Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              004

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.      [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 04] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.

























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[Similar info in 6:98;7:189;39:06]

O you the living mankind! You people be mindful, cautious and fearsome of your Sustainer Lord Who created you from one singular person;

[Similar information in 7:189;39:06]

and from that person He created its partner [wife-first relationship] [Allah has not disclosed in the Grand Qur'aan as to how she was created. Hence all what is said in this regard is nothing but conjecture and scum to be discarded straight away in line with the injunction not to pursue about which we do not have the knowledge]

 and from both two of them He emerged/scattered/separated and spread majority of men and women.

and you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful, cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah in Whose Name you ask/claim from one another; and be mindful/have reverence for relationship of wombs by which you implore.

[For other things told in 33:52]

   Indeed Allah is eternally watchful over you people. [4:01]

And you give to the orphans their inherited property and wealth [on reaching age of marriage-4:06 which is full maturity-6:152;17:34 and in presence of witnesses--4:06]

 and do not replace their valuable property/wealth/material with invaluable/junk things. And do not devour/consume/absorb their wealth in your personal belongings.

 Indeed this is a great crime/major sin/self destruction [since it is like eating hell fire 4:10]. [4:02]

And if you people [the society] apprehend that you may not be able to equally treat/look after the orphans, [it is an accepted principle of law that if the prescribed precondition does not exist the permission/action allowed to be taken ceases]


therefore/in such circumstances the best option for you people/the believing society  is to arrange the marriage/nikah from the [widowed] women in twos and threes and fours.

 For reason of being apprehensive [in meeting this command] that you will not be able to do justice and fairness [financially and physically] then in such case marry only one [widow] woman or from amongst the house-maids [with permission of her family]/believing married woman who has migrated to you.

  This course of action will diminish the possibility of your/the society doing injustice [to orphans and their widow mothers]. [4:03]

And you the husbands give to wives the committed bridal financial right of them [= agreed financial obligation ] as [ nihlatan, is a verbal noun] a pleasant gift given with love/affection/respect.

 However [since it is a promised obligation] for reason if they offer/remit any part of it for you of their own pleasure you may consume it enjoying without any perception/fear of harm/negative implication. [4:04]

And you people do not give to stupid/unwise ones your wealth which Allah has made a means of sustenance for you,

but feed and clothe them therewith,

[Same advice is in same words at end 4:08]

 and speak for [to] them a statement with kind and polite words of known import/true significance. [4:05]

And keep trying/educating the orphans until when they enter the age of marriage/Nikah [not age of i.e. puberty/adolescence but i.e. till he reaches strengthen maturity-refer 6:152 and 17:34]

 then/thereat if you find sound judgment in them, thereupon release their property/wealth to them,

And [during this period] do not consume it wastefully and hastily, fearing that they may grow up.

And whoever among guardians is affluently self sufficient, he should remain abstinent from orphan's wealth, but if he is poor, let him have for himself what is just and reasonable in accordance with known norms of society.

  And when you release their property to them, make it a witnessed occasion in their presence;

[Same information in 33:39]

and/though Allah is All-Sufficient for reckoning. [4:06]

For [bereaved] men is a share/inheritance

 from what has been left behind by parents and near relatives

and for [bereaved] women is a share

from what has been left behind by parents and near relatives,

whether the property/moveable and immovable assets be little or much.

The shares are made obligatory, apportioned with reference to time frame/situation [by Allah's decree 4:11] to be given to them. [4:07]

And when the division of the inheritance is attended by [non stakeholders] near ones and orphans and destitute then out of divisible wealth also give something to them,

[Same advice in same words at end 4:05]

 and speak for [to] them a statement with kind and polite words of known import/true significance. [4:08]

And the guardians/people must squeeze humbly that if it were they leaving behind the assets with minor/weak children, how fearful/apprehensive for them they would have been;

therefore/for this reason they should remain mindful and cautious of Allah,

[Same advice in 33:70]

 and they should speak in a straight forward manner with words of unambiguous import/stating distinctly like a wall which segregates/makes distinct two areas. [4:09]

Undoubtedly those people who consume the property of orphans unjustly they indeed take into their bellies scalds. [Same verdict for such religious and scholarly people who conceal/withhold telling the people what Allah has sent in The Book and with that conduct business for worldly gain-2:174]

 And soon will they move into high/scorching temperature of Hell. [4:10]

Allah commands/is binding you people concerning your children [for dividing your moveable and immovable assets];

 for a male child is like/equivalent to the share/portion of two female children;

 for reason if females [daughters] are the only posterity two or more than two, then for all them is the two-third of the inheritance,

and if the bereaved is the only daughter then for her is the half of the left inheritance

 and for each of the parents [father and mother] of the deceased is one sixth of the inheritance if the deceased had children;

 and if the deceased has left no children and his parents are the heir then his mother be given one third of the inheritance,

and if the deceased has siblings [brothers and sisters] then for mother is one sixth.

This distribution is after meeting the legacy he may have bequeathed or the debt/obligation of promissory business transaction outstanding payment.

You know not which of them, whether your parents or your children, are nearest for you in benefit [eventually on the Day of Judgment];

[Replica 9:60]

 this [fixed shares/division] is ordained/apportioned by Allah.

[Same information in same words in 4:24;33:01 and 76:30]

Indeed Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of invisible/hidden realities/considerations. [4:11]

And for you husbands is one half of what inheritance your wives have left, if they have no child, ["for them" was no child includes from previous husband, if any];

for reason if they have children, then for you is one fourth of what they have left

 after meeting the legacy they may have bequeathed/they bequeath or the debt/obligation of promissory business transaction outstanding payment.

And for them, your wives, is one fourth of what you left behind if you have no child,

 for reason if you have children [including from earlier wives] then in that case the share for them is one eighth of what you left

 after meeting the legacy you may have bequeathed/bequeath or the debt/obligation of promissory business transaction outstanding payment.

And if the deceased man or a woman who is leaving inheritance are such with no direct heir and have sister or brother then for each one of the two is one sixth of what the deceased has left;

for reason if they the brothers and sisters are more than two then in that case they are equal share holders in the one-third

    after meeting the legacy he or she may have bequeathed or the debt/obligation of promissory business transaction outstanding payment, legacy/sharing which is void of inclination/evident injustice by the testator [if so this can be modified as permitted in 2:182].

 This is from Allah for adhering to it by ever sticking to it.

[Similar pronouncement in 22:59;33:51]

And Allah is Eternally All-Knowing, eternally imperturbably Forbearing. [4:12]

[Also in 2:187,229,230;58:04;65:01]

These are the limits/restrains/demarcations prescribed by Allah;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 24:52;33:71;48:17]

And whoever willingly/affectionately accepts the words of Allah and His Messenger [contained and recited by him from Grand Qur'aan],

[Similar promise 48:17;64:09;65:11]

 Allah will enter him into gardens with streams flowing beneath/side by wherein they shall reside perpetually,

[Except same information is at end of 5:119;9:89,100; 61:12;64:09]

And this is the greatest/grand achievement/success. [4:13]

[Exactly same information in same words in 33:36;72:23]

 And whosoever does not accept the words of Allah and His Messenger [recited by him from the Qur'aan],

i.e./and he transgresses His limits/restrains/demarcations

 He will force him into the Hell-Fire for perpetual stay therein; and for him is [in wait] a disgraceful torment. [4:14]


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