Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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      Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.         


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You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce declaratively, "The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for Allah; and respects/salutations/tranquility and peace is upon His those sincere servants whom He has chosen"


Is Allah not above/the Superb than what they associate? [27:59]

Or [to say it in other words] who created the Skies and the Earth,

and He sent for you people from the Sky water

[Read with 80:30]

whereupon with that water We caused the buds [Eye's iris like structure, embryonic shoots], which are the possessors of prime [condition of great freshness and health], to develop/grow/emerge;

it was not possible for you people that you could grow their woody shoots.

[Same question in same words in 27:60,61,62,63,64]

[just see a bud and reflect] Is there any iela'aha along with Allah?

[Similar information in 6:01,150;27:60]o

No, there is no iela'aha along with Allah, the fact of the matter is that they are the people who ascribe equals. [27:60]

[Information in 40:64]

Or who is He Who made the Earth a firm abode,

and made its passages as rives

And He made for it/her the anchoring/stabilizing mountains;

[Read with 25:53;55:19-20]

And He has set between two seas/oceans a bar/obstruction that keeps them separate [which does not let them join/ transgress/encroach each other/mingle].

[Same question in same words in 27:60,61,62,63,64]

Is there any iela'aha along with Allah?

[Same information in same words 16:75,101;31:25;39:29]o

No, there is no iela'aha along with Allah, the fact of the matter is that most of them do not know. [27:61]

Or [to say it in other words] who answers/attends the distressed one when he calls Him and He removes the trouble?

and makes you people the self-rules in the Earth?

[Same question in same words in 27:60,61,62,63,64]

Is there any iela'aha along with Allah?

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:03;27:62;69:42; similar 40:58]o

Very little is that you people save in memory/recall-remember/pronounce to others.  [27:62]

[Read with 6:97]

Or, who guides/rescues you people in the layers of darkness/clueless locations-unmarked spaces-bewilderment of the Desert/Land and the Ocean/Sea.

[Read with 7:57;25:48]

And Who is the One Who sends the particular winds, as advance glad news before His Mercy,

[Same question in same words in 27:60,61,62,63,64]

Is there any iela'aha along with Allah?

[Same pronouncement in  7:190;10:18;16:01,03;23:92;28:68;30:40;39:67]o

[they conjecture] Allah is Exalted from that what they associate with Him. [27:63]

[Read with 10:04,34;27:64;29:19;30:11,27]

Or who initiates the creation, afterwards He revives-takes it to logical conclusion

And who is He Who provides you sustenance from the Sky and the Earth?

[Same question in same words in 27:60,61,62,63,64]

Is there any iela'aha along with Allah?

[Exactly same demand in same words in 2:111]

 Ask them: "Produce your proof to substantiate your claim, if you are truthful in your assertion" [27:64]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce declaratively, "Whoever is in the Skies and the Earth does not know the hidden/invisible-not in vision existing secrets except Allah.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:21]o

And they have no sense/perception as to when they will be revived/resurrected. [27:65]

Nay, [how would they perceive resurrection] the fact of the matter is that their knowledge has not led/persuaded them into the Hereafter;

Nay, [they never pursued to comprehend it] on the contrary they are in skepticism about Hereafter.


[the skepticism is their apparent posture] In fact they are deliberately blind hearted about it. [for remaining absorbed in worldly interests and lusts] [27:66]

And those who refused to accept/believe said to people, "Is it that when we would have become dust and so our forefathers then will we certainly be brought out?" [27:67] [Read with 13:05;17:49,98; 23:35,82;27:67;37:16,53;50:03;56:47]

[Same statement with different construction 23:83]

Indeed We were given this promise, We and our forefathers, earlier also,

[Same assertion in same words 6:25;8:31;23:83;27:68; similar 16:24;25:05;46:17;68:15;83:13]o

This [promise/Grand Qur'aan] is nothing except the tales of ancients" [27:68]

[Same advice in same words in 6:11;29:20;30:42]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "You people traverse in the world/land


then you people see [the remains/archeological evidences] as to how was the end of criminally guilty people". [who publicly contradicted the Messengers and Aa'ya'at of Allah]. [27:69]

[Same advice in same words in 15:88;16:127]

and you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] nor grieve for them [about their awful end for non believing];

[Similar information 15:97;16:127] o

and do not place yourself in distress and disquiet for the deceptions/tricks/conspiracies they devise. [27:70]


[Replica/Mirror 10:48;21:38;34:29;36:48;67:25]


And they say tell us the data/time/period when this promise [of Last Day] will be fulfilled if you people are truthful? [27:71]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce declaratively, "May be perhaps that which you people ask for hastening some of it has already come after you" [27:72]

[Exactly same information in same words in 10:60;40:61; Similar 2:243]

And indeed your Sustainer Lord is the possessor of bounty showered for people,

[Exactly same information in same words 10:60; Similar 2:243;12:38;40:61]o

but most of them do not appreciate/recognize/express gratitude. [27:73]

[Same pronouncement in 28:69]

And indeed your Sustainer Lord certainly fully knows what their hearts hide [hold/conceal] and what they say publicly/openly. [27:74] [Also read with  2:77;11:05;16:23;28:69;36:76]

And there is nothing from the hidden from the visions of creatures in the Sky and the Earth except that which is recorded in the Book that makes everything inventoried, isolated, individualized and distinct. [27:75] [Same pronouncement in 6:59;10:61;11:06;27:75;34:03]

27:76-93                    Main Page/Index
