]

[Read with 21:81;38:36]

And for Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] We made pliable/subjected the particular breeze [the grain producer, since he made it blow towards their land-21:81]; its presence in mornings was evident/was famous and its presence in evenings was evident/famous [amongst agriculturists because of great effect on yield]

And for him we caused a spring of molten copper.

And there were amongst the Jinn species who worked before him with the permission of his Sustainer Lord;


and [to whom it was made clear] whoever from amongst them deviates from Our command We will make him taste from the Torment of Blaze. [34:12]

They worked for him that which he desired for erecting elevated chambers and paintings/statues and bowls like big reservoirs and fixed cooking pots/ranges.

"You people work O you the followers of Da'ued [alai'his'slaam] expressing gratitude,


and a minority from amongst My created ones are the grateful feeling obliged " [34:13]

[Jinns were working before him] Thereat, when We decreed upon him the natural death none led/indicated to them/Jinns to know about him having expired

except the Creature of Earth, she was eating his supporting staff.


For reason [of supporting staff being damaged could no longer support the dead body] when he fell down on Earth, she made herself clear that if the Jinn species had the knowledge of invisible things they would not have remained in such humiliating punishment [immediately after his death] [34:14]

34:15-30                  Main Page/Index
