Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              037

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           































































[Replica/Mirror 37:74,128,160]

Except the sincere servants/allegiants of Allah;[37:40]

they are the people, for them is sustenance known, well recognized in their perception; [37:41]

fruits; and they are honoured and dignified [47:42]

[Replica/Mirror 56:12]

 in the lush green Gardens/Paradise of Delight side by which flow streams; [37:43]

[Same pronouncement in 15:47;56:16]

sitting upon thrones facing each other; [37:44]

[Read with 56:18]

they will be enjoying a round of chalice with drink from the flagon, [37:45]

white, delicious and enjoyable for the drinkers. [37:46]

[Read with 56:19]

Neither in it is hangover/bad effect-headache nor they will get stupefied with it. [37:47] [Superb/old age drink-giving excitement and joy but no negative effect like hang over/headache-loosing senses]

[Read with 38:52]

And by their sides are their wives who restrict gaze of their eyes [37:48]

[Read with 56:23]

like as if they were pearls protected in shells. [37:49]

[Same information in 52:25]

Thereat some of them turned confronting others face to face talking to each other. [37:50]

One of the participants of conversation said, "I used to have a companion, [37:51]

who used to say, "Are you indeed from those who affirm it truthful, [37:52]

"Is it that when we would have become dust and bones then will we certainly be brought to justice?" [37:53] [Read with 13:05;17:49,98; 23:35,82;27:67;37:16,53;50:03;56:47]

He said, "Would you people like to watch and find? [37:54]

[on positive response arrangements were made, say video conference] Thereat he watched, whereupon he saw him in the midst of Hell-Prison; [37:55]

he said, "I swear by Allah that you had almost caused/decided my ruin [37:56]

and had there been not the Grace of my Sustainer Lord I would certainly have been from amongst the brought up ones. [37:57]

Is it not true that we will certainly not die [37:58]

except our one first death [People destined for Paradise have only one death, while people died in normal circumstances, destined for Hell, said they earlier faced death twice, second life was for Grave punishment-40:11]

[Men in Hell used to say this in life 26:138;34:35]o

and we will certainly not be punished. [37:59]

Indeed this is certainly that which is the greatest/grand achievement/success". [37:60]

37:61-74            Main Page/Index
