Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              007

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.










































































Verb: Imperfect; Third person; plural; active [Form IV] Root: ل ح د





















Adjective Noun: indefinite; masculine; singular; nominative.          Root: ن ذ ر























And when [in the days when people had not innovatively fabricated concept of various hypothetical iela'aha by sculpting statues and assigning them names] your Sustainer Lord obtained [promise/covenant] from the posterity of Adam, i.e. from the successive progeny of their generations

and made them witness upon their selves by asking, "Am I not your Sustainer Lord". They replied, "Indeed You are our Sustainer Lord. We have since testified it"


[The purpose of obtaining this confirmation was] Lest you people on the Day of Resurrection/ Revival take the plea, "indeed we were certainly ignorant/unmindful/unaware of this fact"; [7:172]

or lest you people say pleading, "Indeed it is because our forefathers had ascribed and associated partners before us and we were progeny after them.


Would You destroy us for what was innovatively done by the falsifying conjecturers?" [7:173]

And like this/in this manner We make the Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge about things/concepts] vividly distinct/demarcated/isolated/alienated/crystal clear [so that people know the facts, understand them, remember and recall them, and apply intellect to differentiate between fact and conjecture]

and so that they may perhaps return/revert [to fact and reality]. [7.174]


And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] convey them the news of the one whom We had given the knowledge of Our Aa'ya'at [of Book/demonstrative signs of nature], then/for reason he detached/distracted himself from them. Resultantly he followed the Satan and hence he became of those who transgress the restraints/bounds. [7:175]

And had We so willed We would have indeed elevated him with these but he adhered towards the Earth/worldly interests and he followed his own desires and conjectures.

Then/for reason [of hardened attitude for his own vested interests facts lost relevance for him] his similarity/equation was like that [sled] dog that if you put physical weight upon him for carriage he pants or if you leave him yet he pants.

This [sled dog like] is the similitude of people who persistently contradicted Our Aa'ya'at [of Book and unprecedented demonstrative sign].


Therefore you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] narrate this episode in these words so that they might objectively reflect. [7:176]

Abominable [sled dog like] is the similitude of people who persistently contradicted Our Aa'ya'at [of Book and unprecedented demonstrative sign].


And upon their selves they did wrongful harm. [7:177]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 17:97;18:17]

Whomever Allah guides [through the Book] then for that reason/resultantly he is the guided one.

and whomever He lets absorbed in neglectfully straying

[Exactly same eventuality in same words at end 2:121;63:09]o

  then for this reason such are the people who cause their own loss. [7:178]

And indeed We have earmarked many from the created Jinn and human beings for Hell-Prison

[reason being] For them are hearts but they do not understand with those;

and for them are eyes but they do not use those for vision.

Moreover, for them are the ears, but they do not keep listening with them.

They are like cattle, no fact of the matter is that rather they are comparatively more ignorant/unmindful/indifferent [of their surroundings]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:108]o

They are the people who are willfully heedlessly negligent. [7:179]

 Take note that the names attributing the sublime connotation of exacting balance/proportioned/equilibrium/virtue/ admirable/grandeur/just/majesty/ absoluteness/beauty are appropriate and exclusive for Allah, the Exalted. Therefore, you people are hereby directed to Address Him, the Exalted along with those attributive names of sublime connotation. 

Moreover, you people are hereby directed to leave/distance those ones who remain profane regarding the Names of Him, the Exalted.


They will be kept requited for what acts they people perform/conduct. [7:180]

[Similar information in 7:159]

And from amongst those whom We have created are people who guide [themselves and others] with the Statement of Fact [Grand Qur'aan] and and in accordance with it they dispense justice/fairly dispose/decide matters. [7:181]

[Same words in 6:39,49;7:36,147]

And those who publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'at [of Book]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 68:44]o

We will keep allowing such people heading gradually/step by step [to their ultimate destination-Hell] from the direction which they do not know/understand. [7:182]

[Replica/Mirror 68:45]o

And [for this purpose] I will grant for them a period of respite [so that their crime is proved beyond shadow of doubt]. Indeed My planning is stable and plain.  [7:183]

[Similar pronouncement through query 30:08]

Do they not indulge in deep thinking/ponder/reflect objectively [keeping aside passions/emotions-indeed they do not]?

[Same pronouncement in 34:46;81:22]

[otherwise they would certainly have concluded that] For their Guiding Lord [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is nothing from delusions and hallucination.

[Read with 34:46]o

Indeed he is but an Awakener/Admonisher/Warner manifesting the imminent threat and danger [of severe infliction confronting them]. [7:184]

Do they not see and observe the system of governance/dominion of the Skies and the Earth

and of that which Allah has created from any matter,

and that may be their term has indeed come nearer.

[Read with 18:06;39:23;45:06; complete verse 77:50]o

Then/for reason [of  everything made distinctly evident in the Book] after that [ Grand Qur'aan] in which Hadith [statement] they believe/would believe? [7:185]

Whomever Allah causes to be exposed/lets him remain in neglectfully straying/wandering/indifferent [towards the Grand Qur'an because of his own absorption in worldly attractions] then there is no one to act guide for him;

And the one whom Allah causes to be exposed/lets him remain in neglectfully straying

[Similar pronouncement in 2:15;6:110;10:11;27:04]o

since He leaves such people in their blind distracted wandering. [7:186] [Same advice to Messenger in 6:70,91,110,112,137;15:03;23:54;43:83;52:45;70:42]

