Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              026

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           

26:192 Detailed Analysis

Prefixed Emphatic particle  لَ+ Verbal noun: indefinite; masculine; nominative [Form II] (1)26:192=1 Root: ن ز ل

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Verb; perfect; transitive; third person; singular; masculine;  (1)17:105;(2)26:193;(3)37:177; (4)57:16 =4

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Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular; feminine [Form V]


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[Read with 17:106;20:04;32:02;36:05;39:01;40:02;41:02,42;45:02;46:02;56:80;69:43;76:23]

And it is true that it/Grand Qur'aan is certainly the gradual and successive communication from the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds. [26:192]

[Read about him in 2:97;16:102;81:19-21]

Gib'raa'eil [alai'his'slaam, trusted executor of command] descended along with this to communicate

[Read with 25:01]

it to your heart; so that you the Messenger Muhammad  Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] publicly become known being from amongst the the Revivalists/Warner/Awakeners;

[Read with 12:02;13:37;16:103;20:113;26:195;39:28;41:03,44;42:07;43:03;46:12]

in the language Arabic rich, clear, perspicuous, eloquent, distinct, free from admixture, void of indistinctness, apparent like the daybreak and divested of the froth [the language capable of transporting the perception from one mind to a listener and reader in a manner that it generates in the recipient mind exactly the same neurological process of observation and interpretation and creates a true copy of that perception]. [26:195]

And indeed that/about Qur'aan was certainly mentioned in the written books sent in earlier periods. [26:196]

Has it not been a demonstrative evidence/sign for them/idol worshippers that the Learned/Scholars/ Clergy men of Bani Iesraa'eel know/recognize him/it [Qur'aan]? [26:197]

And had We sent it/the Qur'aan upon some man from the Non-Arabs [26:198]


whereupon he would have read it to them/Scholars/Clergy men of Bani Iesraa'eel they would not have accepted/believed in it [rightly so since it would have then against the fact earlier revealed in the Books sent to them] [26:199]


[Read with 15:12]

 This [such simple common sense facts are even ignored by them] is because We let [non serious jesting psyche] penetrate in the hearts of the criminals. [26:200]


[Read with 10:97;15:13]

They will not accept/believe in that/Awakener-Qur'aan until they see/face the painful chastisement. [26:201]

For reason that [the Determined Moment] may come to them all of a sudden

[Same pronouncement about last day in 12:107;29:53;43:66]o

and they have no idea/perception/clue of that particular Moment. [26:202]


[Read with 43:66]

Thereby on happening that they will say, "Would we be reprieved?" [26:203]


[Replica/Mirror 37:176]

Do they yet seek [you the Messenger] hastening of Our punishment? [26:204][Read with 22:47]

[Messenger pronounced in 21:111]

Have you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] then thought that [it is merely like] if We made them enjoy for some years, [26:205]

afterwards came to them that which they were being promised,  [26:206]

[Similar pronouncement in 15:84;39:50;40:82]

that which they had attained and were enjoying could not avail to avert anything from them . [26:207]

[Read with 6:131;28:59]

And We did not annihilate any habitat unless for that were sent Warner/Awakeners, [26:208]


for reminding/awakening [before convicting them guilty]; and We have never been unjust. [26:209]

And with it/Grand Qur'aan have not descended the Devils [but other Angels accompanied and flanked Gib'raa'eil alai'his'slaam when it was brought] [26:210]

And neither is it possible/permitted for them and nor can they acquire the capability for it. [26:211]

Indeed they, the Shaiteen/Devils, have certainly been banished from even listening it. [26:212] [Shai'taan has been made even incapable to listen Qur'aan what to say of he interfering in the recitation by the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]

26:113-127                  Main Page/Index
